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1、注意分清是关系代词还是人称代词湖南 陈仁祯按理说,关系代词与人称代词无论在语义方面还是用法方面,都有很大的区别,一般是不会发生混淆的。但是,许多同学在做题时往往是“跟着感觉走”,而忽略对句子结构的分析,同时命题者也常常抓住考生这一毛病,就此设题,结果许多考生掉入陷阱。请看下面一题:My friend showed me round the town, _ was very kind of him. A. which B. that C. where D. it对于这道题,很显然,B 和 C 不能选,因为 that 不用于引导非限制性定语从句,而 where 是关系副词,只用作状语,不用作主语,

2、所以这两者很容易被排除。但是,在 A 和 D之间,该选哪一个呢?许多同学选了人称代词 it,因为 It was very kind of him 读起来“太有感觉了”,语感“太正常了”;但是,很遗憾,选 it 错了。正确答案是 A,即应选关系代词 which。为什么呢?这要从英语的句子结构说起。根据英语语法,如果从结构上看,英语句子可分为简单句、并列句和复合句三类(若包括并列复合句,则为四类)。所谓简单句,就是只有一个主谓结构。如:Our dog likes catching biscuits in its mouth. 我们的狗喜欢用嘴接饼干。所谓并列句,就是指由并列连词连接的两个或多个主谓

3、结构。如:We parted, and we havent met since. 我们分手了,以后再也没有见面。At first they were happy, but things soon started to go wrong. 起初他们在一起很快乐,但不久就开始出问题了。所谓复合句,就是指包括一个主句和一个(或几个)从句的句子。如:He answered that he knew nothing about it. 他回答说他不知情。(that 引导的是宾语从句)It is an organization which helps the elderly. 这是一个帮助老年人的机构。(

4、which 引导的是定语从句)Hell have four years at university after he leaves school. 他中学毕业后要上四年大学。(after 引导的是时间状语从句)所谓并列复合句,简单地说就是含有复合句的并列句。如:John wanted to go to the party, but his wife said she was too tired. 约翰想去参加晚会,但他的妻子说她太累了。(but 连接两个句句子构成并列句,而 but 后的句子中又是一个含有宾语从句的复合句)有了上面的句子结构知识,我们就来分析上面这道考题为什么该用 which

5、不用 it 了。现在请看这两个句子:My friend showed me round the town, which was very kind of him. My friend showed me round the town, it was very kind of him. 第一句用 which 之所以是正确的,是因为 which 在此引导非限制性定语从句,整个句子为一个含有定语从句的复合句;而第二句用 it 之所以不正确,是因为这个句子不属于上面提到的任何一种句型:首先,它不是简单句,因为它有两个主谓结构;其次,它也不是并列句,因为句子间没有并列连词;第三,它也不是复合句,因为句子

6、间没有体现出主句和从句;第四,它更不是并列复合句,因为它既不是复合句,也不是并列句。通过这样的分析,同学们应该知道上面这个句子用 it 为什么是错误的了。假若要想保留人称代词 it,又要使句子不错,也有另外一个办法,就是在 it 之前加上一个并列连词,使之成为并列句。如说成:My friend showed me round the town, and it was very kind of him.现在同学们应该搞清楚了吧。下面请再看一道考题:She brought with her three friends, none of _ I had ever met before. A. the

7、m B. who C. whom D. these这道题是用 them 还是 whom?套用上面的分析,我们可以很容易地确定答案为 C,而不是 A。但是,如果我们把题目稍为改变一下呢?如改成:She brought with her three friends, and none of _ I had ever met before. A. them B. who C. whom D. these这道题的答案就不能是 whom,而应是 them 了。当然,选 these 在语法上也是对的,只是意思上不是很通顺,相比较而言,显然不如用 them 好。最后再来看一个很典型的例子:Simon lov

8、es you, _ is why he wants to be with you. A. it B. that C. which D. what由于 thats why是同学们非常熟悉的句式,所以许多人可能会毫不犹豫地选 B。又错了!最佳答案应是 C。首先,由于句子间没有并列连词,所以排除 A 和 B;又因为 what不是关系代词,不能引导定语从句,所以也不能选。注意,如果在两个句子间加上并列连词 and,或将其中的逗号改为破折号或分号,则可用 that,如以下三句都是正确的:Simon loves youthats why he wants to be with you. Simon lov

9、es you and thats why he wants to be with you. Simon loves you; thats why he wants to be with you.【小练一下】01. That bar on Milton Street, _ by the way is very nice, is owned by Trevors brother. A. that B. how C. which D. what02. She says its Charlottes fault, _ is rubbish, and that she blames her. A. th

10、at B. how C. which D. what03. Anyway, that evening, _ Ill tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachels place. A. that B. how C. which D. what04. Dust particles must have got into the motor, _ is why it isnt working properly. A. it B. that C. which D. what05. Im afraid hes more of a talke

11、r than a doer, _ is why he never finishes anything.A. it B. that C. which D. what06. He asked a lot of questions, none of _ was easy to answer.A. which B. them C. what D. that07. He told me that he had two girl-friends, neither of _ knew anything about the other. A. whom B. them C. which D. who01. C

12、。引导非限制性定语从句且指事物时,要用关系代词 which,而不能用 that;而how 和 what 不是关系词,均不能引导定语从句,故可排除 B 和 D。02. C。引导非限制性定语从句且指事物时,要用关系代词 which,而不能用 that;而how 和 what 不是关系词,均不能引导定语从句,故可排除 B 和 D。03. C。引导非限制性定语从句且指事物时,要用关系代词 which,而不能用 that;而how 和 what 不是关系词,均不能引导定语从句,故可排除 B 和 D。04. C。由于句子间没有并列连词,所以排除 A 和 B;又因为 what 不是关系代词,不能引导定语从句

13、,所以也不能选。05. C。由于句子间没有并列连词,所以排除 A 和 B;又因为 what 不是关系代词,不能引导定语从句,所以也不能选。06. A。由于介词后不能接关系代词 that,排除 D;而 them 和 what 不是关系代词,不用于引导定语从句,也被排除。none of which 在此引导非限制性定语从句,其意为 “所有这些问题都不” 。07. A。由于介词后不能接关系代词 who,排除 D;而 them 不是关系代词,不用于引导定语从句,也被排除;至于 which,它只用于指事物,不用于指人,也被排除。neither of whom 在此引导非限制性定语从句,其意为 “她们两人都不”。



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