How to use effective questioning to improve the efficiency of English class(如何使用有效的质疑,提高英语课堂的效率)

1How to use effective questioning to improve the efficiency of English classWhat is “questions” The old saying goes: to learn from Si, Siyuan Yu suspect. Visible problems and cognition are closely linked, if there is no problem, cognitive stopped Questioning is a common and ancient teaching methods, as early as in ancient Greece, there have the famous “Socrates method in the teaching process, Socrates does not directly teach students a variety of specific knowledge, but through the issues, exchange, or arguing on their point of view. Questions, especially effective questions is a superb art of effective questioning needs to be done, question the clarity of purpose, combined with the teaching content, question statements easy to understand and grasp the opportunity to timely questions, questions after the students leave time to think. give appropriate feedback on students ‘answer; enlightening questions to stimulate students’ thinking, question-level, taking into account all types of students. 2Asked, “there must be thinking, thinking there must be fruit. Class is the” Q “, not” speak out “. Appropriate classroom questions, and often can students into a wonderful world to enable students to actively think about problems and seek solution to their problems and answers to students analyze problems, and problem-solving skills to effectively improve the efficiency of English teaching. Cultural information in the Oxford Junior English reflects modern society’s outlook on life, morality and people’s quality requirements, and to convey the common pursuit of all mankind on the environment, life, the good wishes for the future, close to the student’s mind and heart to pursue. Thus, students more interested in the learning of teaching materials for teachers to ask “to build a good platform. Second, why “questions A. Into the topic, and learn new Use of questions, the layers of coaching, from the 3review are known to grant unknown natural transition, leads to the topic. Teachers use the student has learned the knowledge or existing social and life experiences, and questions to guide and inspire students, can make the old and new knowledge mastery, developing students’ flexible use of language and ability to innovate, to expand the learning space. Two. Baking interest, motivate thinking Invention of one thousand million, the starting point is a question of thinking is from the beginning of Q must have thought, thinking there must be fruit. Questions can guide students in divergent thinking, and expand the breadth of thinking, to improve the level of thinking at the same time, questions have The value of thinking, the only novel in order to stimulate students’ interest and imagination. 3. Independent study, interactive inquiry The changes of things in the world are from internal factors. Learn the same is true only when the learner initiative intentions to learn, to explore in order to achieve the 4purpose of teaching those who teach. Between students, between teachers and students in a large number of interactive activities , the question is an excellent carrier. teaching can take the teacher asked students to answer, the students ask the teacher to answer the question and answer dialogue and other forms of one-on-one life and life questions and answers, group, and group life and life quiz and cooperation in interactive learning groups, to help students master the question of language functions and inquiry abilities. Third, how to “questions” A. Create a good environment to enable students to produce the desire to say Questioned is the fuse of thinking, is the internal driving force of learning, to explore the source, which requires students to identify problems, and the courage to ask questions. Therefore, we have to create a good environment for students. First, you must break the “the authority of teachers to encourage students to express their opinions, boldly unconventional. Secondly, we must create the psychological safety mechanism. teachers to 5change students in the past dared to think, dare not think, did not dare to ask, afraid to say the situation to create a dare thinking, dare, I dare, dare say that the safety, liberty and the atmosphere. Finally, teachers need to do a listener through the limbs, facial expressions, listen carefully to be presented to students, students with confidence. Share the free paper Download Center http://eng.hi138.comAt the same time, teachers use scientific, vivid language, deeper into the proposed full of interesting, inspiring “testing the waters Mountain Dew”, to attract students to positive thinking. teachers each of the issues raised should enable students to feel anything to say, or even have a say unpleasant feeling. Two. The design gradient, so that students dare Thinking is Deep from the emotional to the rational development, personality and cognitive level of students are different, which requires the preparation of the difficulty of dif

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