Foster creativity on a few points should be noted(培养创造力应该注意的几个点)

1Foster creativity on a few points should be noted[Paper Keywords] creativity; the art of teaching; creative spirit [Abstract] art class at the creativity of students should pay attention to what it? ① must consciously create awareness and spiritual development; ② be created to give students the opportunity to practice and skills; ③ in the teaching process attention to the protection and retention of children’s creativity; ④ to get rid of the copy in the teaching-centered teaching methods. Talent is the essence of creation. Cultivate innovative talent is the main purpose of modern education. Art class with its unique teaching content and teaching methods in training students in the creative spirit and remarkable creativity and other disciplines. This has been confirmed by modern education, is no doubt, therefore, teachers should be teaching in the art, to mobilize all means, start thinking for students, providing an opportunity to tap the potential, in art class 2all-round training students’ creativity. So, in art class in the creativity of students should pay attention to those problems? following my own teaching experience, according to my personal observation. 1 should make an effort to create awareness and spiritual development Foster creativity, we must first develop and create awareness and creativity. Test-oriented education due to the impact of this awareness and the spirit of the students now recognize that not everyone’s, which require teachers to consciously through a variety of topics for the education of students, whether it is painting ‘with the shape of different methods, with the shape of different cells, the same thing in different form, with the objects of different colors,’ such as modeling elements, or from the Chinese and foreign art history of the development and evolution of a variety of themes, genres, style, technique innovation, pointing out that ‘create’ the kind of ‘finishing touch’-like role, and through the migration of the association, to enable students to realize that ‘creation’ in which the entire life has value. 3(2) to give students the opportunity to practice and skills to create From a psychological perspective, each student has the talent and potential to create, and each student will be able to make ‘best use’ you must give the creative potential to provide ‘flashes’ of opportunities and conditions, otherwise, the students creativity The train is empty. whether the students for their creativity and to what level, it is difficult to understand, so teachers should make full use of teaching materials to students in many creative issues, according to the scope of student life, the basic ability, teaching objectives, select and design to fully mobilize the students to imagine the brain accumulation and the design examples and the media to inspire every student of the past knowledge and skills to use, so that students in the creative theme, design, enjoy the exercises and other creative work, in the ‘novelty’, ‘ divergent ‘,’ for the United States ‘under the principle, fully display each person’s own’ spectacular ‘,’ extraordinary ‘creative talents while also guide students through their own expression to reflect the human understanding of 4issues of common concern, understanding and sense of responsibility. 3 in the teaching process to protect and retention of children’s creativity Creativity is not a mysterious unattainable quality, it being inherent in the nature of children. Children’s imagination in some respects reflect the creativity, singularity is not less than adults, see the world the more shallow, the situation more real, because when children draw, speak freely express themselves fresh understanding of things and feelings, and not subject to preconceived stereotypes. Clumsy children combined with the shape of the reason Jiaoren heart flutter, is because the performance of their vigorous vitality, filled with their lively feelings, showing their instincts to create a positive, but with increasing age, the development of logical thinking, This creative imagination but weak faded, so teachers in the process of teaching art to pay attention to the protection and retention of children’s creativity, to explore the potential of children, the development of the child’s nature. Never in teaching 5because of some personal favorite teacher or some inappropriate teaching methods, and deprive students of the art of spirituality, and even suppress their personality potential. 4 To get rid of the copy in the teaching-centered teaching methods Currently, the traditional art skills-based teaching is basically mainly copying, but in order to develop students to create a more profound and reasonable quality, the appropriate copy is necessary, but copying to grasp the sense of proportion, not to place undue emphasis on like and unlike, if blindly of the copy center, emphasizing realistic painting with the Fan, and use it instead of all the courses,

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