国际商务文化大纲 马颖

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《国际商务文化大纲 马颖》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际商务文化大纲 马颖(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、国际商务文化课程教学大纲课程名称:国际商务文化 英文名称:International Business Cultures 课程代码: 一:课程基本情况1、 学 分: 学时:18 (理论学时:18 实验学时)2、课程类别:专业任选3、适用专业:英语/商务英语4、适用对象:本科5、先修课程:商务英语;国际商务6、教材与参考书目:教 材:国际商业文化 ,Charlie Mitchell 编, 上海外语教育出版社,2009年 1 月第 1 版。参考书目:跨文化商务交流案例分析 ,窦卫霖, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2007年 3 月出版国际商务文化差异管理 ,徐子健, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2009

2、年6 月出版 主流:谁将打赢全球文化战争 ,弗雷德里克马特尔, 刘成富, 商务印书馆 ,2012 年 4 月出版商务英文选读 ,M 舒尔曼(美)编著,董启明译著,世界图书出版公司出版,2000Jeffrey Edmund Curry 编. International Marketing(国际营销).上海外语教育出版社,2000.4Jeffrey Edmund Curry 编. International Negotiation(国际商务谈判). 上海外语教育出版社,2000.4注:参考书目至少三种,有一种原版参考教材为宜。二、课程介绍1. INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of

3、this course is to introduce international business culture and improve students cross cultural communication ability in international business. Its 2purpose is much skill-oriented, teaching from cultural and commercial aspects to enrich students knowledge and communicative competence. The basic teac

4、hing idea is to meet the requirement of opening degree after Chinas entering WTO. The establishment of business relations must base on the understanding of the cultural differences. Therefore, college students need to learn international cultures at the same time as they are learning a foreign langu

5、age. From the angle of international business activities, to actively understand the international cultures in commercial exchanges could eliminate the barriers caused by a misunderstanding of cultures. That helps students to adapt to the need in the 21st Century.GENERAL AIMSThrough the main content

6、s of English reading and case discussion, the students learn how to master cultural differences so as to avoid impolite words and deeds in the general knowledge. The course will introduce the main cultural differences, explains how to understand nonverbal cultural signals, and to point out the busin

7、ess personnel faced with conflicts and opportunities. This course will be through a large number of inspiring, challenging exercises, to enable students to further expand the international business and cultural knowledge, especially the cultural differences in the cognitive ability and analysis abil

8、ity.2. CONTENTSThe main materials used Charles Mitchell, International Business Culture international business culture , Shanghai foreign language education press, publication date: 2000 April. This textbook is currently one of highly-recommended teaching materials by business people in internationa

9、l business. The whole series are written in English and the content is with the features of accuracy, reasonable editing and being highlighted3. METHODOLOGYThe methodology will emphasize task-based learning. As a result, discussion of topics and brainstorming ideas will be common practice in class.

10、The teacher will encourage pair work and group work and will act as a facilitator and motivator. The teacher will also provide regular feedback on students work. 4. ASSESSMENTAt the end of the semester, students take the exam on research type test, test students of international business and cultura

11、l knowledge, especially the cultural differences in the cognitive ability and analysis ability, writing English papers form test learning effect.3三、学时分配、课程内容与教学基本要求(一) 学时分配表学时分配十八章讲课 习题课 实验(践) 上机课 讨论课 其它 合计Chapter1 Understanding Cultural DifferencesChapter 2 Basic Cultural TypesChapter 3 The Impact

12、of Culture2 2Chapter4 The Globalization of Business Chapter 5 Customs, Etiquette and Protocol 2 2Chapter6 Communication across CulturesChapter 7 Non-verbal Communication 2 2Chapter 8 Written Communication Chapter 9 Cultural Landmines for Women 2 2Chapter 10 Gift Giving Chapter 12 Cross-cultural Meet

13、ing 2 2Chapter13 Cross- cultural NegotiationsChapter 14 Corporate Culture 2 2Chapter 15 Corporate EthicsChapter 16 The cross-cultural Team2 24Chapter 17 Cross-cultural MarketingChapter 18 Cross-cultural Consultants2 2注:以上各课型是否需要根据实际情况自定。(二)课程内容与教学基本要求Lecture 1 : Chapter1 Understanding Cultural Diffe

14、rencesChapter 2 Basic Cultural TypesChapter 3 The Impact of Culture The Purpose of this lecture 1. To introduce related concepts and information 2. To understand them through case studyLecture 2 : Chapter4 The Globalization of Business Chapter 5 Customs, Etiquette and ProtocolThe Purpose of this lec

15、ture 1. To introduce related concepts and contents2. To make sure that ss understand above cultural factors in international businessLecture 3 : Chapter6 Communication across CulturesChapter 7 Non-verbal CommunicationThe Purpose of this lecture 1. To introduce related concepts- communication and non

16、-verbal communication 2. To show that to students through lecture and seminarLecture 4 : Chapter 8 Written CommunicationChapter 9 Cultural Landmines for WomenThe Purpose of this lecture 1. To introduce related concepts 2. To make sure that ss get familiar with the knowledge of cultural landmines for women in international businessLecture 5 : Chapter 10 Gift Giving Chapter 12 Cross-cultural MeetingThe P


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