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1、非谓语动词He is Tom, and he is 7.连词:and, but, yet, so从句:Mother was cooking when I came back.非谓语动词:动词的变体;不做句子的谓语一、分词:现在分词;过去分词1、-ing :主动;进行2、-ed:被动;完成例句1、He came into the classroom, holding a baozi in his hand. 2、He lay on the ground, his eyes closed and his hands trembling. (Close, tremble )Close ones ey

2、es3、Hav ing finished our homework, we went to play basketball.(we与 having finished 是主动关系) Having been shown around the factory, we were taken to the workshop.二、不定式:to do 目的;未完成;出乎意料的结果例句1、I went to the park to visit some dogs.2、I have a lot of work to do.3、I went to the railway station, only to find

3、 that the train had left.三、动名词:动名词:动词+ing 构成的名词,做句子的主语、宾语、表语Interestinginterested(!注意各种语态的表现形式)be doing 现在进行时 was doing 过去进行时be done 被动形式 have done 现在完成时done 过去分词will have done 将来完成时have been done 现在进行式的被动语态be done例句Eateating1、I am fond of eating.2、Forget to do 忘记要做Forget doing 忘记已经做过的事情I forgot to

4、bring my homework with me yesterday.I forget (being taken) to the park by my father when I was 10. (!注意 及物动词:够得到物体的动词。用名词做它的宾语)3、He devoted his life to _saving_ the boy. SaveDevote sth to sthBe devoted to sth/doing4、Used to do 过去常常Be used to doing 习惯于Be used to do 被用来做独立主格定义:每个句子都有自己的主语,结构上与主句不发生关系,

5、则一个这个句子的谓语用分词,用逗号和主句隔开, 形式为: 1、名词/代词+现在分词It being fine, we decided to go camping.2、名词/代词+过去分词The work not finished , we could not see the film.3、名词/代词+不定式These are the first two books , the third one to come out next month.4、名词/代词+名词Many people are there , some of them women.5、名词/代词+形容词短语,my heart f

6、ull of sorry.6、名词/代词+副词Nobody in , he left a message on the board.7、名词/代词+介词短语The teacher came in , a book under his arm.(!注意 Lie, lied, lied 说谎 lyingLie, lay, lain 躺 lyingLay, laid, laid 放;搁置; laying)杂知识点1、Have sth done 请某人做;遭遇(不好的事情)I will have my shoes repaired.我要请人帮我把鞋修一修。He had his leg broken i

7、n the football match yesterday.他在昨天的足球比赛中把脚弄断了。Have sb do sth=Let sb do sth=Make sb do sth 让某人做2、It is no use/good/point (in) doing sth 做是没用的It is no use crying over spilt milk. Spill 溅出来;泼出来覆水难收。3、Would rather do than doI would rather go home than go to the cinema.He is more like a teacher than a s

8、tudent.她更像是一个老师而不是一个学生。 4、Remind sb of sth/doing 提醒某人做I reminds him of finishing his work. These flowers need watering.=These flowers need to be watered.这些花需要浇点水了。5、I need a pen to write with.我需要一支笔来写。I need a piece of paper to write on. 我需要一张纸来写。I remember the days _that_ I spent in Qingdao.我记得我在青岛

9、度过的日子。Qingdao is a beautiful city _in which/where_I spent my holiday.青岛是一个美丽的城市,我在那里度过假。Qingdao is a beautiful city _to which_I paid a visit last year. 青岛是一个美丽的城市,去年我去哪里旅行过。6、Like 动词:喜欢介词:像He is like his father.(介词)He looks like his father.(介词)I like you.(动词)7、Commit suicide Pesticide 杀虫剂8、Be commit

10、ted to doing 献身于;致力于LIU Hulan was committed to the cause of the Party.9、Approach 接近;靠近;临近The New Year is approaching.纽约离这儿很近。The approach to sth 解决的办法10、在 but, except 之前有 do 的任何形式,后面也要用 doI did nothing but wait here. 11、Mean to do 打算做Mean doing 意味着12、I appreciate your help.感谢你的帮助。I appreciate your d

11、oing that for me. 感谢你为我所做的。13、Do you mind my smoking here?你介意我在这里吸烟吗?14、Considerable 可观的 考虑Considerably=tremendously=remarkably=drastically= dramatically=greatly(很,非常)15、Think=hold=maintain=believe=argue(表明,相信)Suggest 表明Imply 暗示 infer 推断16、Fridgeless 冰箱很少17、A boy schoolA girless school 18、阅读理解、完形填空中

12、会出现的判断性的单词Positive 肯定的 negative 否定的Optimistic 乐观的 pessimistic 悲观的Approval 赞成的 disapproval 不赞成的Neutral 中立的Critical 批评的Objective 客观的 subjective 主观的Compromise 妥协;让步19、Owing to=because of=due to+n 因为(后面都是加上名词或者名词短语)20、Keep an eye on=pay attention to 注意;留心21、Unemployment figure(数据) 失业数据22、Laid off workers 下岗工人 lay off 摆脱;甩掉Bloom 绽放Food safety 食品安全GM food= genetically modified food 转基因食品Junk food 不健康食品23、Be worth doing 值得做 be worth+价格Be worthy of being done 值得做Be worthy to be done



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