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1、Further reading 答案Unit 1Reading 1N N Y Y N NG NExpose more to bright lightImmune systemBe happy with the purchaseReading 2C A D D B B Cwho you are an over-muscled bodyyoung men with the same problem Unit 2Reading 1N N Y Y Y NG Nhalls or empty stores mechanic and watchmaker better mechanical equipmen

2、t Reading 2C B C D A C B a local hero a gold medal an unexpected opportunity Unit 3Reading 1N Y Y N NG Y N help your body relax get more sleep slightly on the cool side/slightly cool Reading 2A C D B C D Bpoor eating habits eating routines and structure Family meals Unit 4Reading 1N Y N N Y Y NG20/t

3、wenty millions electronicallyvirtual market places Reading 2Y N Y N NG Y N realize their educational dreams small private college private colleges and universities Unit 5Reading 1N Y Y N Y NG Y deforestation 1.5 acres every second 40/forty years Reading 2B B C B D C Dother types of games morally com

4、plex books, films, the Internet Unit 6Reading 1N Y NG N Y Ythe power of perseverance something that will accomplish their dreams Reading 2C C A B D B CSoul and spirituality new ideas lifelong learning Unit 7Reading 1N N Y N NG Y NKelvin wave the coast of Asia complex computer models Reading 2N N Y N

5、G Y Y Ythe current energy situation Energy Characterization of Pilot Areas a Final Report Unit 8Reading 1Y N Y Y N NG N learn how to relax relieving tension relaxation, enjoyment and health Reading 2D D C A B D A popular and traditional public officialsfreedom of expression Unit 9Reading 1N N Y N Y Y NGlaboratory conditions be restricted from work transmission of HIV Reading 2C B D D B B C new gun laws young people stronger gun-control lawsUnit 10Reading 1Y N N N Y Y NGweight training inactivitythese extra calories Reading 2N N Y Y N Y NGunemployment broken homes youth education programs


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