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1、英语知识归纳整理(学业水平考试专用)模块一Unit1短语at easy 安逸 自在 be happy with 对满意;因为开心attend assembly 参加集会 the best way to do sth。 。 做最好的方法earn respect from sb。得到的尊敬 Achieve high grades 取得好成绩a bit 一点儿 spend (in) doing 花费做at lunchtime 午餐时分 for free 免费at the end of 在的末尾 for example 例如look like 看起来像 way of life 生活方式as well

2、as 也;和 on average 平均at the beginning of 在最初;在 开头 encourage sb。 to do sth。 。鼓励做enjoy doing sht。喜欢做 first of all 首先be interested in 对感兴趣 at the weekend 在周末e-mail address 邮箱地址 next time 下次be good at 擅长于 much more than 不仅仅all year round 全年 make sure 确保;确定take care of 照顾 on campus 在校园内during break times

3、在课间 Develop an interest in 养成对 的兴趣make a speech 作演讲 miss the chance to do sht。 失去做的机会leave out 遗漏;省去 next door 隔壁pay attention to 注意 for long 长久inform sb。 of sth。 。 通知某人某事 be responsible for 对负责consisit of 由组成 come up with 提出,想出be challenging for sb。 对有挑战性 surf the Internet 上网,网上冲浪miss a chance to d

4、o sth。 失去做的机会 Prepare for 为做准备as well as 也,又 pay attention to 注意重点句型例句:很难记住所有人的面孔和名字。 so it was difficult to remember all the faces and names。你没有去看那部电影真是遗憾。 It is a pity that you didnt see the film今天晚上有可能地震吗? Is it likely that there will be an earthquake tonight?你是否答对这个问题都无所谓。 It doesnt matter wheth

5、er you answer this question right or not。句型总结上面几个句子中,it 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式 to remember,真正的主语还可以是 V-ing 形式。就像你文章里提到的那样,我确实喜欢饭后吃点心。 I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your article。昨天我确实告诉他这个消息了。did tell him the news yesterday。明天早晨请各位务必准时到。 Please do come on time tomorrow morni

6、ng。句型总结上面几个句子中, “do+动词原形”表示强调,其中 do 可以有时态的变化。学业一结束,他就开始了在中国的旅行。Upon finishing his studies,he started travelling in China。我一到车站就给你打电话。On/Upon arriving at the station,Ill telephone you。一听到这个令人高兴的消息,我就大笑起来。On/Upon hearing the pleasing news,I began lauhing。一做完作业,那个男孩就去踢足球了。On/Upon finishing his homework

7、,the boy went to play football。句型总结upon doing 意为“一就” 。同 on doing。单元重点语法定语从句英语中用来修饰名词或代词的句子叫做定语从句。定语从句的引导词叫做关系词,其中who、whom、which、that、whose 是关系代词,when、where、why 是关系副词。关系代词在从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等,而关系副词在从句中作状语。V-ing 形式V-ing 形式具有名词的特性,在句中可以充当名词所能充当的成分,比如作主语、宾语、表语。动词不定式和 V-ing 形式都可以作主语、宾语和表语,一般来说, V-ing 形式表示习惯

8、性动作、经常性的行为,动词不定式往往表示一次性、具体的行为。Unit2短语grown up 长大 turn up 调高;出现;露面a waste of time 浪费时间 no more 不再try to do sht. 试图做 spend(in) doing sth. 花费做choose to do sth. 选择做 be angry with sb./about sth. 因而生气than expected 比预料的更 cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待地做be supposed to do sth. 应该做leave sb. in charge 留给负责do with 处

9、理;对付punish sb. for sth. 因惩罚go unpunished 免受惩罚 go out 熄灭deserve to do sth. 值得做 instead of 代替;而不是shout at 对大喊大叫 be hard on 对苛刻now that 既然 feel like 想要in the form of 以的形式 pay attention to 对注意of oness own 自己 a little bit 有点,一点点be proud of 对感到自豪 stay up 熬夜be neverous about 对感到紧张、不安 for nothing 徒然;免费after

10、 all 毕竟 mix up 混淆in fact 实际上 ask for 要求,请求keep doing sth. 继续、坚持做 gettidied up 将整理好all the time 一直,始终 make a difference 有所不同;有用be busy with sth. 忙于 treat sb. well 善待insist on doing sth. 坚持做 too much 太多Internet cafe 网吧 like crazy 拼命;发了疯似地forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止 做 in charge of 负责,处理be rude to 对粗鲁

11、 as though/if 好像,似乎insist on 坚持,坚持认为 at present 目前eitheror不是 就是 a waste of 浪费take ones advice 接受的建议重点句型例句:让你们用来买狗食的钱已经不见了The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone到了北京,你应该打电话给你的父母,让他们知道你已经平安到达。You are to call your parents to let them know our safe arrival when you get to Beijing。我原打算是星期天下

12、午秋我的老朋友们一起去公园玩的,但是他们都没来。I was to spend the Sunday afternoon with my old friends in the park,but they did no come。句型总结be to do 表示“ 按计划要做事先安排好的有一定的目的”房间里一团糟,比萨饼盒子扔在地板上,碗碟堆在洗碗池里。 The room is in a mess,with pizza boses on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink他站在那儿,手里拿着一根点燃的香烟。He stood there with a ligh

13、ted cigarette in his hand。没有人和他谈话,他只好看书。With no ome to talk to,he had to read a book。有导游给我们带路,我们毫不费力地走出了大山。With the guide leading the way,we got out of the mountain without any difficulty。他看电视的时候喜欢把电灯关了。He likes watching TV with the lights off。句型总结with 复合结构, “with+名词/代词名词/ 形容词/介词(短语) /副词/不定式/V-ing/V

14、-ed 形式”表示原因、状态等。每当我想做什么事,或是提一个建议,比如我们一家可以去哪家餐馆吃晚饭什么的,他总是不听我的。Whenever I want to do something or suggest an idea,such as a resturant we can go to for dinner, he doesnt listen to me。每当看到你我就开心。I am happy with whenever/no matter when I see you。你什么时候想来就来。Come whenever/no matter when you like。不管你到哪里,我都跟你去

15、。Whenever/No matter where you go,I will follow you。不管花多长时间,我都要完成这项工作。However/No matteh how long it takes,I will finish the job。句型总结whenever 在此意为“每当,无论何时,随时” ,为连词在这里引导时间状语从句,相当于no matter when,类似的词还有 whatever、however 、whichever,分别与 no matter what、no matter how、no matter where 同义。单元重点语法本单元重点语法项目为:“介词which/when/whom”引导的定语从句和关系副词when、where 、 why 引导的定语从句。Unit 3



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