山东省临沂市青云镇七年级英语上册《Unit3 Is this your pencil》教案2

1七年级英语 (Go for it !)Unit 3 Is this your pencil ? 教学目标:(一)知识目标Vocabulary: pencil, pencil box, book, eraser, notebook, dictionary,baseball, computer,game, excuse me.... Thank you for..., ask ...for..., a set ofPatterns: ---Is this your pencil? ---Yes, it is. It’s mine.---Are these your books? ---No, they aren’t. They’re hers.(二) 能力目标1.能正确运用名词性物主代词:his,mine,hers,yours.来确认物主关系。2.能正确运用一般疑问句“Is this your pencil? ” 确认物主关系。3.学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及学会写 寻物启事和招领启事。(三)情感目标1.培养学生如何运用礼貌的语言和姿态打扰别人和寻求帮助、致谢。教学方法: 1. Task-Based Language Teaching2. The oral approach3. The Group work教学媒体:多媒体,录音机, 投影仪, 实物等课时分配:Period 1: (Section A:1a---2d) Period 2 (Section A:Grammar focus---3c)Period 3 (SectionB:1a--- 1e)Period 4 (SectionB:2a---Self check) 教学过程 Period 1Teaching contents: Section A1a--- 2d2Teaching procedures:Step l 1.Warming up : Prepare a box of school things before class and ask the students to learn to demonstrate things. 2.Learn the new words.Step 2: (1a ) 1.Look and find . 2.Match and discuss. Step 3: 1b 1.Listen and number 2.Check the answers3.Read the conversations together. Then read them in pairs.4.Translate and explain . Is this your ...? or Is that your ...? Step 4: 1c Practice T: Mary, is this your pen? S: No, it isn’t. It’s her pen. Step 5: 2a 1.Listen and check. 2.Check the answers .Step 6: Section A 2b 1.Listen and complete 2.Check the answers .3.Read the conversation Step 7: Section A 2c 1.Read the conversation together? 2.Practice .“Who would like to practice in class? ”Step 8: Section A 2d Role-play the conversation.Step 9: Summarize Let’s summarize what we learnt in this period. Show them on the PPT Step 9: Homework 1.Copy the words in activity 1a and the sentences in grammar box. 2.Read the tape script of activity 2a and 2b. 教后反思:Period 23Teaching contents: Grammar focus---3cTeaching procedures:Step 1 ( 3a )1.Explain .Let’s go into activity 3 on page 15. How many things are there? 2.Read and learn the Grammar Focus.a. Let’s read the conversation together. b. Translate it into Chineseand make some more sentences. 3.Practice Practice the conversation with the five things in the picture. please work in pairs. Step 3: 3b 1.Let’s play the game in groups. Please take out one thing from the box and ask your group members “Is this your ...?” If he / she answers “Yes, it is.” that means you win. If he / she answers “No, it isn’t.” that means you fail and have another try. 2.Ask some to act out .Step 4: Play gamesPut some things into the teacher’s box. Then take one thing out of the box and find the owner. You only have two guesses!Let’s summarize what we learnt in this period. Step 5 Exercise in class. Do some exercise p27--28. Then check the answers. Step 6: Homework Try to memorize the conversation in 3. 教后反思:4Period 3Teaching contents: Section B 1a---1eTeaching procedures:Step l: Revision Ask the questions and the others answer Step 2: Section B 1a 1.Look and match 2.Check the answers . Let’s check the answers now. 3.Introduce them to your friends Step 3: Section B 1b 1.Read : look at the conversation in 1b. Read it again. But this time, boys read as A and girls read as B. 2.Ask and answer Step 4: Section B 1c 1.Listen and circle 2.Check the answersStep 5: Section B 1d 1.Listen 2.Listen and fill the chart 3.Check the answers 4.Read the tape script a. Let’s read the tape script together. Then read the tape script in pairs? b.Who would like to read in class? Step 6: Section B 1e Task-Whose are they? ---T: No. It’s his pencil case. Step 7: Summarize Step 8: Homework Make a new conversation according to the section B 1b. 教后反思:5Period 4Teaching contents: Section B 2a---Self checkTeaching procedures:Step 1: Revision :Make conversations with the school things 2.Dictation .Step 2: Section B 2a 1.Write the things you lose easily.First let’s look at the title please. Just guess.--- Notices means “通知” 。 2.Read the notices by yourselves.Then read them together3.Circle .Circle the words from activity 1a. Check the answers. Step 3: Section B 2b 1.Put these pieces in order to make a message. 2.Check the answers with your partners. b. Let’s check them together. 3.Read a. Let’s read the message together. b. Who would like to read it in class? Step 4: Section B 2c 1.Write a message on your notebooks.2.Read :Invite some of students to read your messages in class. Step 5: Games:Guessing game-What is it? Step 6: Summarize what we did in this period. Step 7: Homework 1.Copy the messages in 3a. 2.Finish the exercise on。

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