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1、 一、 简单句中含有 be 动词、情态动词和助动词时,变否定句时需在 be 动词、情态动词和助动词后加 not。1. (am, is ,are 是 be 动词)如: I am a teacherI am not a teacher This is a pen. This is not a pen.或 This isnt a pen. (is not =isnt) You are a boy. You are not a boy. (are not =arent)2. (can 是情态动词) He can help meHe can not help me或 He cant help me.(c

2、an not =cant ) 3.当主语是第一人称、第二人称和第三人称复数时用助动词do,变否定时,在 do 后面加 not 如:I like English .I do not like English.或 I dont like English. They go to school together. They do not (dont) go to school together.4.当主语是第三人称单数时用 does,变否定时,在 does 后面加 not,如:The little girl wants to go there. The little girl does not (do

3、esnt ) want to go there 2简单句中谓语动词为行为动词时,要根据时态选用 do的相应形式,把肯定句变为否定句。如: The little girl wants to go thereThe little girl doesnt want to go there He did his work yesterday He didnt do his work yesterday 3祈使句变否定句时,一般在句首加 Dont,但 Let us 或Lets 开头的祈使句在 Let us 或 Lets 后加 not 也可。如: Put them over thereDont put t

4、hem over there Let us go homeLet us not go home或 Dont let us go home.4主从复合句中,主句是 I think,I believe 等结构,变否定句时,形式上否定主句,实际上否定从句。如: I dont think chickens can swim 我认为鸡不会游泳。 5 “had better 动词原形”,变否定句时为“had better not 动词原形”。如: Youd better go to school Youd better not go to school 6动词不定式变否定式时,常在不定式 to 前加 no

5、t。如: The teacher tells me to do it The teacher tells me not to do it 7使役动词和感官动词(make,let,hear ,see ,watch 等)后接省略 to 的不定式,此种不定式变否定句时只需在省略to 的动词原形前加 not。如: I saw her workI saw her not work 8特殊形式的否定句,有以下几种: (1)肯定句含有 every-的合成词时,变否定句时改为 no-。如: Everything is readyNothing is ready (2)肯定句中含有 always, usuall

6、y 和 ever 时,变否定句时改为 never。如: He is always late for schoolHe is never late for school (3)肯定句含有 many,much 时,变否定句时分别改为few,little。如: Many students know himFew students know him (4)肯定句中含有 still 时,变否定句时应改为 no longer。如: Tom is still in bedTom is no longer in bed (5)肯定句含有 both, both and ,all 时,变否定句时应改为 never

7、,neither nor,none 。如: Both of us are studentsNeither of us is a student (6)肯定句含有 nearly, almost 时,变否定句时应改为 hardly。如: Lily nearly knows him Lily hardly knows him (7)肯定句含有“形容词 enough”时,变为否定句时应改为“too 形容词的反义词”。如: He is short enough to reachitHe is too tall to reach it (1)谓语动词是 be,have (有)或谓语含有助动词、情态动词时,

8、直接在这些词后加上否定词 not。如: She can swimShe cant swim (2)谓语动词是行为动词时,要在该动词前加上 do does did not,该词恢复原形。如: He gets up earlyHe doesnt get up early (3)既要否定谓语动词,又要变换句中的单词。如: He can read and writeHe cant read or write (4)用含否定意义的词或词组取代肯定句中的某些词或词组。如: I know both English and Chi- neseI know neither English nor Chinese

9、 类似的有:ever alwaysnever , somebodynobody,somethingnothing , everybody no one, almost hardly 2祈使句的肯定式变否定式 (1)一般在动词前加上 dont。如: Open the window Dont open the window (2)含有“Lets ”的祈使句,一般用“Letsnot ”的形式,美国人偶尔也用“Dontlets ”这一形式。加强语气时使用“Letsdont ”这一形式。如: Lets go thereLets not go there 3复合句的肯定式变否定式 一般将主句变为否定式。如

10、:I saw her when I left I didnt see her when I left 肯定句改为否定句的基本方法 把肯定的陈述句改为否定句的基本方法首先要掌握否定句构成的基本规则。当陈述句的谓语动词由 be 构成时,改为否定句,把 not加在 be 后面。例 1They are doctors这个句子的谓语动词是由系动词构成的,改为否定句时把 not 加在 are 的后面,即:They are not doctors例 2He is g oing to see his friend tomorrow本句的谓语由 is going to see 构成,改为否定句时把否定词not

11、加在 is 后面,即:He is not going to see his friend tomorrow当陈述句的谓语由情态动词 can(may,must 等)其他动词构成,或由助动词 will, have,had 等十其他动词构成时,改为否定句,用情态动词或助动词十 not动词的形式表示。例 3They will go to see their parents this afternoon这个句子谓语由助动词 will 加动词 g o 构成,改为否定句时,把 not 放在 will 后面,即:They will not(wont) go to see their parents this

12、afternoon例 4The train had already left when we got to the station这个句子谓语由助动词 had 加 leave 的过去分词 left 构成,改为否定句时要把 not 加在 had 后面,同时 already 改为yet,即: The train had not left yet when we got to the station例 5Linda can speak Chinese well本句的谓语由 canspeak 构成,把它改为否定句时,在 can后面加 not,即:Linda can not speak Chinese

13、well例 6We have already learned English for two years本句的谓语由 havelearned 构成,把它改为否定句时,要在助动词 have 后面加 not,把句中的 already 改为 yet,即:We have not learned English for two years yet当陈述句的谓语动词是 have,表示有什么,改为否定句的方法是:(A)由 have not其他;(B)由 have 十 no十其他;(C)由 dont(doesnt,didnt )have 十其他,如果句中有 some,要将 some 改为 any。例 7You

14、 have some books这个句子谓语动词 have 当“ 有”讲,在改为否定句时要把 not放在 have 后,并把 some 改为 any,即:You have not any books这个句子也可以改写为在 have 后加 no 即:You have no books这个句子还可以改写为:You dont have any books当陈述句的谓语由 have 十其他词构成,这时 have 不当“有 ”讲,也不是“助动词”,改为否定句时,由助动词do(does,did) nothave 构成否定结构。例 8They often have breakfast at seven in

15、 the morning本句的谓语动词是 have,而 have breakfast 的意思是“吃早饭”,把它改为否定句,要由助动词 donothave breakfast 构成否定形式,即:They dont have breakfast at seven in the morning例 9He had a meeting yesterday afternoon本句谓语动词 hadmeeting 的意思是“开会”,是一般过去时,改为否定句时由 did nothave a meeting 构成否定形式,即:He didnt have a meeting yesterday afternoon以上两个例句说明改成否定句时,千万不要盲目把否定词加在 have(has,had)后面。如果是由 has 或 had 其他词构成的谓语改为否定句时,加上(does,did)not 后要注意把 has,had 改为原形 have。陈述句的谓语动词是行为动词,改为否定句时,要用助动词 do(does,did )not 行为动词构成否定形式。例 10He studies English well本句的谓语由行为动


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