About the University of leapfrog development conditions and path(关于大学跨越式发展的条件和路径)

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About the University of leapfrog development conditions and path(关于大学跨越式发展的条件和路径)_第1页
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About the University of leapfrog development conditions and path(关于大学跨越式发展的条件和路径)_第5页
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《About the University of leapfrog development conditions and path(关于大学跨越式发展的条件和路径)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《About the University of leapfrog development conditions and path(关于大学跨越式发展的条件和路径)(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1About the University of leapfrog development conditions and pathAbstract: The University of leapfrog development must first have certain conditions: an innovation principals, an advanced educational philosophy, a good atmosphere to work together, a group of well-known professors. Secondly, the Univ

2、ersity leaps and bounds to follow certain path, this path due to the school system should be. Keywords: University of leapfrog development, conditions; paths. University Development of the Road, there are two: one is the progressive development, the second is leaps and bounds. Specific to each unive

3、rsitys history, the same will have two different period of development, gradual period of development by leaps and bounds period of development. This study focuses on a leapfrog development of the University of the conditions and path I believe that a university logo leapfrog development can be summ

4、arized as follows: First, the development of a 2certain period in the university, the university successfully achieved transformation, sound and rapid development for the university foundation, for example, under the leadership of Peking University in Cai by a feudal bureaucracy is very strong and t

5、he old university, transformed into a new modern university, to achieve leapfrog development . Secondly, the development of a certain period in the university, university personnel training, scientific research and social services achieved fruitful results, it can be said that the university has mad

6、e leaps and bounds. example, Zhejiang University in Impact and under the leadership of a local university to “Oriental Cambridge” to achieve leapfrog development. Again Southwest, cultured under difficult conditions in some of the worlds leading talent, “Bang thirty upload, West earth a thousand yea

7、rs.” , says that the history of the university to create a “Sphinx.” Third, the development of a certain period in the university, the university ranked institutions recognized at home and abroad, ranking forward significantly, and even the worlds top 100 ranks, we say, the university also has made

8、leaps and bounds. example, Huazhong University is 3a school only 60 years of college by an unknown university into the domestic first-class university, also achieve a leap Development. abroad where Humboldt University is a university founded on the ruins, it became the worlds universities can be an

9、example, from the University of Wisconsin, a land-grant college to become a world-class university, Stanford University before World War II is still a good teachers do not want to go to college after World War II has become a world-class university, the University of Warwick in school less than 50 y

10、ears time, into the top 10 UK universities, these universities are achieved in a given period leaps and bounds. Throughout these foreign universities leapfrog development history, we can find the University is developing by leaps and bounds, but this leapfrog development must have certain conditions

11、, to follow certain paths. A University of leapfrog development conditions. 1.1 a principal innovation. By analyzing these eight universities of development history, we find that eight universities are inseparable 4from the development of an innovation principals. Peking development until the beginn

12、ing of the reform of Cai on Peking University; Zhejiang University of development, with the Impact and closely related to leadership, it is Impact and in 1936-1949 years of fruitful work, so that the successive years of Zhejiang University in the anti-Japanese war, at school frequently relocate, a s

13、erious shortage of funds in the case, from a humble local universities, the rapid rise for domestic influential universities; Southwest development is inseparable from the three leading group: Yiqi, Ling-Bo, Menglin, especially Yiqi contribution across the inseparable Huazhong University of principa

14、ls Zhu Jiusi contribution to foreign universities the same way. Humboldt Humboldt Universitys contribution can not be separated, although he is not president, but he was planning to direct the Humboldt University, the University of Wisconsin Chancellor Van Hayes without the contribution from Stanfor

15、d University, is Professor Terman is not open, the University of Warwick is inseparable from Butterworths personality and persistence of these principals have common characteristics: they have the educator and the 5pursuit of quality, with the character of innovation and courage, has a good personal

16、ity and authority. As principals, they can seriously research university development issues, education law known; they understand what the university is, what is a good university, college how to develop, to the Universitys own law of development operate universities and university professors they can even general teachers and students to share power, allowing staff and students of the energy, talent to play to the best state, in the majority of teachers do not want to



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