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1、 May 20thDear Tom,正文正文正文Yours Sincerely,Kate#May 20thDear Tom,正文 Yours Sincerely,Kate时间日期称谓:正式或非正式(是否全名,是否不知道对方名称)分段不需要空格,直接空行署名的正式性应该和对方称谓一致此处使用逗号此处使用逗号Truthfully, respectfully,约请(Invitation)Directions: You have a ticket to the Russian National Ballet Troupe, which is visiting and you want to give

2、it to your friend Alice. Write a note to her and say:1) the time of the show,2) the place where you will wait for herYou should write about 60 words. 诚挚邀请对方参加某活动 介绍活动的内容、时间、地点,相关内容 再次发出邀请或者期待对方回复开头用语 Will you do us the favor of joining our party? May I take this opportunity to invite you to our univ

3、ersity to give a lecture? If you have no other plans for Monday, May 15th, will you come to our party at my home? I hope you will give me the pleasure of your company on the occasion of a dinner with a few friends next Saturday, the 16th this month, at 6 oclock. I am extending to you our formal invi

4、tation to. It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to attend the meeting. It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition. Will you give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday, October the tenth, at eight oclock p.m.?结束用语

5、We would be very pleased if you could honor us with your company. Anticipating your reply. I hope you wont decline my invitation. We hope you can come and look forward to seeing you later. We are anticipating your reply. Awaiting an early acceptance of our cordial invitation and with kind regards. S

6、undayDear Alice,Here is a piece of good news for you. The Russian National Ballet Troupe will give a performance in the Beijing Grand Theater tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happy to watch it and I leave you an admission card. The performance will begin at seven oclock sharp. I will wai

7、t for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you are prevented from coming or not.Yours sincerely, 道歉(Apology)Directions: You have missed a date of your friend, now you have to write a letter for apology in about 60 words. 道歉的行为与内容, 具体理由, 弥补方法, 进一步致歉。 道歉行为: Im writing to show my apo

8、logy for/ I would like to express my apologies for not being able to/Im sorry to say that Ive not finished reading it through, and have to keep it until next Sunday. / Excuse me for my delaying in turning in my assignment. 道歉理由:I had a minor accident./ I had a minor operation. 弥补纠正及其承诺:I am sure I c

9、an make up the loss by/ I promise it will never happen again. / It would be very kind(considerate) of you to give me another chance to( to give me another two days 进一步致歉: Many apologies. / Do please forgive me.May 20thDear Lily,I am sorry I missed seeing you yesterday. I know that you must have been

10、 disappointed. I also feel worried and anxious in my heart. The fact is that my manager at the last moment asked me to prepare an urgent plan while I could not get to a phone to call you and yesterday I have worked late until about 8:30 p. m. I am terribly sorry. However, I would like to ask you out

11、 this weekend to make up for yesterday. Please give me a chance and I am waiting for your reply.Yours sincerely, April 18,2009 #Dear Professor Hu, I am very happy to have the chance to listen to your lecture on “American Literature”. But it is a pity that I was late that day due to an accident on my

12、 way to the lecture and failed to get the handout. Your lecture is really instructive for my English study, so I wonder if you could kindly e-mail the handout to the address: .Heartfelt thanks.Yours respectfully祝贺(Congratulation) 祝贺内容 b表示祝贺 c积极评价 d忠心祝福(再次祝贺祝福未来) 祝贺之事和自己的反应: Im so happy to learn tha

13、t youve just passed your thesis defense. / Im so pleased to hear that youve got the admission by the Cambridge University to further your graduate study. 祝贺行为: Please accept my warmest congratulations. 对成功的评价和对对方的钦佩;You really deserve it because/ This meant years of your hard work, and its an achiev

14、ement you can well be proud of. / I have been appreciating your excellent performance in study and ability in your work. 美好祝愿; You will have a brilliant future. / I believe our school life will be more colorful under your leadership. / I believe that the knowledge youve acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever aspect of life. Congratulations again and all good wishes for your future study.开头用语 It is the most joyful news I have heard for a long time. I was pleasantl


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