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1、名词具体指导 名词在句中多用来作主语、宾语、表语和定语。在英语应用能力考试中,要求考生根据题意把括号里所给的词变成名词,所填词多出现在句尾或句首:26 Could you tell me the (different)_ between American and British English in Business writing?1 所填词的特征 前有物主代词如 my , his,their, our, your, its 等; 前有冠词如 a, an, the; 前有形容词如 large,clever,foolish 等; 前有冠词形容词如 that ancient,the clever

2、 等; 前有不定代词 many, much, a few ,a little ,several 等。2 所填词多为抽象名词或表示人的名词。如 decision,illness ,protection 等常见名词后缀:1 表示人的名词后缀 al crime criminal an Canada Canadian Europe European history historian ant account accountant ar/er/or beg beggarlie liaroperate operatoract actor actresseducate educatorvillage vil

3、lagerlaw lawyer , visit visitoree employ employ ee , employer ist art artistchemistry chemist science scientisttour tourist, tour guide2抽象名词后缀ance/ence exist exist encedependent a. dependence n.confident a. confidence n.different a. difference n.important a importance ndistant a distance nintelligen

4、t a intelligence ndisappear v appearance nth deep dep thtrue a truth nwarm warmthwide widthdead deathlong lengthstrong strengthgrow v growth nment move v movement ndevelop developmentarrange arrangementequip v equipmentjudge judgmenttion/ation/ion pollute v pollu tiondiscuss discussionorganize organ

5、izationeducate educationinform informationinvent inventioninvite /ai/ invitation /i/protect protectionpredict predictiondecide decisioning find findingsbuild buildingpaint paintingness ill illnesscareful carefulnesskind kindnessweak weaknesshelpless helplessnessage short shortagety certain certainty

6、al arrive /ai/ arrivalpropose proposalwithdraw withdrawal形容词具体指导形容词通常用在系动词后作表语,或用在名词前作定语。Section B 中,主要考查以下几个方面:1 系表结构中形容词作表语。2 名词前形容词作定语。3 如果括号内给出形容词,考查比较级、最高级形式。 2727. Jone is the (good )_ engineer we have ever hired in our department.Good better best, bad worse worst考试中常见句型:( l ) be very(形容词)( 2

7、) a / an / the(形容词)名词( 3 ) very / too / many / rather(形容词)( 4 ) (形容词)名词常见形容词后缀1.-ern 附在表方向的名词后east eastern north northern south southern west western 2. -ful 附在抽象名词后joy joyful peace peaceful skill skillful3. -ish 附在具体名词后fool foolishchild childish4. -less brain brainlesscolor colorlessharm harmlessho

8、me homeless5. -ly (n+ly-a) father fatherlyfriend friendlyman manlyday dailyhour hourlymonth monthlyweek weekly6. -y dirt dirtyease easyhealth healthy7. -ous danger dangerous8. -able comfort comfortable9.-t difference different distance distant10 -ive attract attractivecreate creative副词具体指导副词分为时间副词、地

9、点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词和关系副词。 基本要求 中对副词主要考查以下几点:1 副词的句法功能;2 带 ly 和不带 ly 的副词;3 副词的位置;4 副词的比较级和最高级。这些考查项目主要出现在 Section B 中,括号内给出名词、形容词或动词(几率非常低) ,要求考生将它们改为副词。若本身是副词,要使用比较级或最高级。其中较难的是给出名词,先转换成形容词,再变为副词这一类题。考试中常见句型 Examples:1 . be + (副词)形容词 He has been extremely busy these days2 动词副词 Everything went smo

10、othly3 动词宾语副词 She didnt do it intentionally.4 主语副词动词 She suddenly fell ill. Fall ill5 副词,句子 Peter was there.6 副词副词 He works terribly /very hard.常见副词及其后缀:(l)直接加-ly careful carefullycalm calmlyreal reallypersonal personallypart partlyrecent recentlyfinal finally (2)以 le 结尾的改为 lypossible possiblyterrib

11、le terriblywhole wholly(3)以 y 结尾的变 y 为 i 加 lysleepy sleepily lucky luckily动词时态具体指导动词及其表现出的各种形式是历次考试中语法结构部分的重点。主要是考动词在充当谓语动词时的动词的限定形式(即动词时态)和不独立充当谓语时的非限定形式(即非谓语动词)以及短语动词动词时态共有 16 种,常见的有 14 种。 基本要求 中规定要掌握的是:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、将来完成时、现在完成进行时和过去完成进行时。做动词时态题应注意以下几点:1 注意句子中给出的特定时间状语或

12、相应语境;2 在时间或条件从句中,用一般现在时表示将来的动作;3 注意时态的呼应。某些从句特别是宾语从句中的动词时态,受主句谓语动词的影响。动词时态在 Section A 、Section B 两个部分中都有出现。在 Section B 中最难,要求考生写下来。因此,学生应熟记各种时态的形式。动词语态具体指导语态是动词的一种形式,说明主语和谓语动词之间的关系。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。当主语是动作的执行者时,称为主动语态;当主语是动作的承受者时,称为被动语态。被动语态的一般形式(一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时)经常出现在填空题中,较复杂的如非谓语动词的被动语态、被动语态的完成时

13、和进行时、短语动词的被动语态以及含情态动词的被动语态则多出现在选择题中。考试中常见句型( 1 ) be 动词过去分词( 2 ) be + being动词过去分词( 3 ) have / had + been 动词过去分词虚拟语气具体指导虚拟语气是每次必考的一个项目,A 级、B 级中都有出现:根据 基本要求 的规定,大家必须掌握以下几点。1 条件从句中的虚拟语气请大家牢记下面的表格:从句主句与现在事实相反 If 主语动词的过去式(be were ) + 主句主语should / would / could / might + 动词原形与过去事实相反,If 主语had 过去分词,主语Should

14、/ would / could / might + have 过去分词与将来事实相反 If 主语 were to 动词原形If 主语 should 动词原形 ,主语Should / would / could / might + 动词原形2 省略 if 的条件句中的虚拟语气(多出现在 A 级试题中)当条件从句中出现 were , should , had 等时,可以将 if 省略,把 were , should , had 放在主语的前面。这一点在倒装句中也会提到。3 固定句式中的虚拟语气 demand , suggest , advise , propose 等词引导的宾语从句中; It +



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