
1As Well As 的用法及翻译一、AS WELL AS,AND and NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO…As well as 可作为副词,介词以及连词使用。在作并列连词时,连接两个相同的成分,如主语,谓语,宾语,表语和状语等,表示“除……之外、不仅……还……、既……又……、不但……而且……、同、和、并、也”之意。现分别举例如下:Tom as well as Jack blamed me.不仅杰克,就连汤姆也责怪我。To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act. —Anatole Keats要完成伟大的事业,既要实干,更要有崇高的理想。——阿纳托尔·济慈爱(王国栋,2004:548)Living things need light as well as air and water. 生物不仅需要空气与水,还需要阳光。He is courageous as well as strong.他既强壮又勇敢。A man may usually is known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps. —S. Smiles通常不但可以从一个人所交往的人,还可以从所读的书来了解一个人。——斯迈尔斯(英国传记作家) (王国栋,2004:548) (改译:通常,了解一个人不仅可以通过他所交往的人,还可以通过所读的书。 )As well as 虽有“ 同、和、也 ”的意思,但与 and 的表意用法不同,并列连词and 可以连接名词、代词或数词,其所连接的成分不分主次、轻重,但 as well as 有主次、轻重之分。例如:“he as well as I”并不等于“he and I”。 “he as well as I”,he 是重点,I 居次要地位,译为“不仅我,而且他” 。 The teacher blamed you and him as well as me. 老师不仅责备我(次要) ,而且也责备了你和他。 (“ 你和他 ”是重点。 )He masters English as well as French. 他不仅精通法语(次要) ,而且精通英语(重点) 。He masters English and French. 他精通英语和法语。 (英语和法语并重) (杜永文,2002:1056-1057)As well as 也不同于 not only…but also…。As well as 的重点在前面,而 not only…but also…的重点在后面,即在 but also 之后,例如:The teacher, as well as students wishes for holidays.不但学生连老师也都希望放假。=Not only the students but also the teacher wishes for holidays.不但学生就连老师也希望放假。 (王国栋,2004:549)所以在翻译过程中,要谨慎对待 as well as。应该先译后面,再译前面,因为中文里的“不仅……还……”、“不但……而且……”等关联词所连接的成分,其强调的部分在后面,正好与 as well as 相反。Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.无知是羡慕的根源,也是恐惧的根源。 (蔡宗源,2000:73)He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 2他不但种菜而且种花。She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. 她是一个摄影师又是很有才华的音乐家。(李振华、杨广育,1991:1834)He gave me money as well as advice. 他除了给我忠告外,还给我钱。We shall travel by night as well as by day, both by night and by day. 我们将日夜赶路。(A S Hornby, 1994:1307)但这常常被英语学习者忽视,也不免于大家之手。张道真先生在其编著的各版语法书中,对 as well as 的翻译基本上都错了。现将其摘抄并改译如下:(其书中相同的句子不重列)I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays.我念过他的一本小说和他的几个剧本。 (张道真,2002:454)改译为:我不仅读过他的一些剧本,还读过他的一本小说。It is important for you as well as for me.这对你对我都很重要。 (张道真,2002:454)改译为:这不仅对我很重要,对你也很重要。This is a political as well as an economic question.这是一个政治也是经济问题。 (张道真,2002:502)这是一个政治问题,也是一个经济问题。 (这句译文出现在《实用英语语法》[最新版] 中) (张道真, 2003:467)改译为:这不仅是个经济问题,更是个政治问题。We cannot expect her to do the homework as well as look after the children.我们不能指望她既做作业又照看孩子。 (张道真,2002:502)改译为:我们不可能叫她既照顾孩子又做家庭作业。John can speak Chinese as well as French.约翰能讲汉语及法语。 (张道真,2003:467)改译为:约翰不仅能讲法语,还能讲汉语。We shall travel by night as well as by day.我们将日夜兼程。 (张道真,2003:467)这是唯一译对的一句,应是源于《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》 。The conflict spread everywhere, into villages, as well as into cities.冲突到处蔓延,蔓延到了农村,也蔓延到了城市。 (张道真,2003:467)改译为:冲突到处蔓延,蔓延到了城市,也蔓延到了农村。二、AS WELL AS 的注意事项:1. As well as 连接三个成分时,可用 A and B as well as C; A as well as B and C。但不可用 A, B as well as C。(王国栋,2004:549)比如:通常不使用“you, he as well as I”,却使用“you and he as well as I”(=“不仅我,而且你和他”) 。 (杜永文, 2002:1056-1057 )2. As well as 连接复合主语时,其后的动词形式取决于 as well as 前面的名词。例如:Lynn as well as I likes mathematics. 不仅我,林恩也喜欢数学。I as well as they wants to go back home. 不仅他们,连我也想回家。33. As well as 连接两个谓语动词时,它们的时态应保持一致。例如:She publishes as well as prints her own novels.她的小说是她自己印刷出版的。She is cleaning the house as well as taking care of her child. 她在照顾孩子的同时也打扫房屋。4. As well as 连接人称代词的主格和宾格时,句意不同。例如:Steven helped you as well as me. 史蒂文帮过我,也帮过你。 (you 和 me 都作 help 的宾语)Steven helped you as well as I. 我帮过你,史蒂文也帮过你。 (they 和 I 都作 help 的主语)5. As well as 用在否定句中,当 as well as 在 not 之前,两者均否定;当 as well as 在 not 之后,否定前者,肯定后者。例如:Phil, as well as David, has been to Lushan. 不仅大卫,菲尔也去过庐山。Phil hasn’t been to Lushan as well as David. 大卫去过庐山,菲尔没有。 (菲尔并没有和大卫一样去过庐山。 )Phil, as well as David, hasn’t been to Lushan. 不仅大卫没有去过庐山,菲尔也没有。6. As well as 有时也会引起歧义,如:She can speak French as well as English. 她不仅能讲英语(次) ,也能讲法语(主) 。也可以理解为:她法语与英语说得一样好。7. As well as 作为介词时, 相当于 besides,in addition to,后面通常接名词或v-ing 形式,尤其位于句首时,例如: As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm. 他不但摔断了腿,而且还伤了胳膊。She sings as well as playing the violin. 她会拉小提琴,还会唱歌。 (王国栋,2004:549)此处 as well as 是介词,所以其后接 v-ing 形式,当然 as well as 也可作连词连接两个谓语动词,上文已举例。综上所述,在使用 as well as 时,要特别小心,既不能与 and 等同,也不能与 not only…but also 相提并论。翻译是要先译后者,再译前者。参考书目:A S Hornby,《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》 。北京:商务印书馆,1994:1307蔡宗源, 《大学英语成功策略——翻译》 。上海:上海教育出版社,2000:73杜永文, 《新编英语语法分析全书》 。北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2002:1056-1057李振华、杨广育, 《最新牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》 。太原:山西人民出版社,1991:1834王国栋, 《英语深层语法》 。北京:商务印书馆国际有限公司,2004:548-549张道真, 《实用英语语法》 。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002:454张道真, 《实用英语语法》[最新版 ]。北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2003:467张道真, 《英语语法新编》 。北京:社会科学文献出版社,2002:305张道真, 《张道真英语用法》 。北京:商务印书馆,2002:5024章振邦, 《新编英语语法教程》 。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002:46

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