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1、1Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ?一、必背短语1.play the guitar 弹吉他 2.play chess 下象棋 3.like doing sth/ to do sth 喜欢做某事 4.want/need sth 需要某个东西 want/need to do sth 需要做某事 want/need sb. to do sth 需要某人做某事 5.be good at +名词/动 ing 在某个方面做的好;擅长6.be good with 对.有办法(同义词组:get on well with) 7.help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

2、 help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人8.speak+语言 speak English 说英语 9.tell stories 讲故事 10.talk to/with sb 和某人谈话 11.make friends with sb 和某人交朋友 12.join the art club 加入美术社团 13.do kung fu 表演功夫14.on the weekend/on weekends 在周末 15.old peoples home 老年之家 16.students sports center 学生体育中心 17.story telling club 讲故事社团 18.s

3、chool music festival 学校音乐节 19.English-speaking students 说英语的学生20. Little: 1)little 有“ 小的,小巧的” 之意,带有小的可爱之意。2)注意 little 与 a little 的区别:little 与 a little 都可表示数量,修饰不可数名词。但 little 表示否定意义,而 a little 表示肯定意义。22.play+球、棋、牌; play+the+乐器。23.can+动词原形,它不随主语和数而变化。(1)含有 can 的肯定句:主语+can+谓语动词的原形+其他。(2)变一般疑问句时,把 can

4、提前:Can+主语+ 动词原形+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+can。否定回答:No,主语+cant.(3)含有 can 的否定句:主语+cant+动词的原形+其他。(4)含有 can 的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+can+主语+动词原形+其他?24.join+某个组织,俱乐部,party ,参军,党派等 “加入”Join sb. “参加到某人中” join in (doing)sth “ 加入做.,参加某个活动” Join in=take part in +活动,比赛练习 : 一、单项选择( )1. Can you _ him to stop smoking? Sure. AtellB sayC

5、talk Dspeak( )2. The little boy _ English very_. Aspeaks; good Bspeaks; well Csays; well Dtells; well( )3. I want to _ the chess club.A. join B. join in C. join to D. join for( )4. Tom wants _ to you. Are you free?Ato tell Btells Cto talk Dtalks( )5. Can you help me with _?A. dance B. Dancing C. dan

6、ces D. to dance( )6. Her sister can play _ piano, but she cant play _ basketball. 2A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /( )7. - Are you good _ your students?- Yes, I am. A. at B. with C. for D. of( )8. - Are you _?- Yes, I am. A. a musician B. musicians C. musician D. A and B( )9. - Can he _ a stu

7、dent?- Yes. A. is B. be C. are D. does( )10Please call me _ 8989766. Ain Bat Cabout Dwith( )11_ like to go swimming _ summer.AChildren, on BChildren, in CA child, on DA child, in( )12_ you can _ our school concert. AMaybe, in BMaybe, be inC May be, in DMay be, be in( )13We want two good _ our rock b

8、and. Amusic for B musician in Cmusic in Dmusicians for( )14Little Tom can draw _.His drawings are very _.Agood, well Bwell, good Cgood, good Dwell, well二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I have a brother and a sister. So my parents have three _ (kid).2. Can you help me with _ (swim)?3. I can speak a little _ (China)

9、.4. Jacks father and mother are _ (music).5. Running is good_ a mans health. 6. The lady is very good _ her cat. 7. If you are not good _ driving, youd better keep the car away. 8. The book is very _ (interest). 9. I need a_ (relax) holiday. 10. Are you _ (interest) in music?11. He doesnt feel _ (re

10、lax) when he is at work. 三、根据音标及句意写单词。 1. Can you _ spi:k English? Sorry, I cant.2. Can she _ da:ns? Yes, she can.3. My brother plays the _ gita: well.四、句式转换 按要求完成下列句子。(5 分 )1. He can play the piano. (改成否定句)He _ play the piano.2. My sister can join the swimming club. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ _ your sister join

11、?3. Lucys brother wants to be an actor. (改成一般疑问句 )3_ Lucys brother _ to be an actor?4. Mike can join our school music festival. (改为同义句)Mike can _ _ our school music festival. 5. My birthday is May 4th. (用 June 2nd 改写选择疑问句)_ your birthday May 4th _ June2nd?五根据汉语完成句子。(5 分)你会说英语吗? 是的,一点 . _ you _ Engli

12、sh? Yes, _ _.你会照顾孩子吗? 来加入我们吧 . _ you _ _ kids? Come and _ us.六、阅读理解Mr. and Mrs. Brown come from Sydney.They teach English in a middle school.They love their work.They have two childrenJim and Sue.They are all in Hefei now. Mr. Brown can speak Chinese.He can do Chinese kung fu.Mr. Brown likes swimmin

13、g and reading. But Mrs. Brown likes painting and playing Chinese chess. They often go swimming in the afternoon and play chess in the evening. On Sunday morning Mr. Brown do Chinese kung fu. Jim and Sue like playing games. They often play games with Chinese boys and girls.Jims uncle, Green works on a farm near Sydney. He likes swimming, too. He also wants to work in Hefei. But he cant speak Chinese. So he is still in Australia and goes to Chinese classes every week.( )1.Where are Jim and Sue from?ATheyre from America. BTheyre from Canada. CTheyre from Australia. DThey


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