全国卷1专用《金版新学案》2001高三英语一轮 高一 Units9-12单元测试

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1、用心 爱心 专心 1金版新学案高考总复习配套测评卷 全国卷高三一轮英语卷(三)SBIUnits912学校:_班级:_姓名:_考号:_第卷 (选择题,共 115 分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)1What does the man do?AA taxi driver. BA hotel receptionist.CA waiter.2What does the man mean?AHe really doesnt like any fruit.BHe likes both apples and oranges.CHe lik

2、es bananas more than any other fruit.3What career does the womans brother plan to follow?AInterpersonal relationship research.BArt and history.CBusiness administration.4Why did the man want someone to come up to his apartment?AHe needed an electrician. BThe water was running.CThere was no heat.5What

3、 does the man mean?AIts too far away to walk to.BIts within walking distance.CHe always walks to the train station.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听第 6 段对话,回答第 6 至 8 题。6What might be the relationship between the speakers?AWorkmates. BHusband and wife.CNeighbors.7What will the woman do if the telepho

4、ne rings again?ACall the man home. BAnswer the phone herself.CGo to the neighbors.8How does the man feel?AAngry. BDisappointed.CAnxious.听第 7 段对话,回答第 9 至 11 题。9When does the woman usually watch TV?AAfter midnight. BWhen she is bored.CAfter she has dinner.10Why was the man unhappy?AHe lost his meal ti

5、ckets. BThe food was terrible.CThe TV program was boring.11Why did the man feel even worse?AHe didnt sleep well. BHe wasted so much time.用心 爱心 专心 2CThe woman had the same problem.听第 8 段对话,回答第 12 至 14 题。12What did Georges sister do yesterday?AShe looked after her baby. BShe stayed at home all day.CSh

6、e did some shopping.13What did the woman want to invite George to do last night?ATo a concert.BTo meet her friend Mary.CTo have dinner together.14Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation?AGeorge stayed at home for a whole day yesterday.BThe woman invited George to go shopping wit

7、h her.CBoth of them knew about the concert.听第 9 段对话,回答第 15 至 17 题。15What does the woman do?AA policewoman. BA librarian.CA student.16When did the man borrow the book?AOn September 17. BOn a rainy day.COn September 7.17What do you know about the book?AThe man returned it. BIt was lost.CThe records on

8、 it were correct.听第 10 段独白,回答第 18 至 20 题。18What or who made Dick turn back to London? ASome bells ringing in London. BA rich merchant.CHis only friend,a cat.19How did Dick get a lot of money first?AHe sent goods to trade in Africa.BHe sold his cat.CHe found a job with a rich merchant.20Why did they

9、say the bells of London had been right?ABecause Dick became rich.BBecause Dick was made Lord Mayor of London.CBecause Dick traded a lot of goods.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)21How about going out for a walk right now?_.After all I need to get myself relaxed,too.AI cant BSo

10、unds a good ideaCThats OK DNo,Im busy now22There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldnt get _.AbetweenBthrough Cacross Dbeyond23(2009 年绵阳市第三次诊断)Lend me some more money,will you?Sorry Ive got_at hand myself.You know the MP3 player cost me all I had just now.Ano one Bneit

11、her Cnone Dnothing24(2009 年西城 5 月)Let us suppose that you are in_position 用心 爱心 专心 3of_parent.Would you like your child to have such a stressful life?Aa;a Ba;the Cthe;a Dthe;the25(2009 年北京、黄冈模拟)The suggestion that the meeting_requires_.Abe put off;being consideredBbe put off;to be consideredCshould

12、be put off;consideredDshould be put off;being considered26If only I_quietly as the doctor advised me to,I would not suffer so much now.Alies Blay Chad lain Dshould lie27It is highly desirable that Obama,the first black American president,_to improve the political and trade relations between China an

13、d the United States.Ashould make more effort Bwill make more effortChave made more effort Dmakes more effort28The problems_at the meeting tomorrow are really hard to solve.Adiscussed Bto discussCto be discussed Ddiscussing29He was about to leave for work_he suddenly remembered that he had locked the

14、 key in the guest room.Aas Bwhile Csince Dwhen30The girl has a wide_of hobbies.She is not only fond of writing and painting,she is also an expert in weaving and knitting.Asort Btype Cdeal Dvariety31_great difficulties we may come across,well help one another to overcome them.AWherever BWhatever CHow

15、ever DWhenever32The old couple decided to_the three orphans who lost their parents in the terrible earthquake,thinking that their love could heal their pain from losing their beloved ones.Aadapt Bbring Creceive Dadopt33(2010 届河北唐山模拟)As a Chinese,I was proud of_Zhang Yimou had done in the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games.Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dwhere34(2010 届福建龙岩一中模拟)It is the


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