山西省大同市第十九中学2017届高三上学期期中考试英语试卷 缺答案

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1、大同十九中 20162017 学年第一学期阶段性检测高三年级英语 总分 150 分 1、阅读理解。(共 20 小题,每小题 3 分)AYOU might go to a museum to look at old cars or something about an ancient civilization (文明).Would you like to see ice cream?Believe it or not, there is a museum of ice cream in Iowa in the United States. Visitors can see a video tha

2、t tells all about the history of the delicious snack.It seems that ice cream goes back to about 200 BC , when the Chinese mixed together ice, milk and sugar. Spending an afternoon looking at how to make ice cream can make you a little hungry. No problem, the museum has its own ice cream store, where

3、 you can taste some of them.In Edinburgh, Scotland, there is a museum of childhood. The museum shows objects about the lives of children in Scotland, past and present. You can expect toys, dolls, teddy bears and train sets. But there are also videos which tell you what it was like to be a kid in Sco

4、tland in old times.You can hear children reading their multiplication tables (乘法表): Seven sevens are 49, eight sevens are 56. You can also watch documentary movies of the games kids played in Edinburgh in the 1950s, look at the clothes they wore and get to know what their schools were like.It will b

5、e wonderful to visit the Childrens Discovery Museum in Bangkok (曼谷), Thailand. The museum has parts of nature, environment, technology and kids activities. In this museum, you get to take part in the kids activities. You can dress up to be a fireman in a fire truck. It is interesting.1.The passage i

6、s probably from the _section in a newspaper.A. classified ads B. arts and entertainment C .travel and tourism D. announcements题号 一 二 三 四 总分得分2.We learn in the ice cream museum that_.A. the ice cream was be created by ChineseB. ice cream has a history of about 2000 yearsC. ice cream is made up of sug

7、ar and milkD. ice cream originated in the United States3. In the Childhood Museum, you can do the following things except _. A. look at the things in childrens life in old timesB. pretend to be a firefighter in a fire truckC. watch documentary movies of the kids games in the 1950sD. hear children ch

8、anting their multiplication tables4.If you are a nature lover, you will go to visit _.A. the Ancient Civilization MuseumB. the Childrens Discovery MuseumC. the Ice Cream Museum$来& 源:D. the Childhood MuseumB Which city would you prefer to visit, London or Paris?London had welcomed 16.8 million foreig

9、n visitors in 2014, compared with 15.2 million visitors to Paris, according to a new report released by UK research firm Euromonitor International in January.Boris Johnson, Londons mayor, is very proud. “With so many fascinating museums, the best theater scene in the world, more green space than any

10、 other European city, numerous top sporting venues , a low crime rate and much else besides, it is no wonder that people from all over the globe are flocking (蜂拥) to London in record numbers. These figures prove that London is without doubt the greatest city on the planet,” he told The Telegraph.How

11、ever, Paris mayor, Anne Hidalgo, is not as pleased. “London is in some ways a suburb of Paris,” she said.The Huffington Post used the word “bickering” to describe these back-and-forth insults (侮辱). It refers to arguments about unimportant things, like small children fighting over a toy, or lovers ar

12、guing over the TV remote.France and Britain are separated only by the English Channel. For centuries, they fought over territory (领土).But in fact, Paris and London are very similar. Both are centers of fashion and the arts. Even their most famous landmarks are a little similar - the Palace of Versai

13、lles outside Paris and Buckingham Palace in London, for example.Thats the trouble theyre as good as each other. As the Daily Mail put it: London and Paris are “head-to-head” in their battle for supremacy. In fact, visitors to these great cities love them equally. Hidalgo also wrote an article in The

14、 Telegraph, but changed her words slightly: “London is a suburb of Paris and Paris is a suburb of London.” Does this mean these two cities could one day “grow up”, stop bickering, and become friends?5.We learn from the passage that _.A. Paris welcomed more foreign visitors than London did in 2014B.

15、Anne Hidalgo didnt respond to Boris Johnsons remarks about London.C. Boris Johnson is too modest when talking about the characteristics of London.D. The author thinks it meaningless to argue whether Paris is better than London or vice versa.6.The underlined word “bickering” in Paragraph 3 is closest

16、 in meaning to _.A. jealousy B. quarrelingC. embarrassment D. misunderstanding7.In her article in The Telegraph, we can infer Anne Hidalgo_ .$来& 源:A. showed an objective attitude toward London and Paris.WWWB. avoided comparing London with Paris.C. displayed Paris beauty in many different ways.D. defended her idea that Paris is


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