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1、北京市朝阳区 2015 届高三一模考试英语试卷(带解析)一、单选题(共 15 小题)1Are you doing your homework?No, Im writing a short playIt _ at the Christmas partyAwill be put on -Bwill put onCputs on -Dis put on2In order to keep fit, the old man makes it a rule _ for a walk after supper every dayAgoing -Bto go-Cgo -Dgone3Steve, the vac

2、ation is coming soonHave you found a summer job yet?I suppose I can work at the boys camp _ I worked last summerAthat -Bwhere -Cwhich -Dwhat4Sally was excited to meet Susan at the party last nightThey _ each other since they graduated from Oxford University in 2010Ahavent seen -Bhadnt seenCdidnt see

3、 -Ddont see5Weve only got this small bookcasewill that do?No_ I was looking for was something much bigger and strongerAWhat -BWhere -CThat -DWhich6I will wait _ 6:30, but then Im going homeAfrom -Bat -Cafter -D until7Studies show that people who have a glass of wine per day do better than _ who dont

4、Athat -Bthe oneCones -Dthose8Oh!I can feel something _ up my leg!It must be an insectAto climb -B climbingCclimb -Dclimbed9She doesnt speak our language, _ she seems to understand what we sayAfor -Band -Cyet -Dor10Congratulations!I hear youve won the first prize in the singing competitionYou _ be mi

5、stakenIm in the dance classAmust -Bmay -Cshould -Dcould11If it _ earlier, the printing machine would not have broken downAhas been repaired -Bis repairedChad been repaired-Dwas repaired12A public health campaign _ the number of heart disease deaths by 80 percent over the past three decadesAhad reduc

6、ed -Bhad been reducedChas reduced -Dhas been reduced13How are you getting along with your German, Kate?Oh, MrBlack, Im so tired of itMaybe I should drop out _ it kills meAwhen -Bafter -Cwhile -Dbefore14What do you do, Rita?Im a clerk in a foreign company nowBut I _ English in a high school for 10 ye

7、arsAteach -Bhave taughtCtaught -D am teaching15Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when _ aloneAseen -Bseeing -Csee -Dto see二、完形填空(共 1 小题)16.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Appeal to Emotion(情感)My childhood left three months ago on a plane to AustriaIt

8、 was a 1 day when my baby cousins moved awayMy cousins were a fundamental part of my life; 2 they were not with me,they were on my mindThey brought back the untroubled days of my childhood, 3 games,adventures and silliness,but they also helped 4 me from an at-times selfish teenager into a responsibl

9、e adultMy aunt and uncle moved here from Boston with their 1-year-old daughter YasmeenThey lived in an apartment on the side of our house and I was 5 to have our family,especially a baby girl,so close to usYasmeen had close friendships with each of my sisters,but I knew the one that 6 between us was

10、 the strongestAs she began to walk on her own and talk in full sentences,I realized my great 7 upon herI noticed that shed 8 some of my unpleasant actions, 9 with her mother after I had done the sameYasmeen made me realize what being a good 10 really wasWhen Maya was born,Yasmeen had a hard time 11

11、She was jealous(妒忌)of the attention we all paid to her new younger sister,so I did my best to keep her company when she might have not been 12 Once Yasmeen overcame her jealousy,she was able to 13 Mayas presence,like we all didI tried to take advantage of our times together,doing my best to 14 my sc

12、hedule for my two favorite peopleMy 15 with Yasmeen and Maya has taught me the importance of influential peopleI know that I have helped Yasmeen and Maya 16 ,but “the babies” have had an even greater influence on my own lifeThey have shown me how to be a parent,a sister,a child,and most importantly,

13、a friendOur 17 has made me a better persona more patient person,with the ability to 18 endless questions and spilled(洒)juice; an 19 person,able to have fun and be happy with others; a role model, 20 the babies ideas about right and wrong,and a compassionate person,able to forgive and love1Asad Bbusy

14、 C fine D relaxing2Auntil Bbefore Cwhen D unless3Aagainst Bthrough Cbesides Dfor4Alead Bchallenge C mature Dencourage5Aoverjoyed Bembarrassed Csurprised Dafraid6Aended Bstarted C survived D developed7Apressure Bdependence Cmercy Dinfluence8Adoubt Bregret Ccopy D guide9Adebating Barguing C negotiating D checking10Aleader B partner C friend D example11Asharing B adjusting C recognizing Dstruggling12Anoticed Badmired


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