Fan university graduates internship report reference(风扇大学毕业生实习报告参考)

1Fan university graduates internship report referenceFan university graduates internship report I March 2003 Information Industry Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong and Macau, Hainan Information Center internship since, through the practice of the Chinese securities market information and the overall competitive environment in the WTO after the China Securities News and the future direction of development of industry trends and other aspects have a more specific understanding. After the WTO accession of China’s securities market is undergoing an adjustment and norms, the norms of the process will result in three major securities information industry impact: One more standardized securities, the securities industry’s demand for greater information security, two Relations will be more closely. a specification of the stock market will stifle speculation as to speed up return of securities brokerage, investment services is the main force in the agency, which will undoubtedly expand the demand for securities information. Second, the stock market more 2standardized, the securities industry information on the level of demand for the securities will be higher. brokerages no speculative profits, can only strengthen the forces from the two, one means of improving services to investors, and second, to increase their research efforts, in the normal decision-making self- Only thus can we ensure the broker’s income, while both are on the market called the emergence of a strong lineup of securities information. Third in less and less speculative, more difficult circumstances, investors will be the awakening of consciousness, it would be extremely greatly enhance the recognition of securities information and psychological dependence, so that the securities market more standardized, the bear responsibility for the securities industry, information industry, the better. Information about the securities industry from the current perspective of the development, launched in 1994, Shenzhen Genius Securities Information System is the first set of securities information industry budding signs, but today’s stock market has not 94 years of information in the same breath. Just nine years time, the sudden emergence of the securities industry information, 3set off a wave of ever-changing competition. Macau information, Genius, a new Rand, Wande, New Deli, by Bo Wen, Wei Saite, Hairong, nations, etc., one after another, you after me to catch, good in a ‘You Changba me play,’ comedy competition in mature securities market information industry also began to compete in this specialized begin to mature perfected. Securities Information from the burgeoning industry is beginning a financial database for the main business of securities, content providers face appeared in the early 1990s, highway construction and the Securities and Exchange information and provide information to change the way the information to improve the long process of the developed, but until today most of the similar level of information products, or stay in a simple open-based data collection situation in which the reasons are the quality levels of Chinese investors and institutions need to market demand because there are securities information industry itself in the position of China’s securities market system, the reasons for the sequence from the information in terms of quality and service levels, IT industry in the domestic securities market is still 4in a low level of competition, mainly in the following areas: information quality, lack of in-depth content to a large variety of public media information, the lack of our own things and to reflect the dynamics of listed companies and market first-hand information, various types of investment analysis, investment consulting lack of coherence and guidance for making speculative investment information services accounted for in a dominant, all kinds of gossip and rumors flying, competing similar products on the market price cutting, disrupting normal market order, market the product has not yet appeared on the dominant advantage of industry standards and industry standards, most companies to meet in low-input, the pursuit of pre-revenue, lack of responsibility of the industry in a low level of competition in the market, a number of low-input, to meet the primary information services enterprises can take some, or even a larger market share, access previous earnings. [next] In addition, a trend most of the securities information vendors began to take stock of information to provide information that is specialized information and investment advisory services and securities information 5platform development, outsourcing website development Financial Developments in the direction of step with which information about companies involved in securities secondary market’s investment advisory business for the entire stock market is a market-oriented options for the product of a healthy, full of information companies ca

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