About the value of forest carbon sinks Analysis and Its Application Prospects(森林碳汇的价值分析和它的应用前景)

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About the value of forest carbon sinks Analysis and Its Application Prospects(森林碳汇的价值分析和它的应用前景)_第1页
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About the value of forest carbon sinks Analysis and Its Application Prospects(森林碳汇的价值分析和它的应用前景)_第2页
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About the value of forest carbon sinks Analysis and Its Application Prospects(森林碳汇的价值分析和它的应用前景)_第3页
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About the value of forest carbon sinks Analysis and Its Application Prospects(森林碳汇的价值分析和它的应用前景)_第4页
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About the value of forest carbon sinks Analysis and Its Application Prospects(森林碳汇的价值分析和它的应用前景)_第5页
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《About the value of forest carbon sinks Analysis and Its Application Prospects(森林碳汇的价值分析和它的应用前景)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《About the value of forest carbon sinks Analysis and Its Application Prospects(森林碳汇的价值分析和它的应用前景)(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1About the value of forest carbon sinks Analysis and Its Application ProspectsForest carbon sinks is forest plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and fix it in the vegetation or soil, thereby reducing the concentration of gases in the atmosphere and mechanism of the process due to the global greenho

2、use effect and frequency of extreme weather, combined with forest absorption CO2 into a small, low cost, therefore, the problem of forest carbon sinks more and more attention of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol are required to promote sustainable refor

3、estation, silviculture and forest regeneration to mitigate global warming. know, trees with economic, social and ecological benefits. Among them, the economic value of forest products and many more to reflect, and social and ecological benefits are difficult to measure in monetary terms. Encouraging

4、 that the international carbon trading market, the emergence and development, let us see the carbon sink function can be international carbon markets, forestry ecological benefits 2that have implemented market-oriented and monetization possibilities. But to carry out forest carbon trading, the first

5、 to measure the magnitude of value of forest carbon paper Forestry Bureau of Shaanxi Province as the research object Longcaoping its forest carbon sinks be estimated magnitude of value, as well as an analysis of the magnitude of value for forest carbon sinks evaluation and implementation of Forest E

6、cological Benefit Longcaoping practical significance of forest carbon sinks proposed the idea of mortgage financing. An evaluation of the value of forest carbon sinks Theory 1.1 Forest carbon sinks is an asset Dangui Feng (2002) in his article cited assets of modern economic dictionary definition: “

7、owned by corporations or individuals and has a value of tangible or intangible property rights. Assets useful to the reason why the owner, or because it is source of future career, or because it can be used to obtain the future economic benefits. “by definition can be drawn forest carbon sinks is an

8、 asset: first, as a function of forest carbon sinks, 3regardless of the human or non-human has important value, therefore, is a resource forest carbon sinks; secondly, forest carbon sinks has no physical form; Again, forest carbon sinks generated by the forest, there should be the subject of its own

9、ership; Finally, forest carbon sinks in the future with to certain ecological benefits and economic benefits. 1.2 forest carbon sinks should determine their property rights Mahon et al (1989) pointed out that the property in the legal form of ownership of property, refers to property held by a statu

10、tory body vested rights (including all or possession), usufruct and disposition (including transfers) and other interests in general. Forest carbon sinks assets and other assets as a resource, as there are property management issues. Only clear property rights, changes in resource free possession an

11、d free use of the system, will it be possible to establish a fundamental internal mechanism of efficient use of resources, promotion of forest resources asset management, market-oriented progress. sense, forest carbon sinks will also be the forest ecological benefit 4assets, market-oriented to the s

12、tarting point, which is determined by its objective and measurable, trading characteristics of the decision and, therefore, the forest carbon sinks should clarify its ownership. 2 forest carbon sink value evaluation method 2.1 Estimation of carbon sinks Helmut Lieth (1975) pointed out that the fores

13、t cover is the main body of the terrestrial biosphere, about 85% of terrestrial biomass concentration in the forest vegetation carbon sinks must first calculate estimates of forest biomass. Xinliang, etc. (2006), and Guo Zhihua, etc. (2002) pointed out that the For provincial, basin, national and gl

14、obal regions targeted forest biomass estimation, there are two main methods: Based on the forest inventory data and estimation method based on the estimation method of remote sensing information technology, which, based on the method of forest resource inventory data including Brown S (1984) (1989)

15、raised the average biomass France, Brown S (1992) and Kauppi PE (1992) proposed biomass conversion factor method and Fang JY (1997) and Fang et al (1996) (2002) proposed biomass conversion factor 5continuous function method. Currently, these methods in forest biomass, forest carbon estimation and th

16、e global carbon cycle studies have been widely used. Studies have shown that the type of forest stand biomass and stand volume ratio (ie conversion factor BEF) is not a constant, but with forest age, site, individual density, stand status varies. Therefore, the conversion factor single constant continuous function method instead of the average conversion factor conversion factor age class, which can more accurately estimate the national or regional scale fo



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