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1、UNIT 8达标测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分第一卷一、听句子,选出与其内容相符的图片。听力部分(25分)(每小题1分,共5 分)B.C.B.C.B.C.B.C.B.C.()1.A.()2.A.()3.A.()4.A.()5.A.二、听对话,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共15分)听第1段对话,回答第6、7小题。()6. What does the new teacher look like in Samsopinion?A. Thin withcurlyhair.B. Thin withglasses.C. Tall with long hair.()7. What kind of pe

2、rson is the new teacher according toLily?A.Serious.B.Humorous.C. Boring.听第2段对话,回答第8、9小题。()8. Where did Ann find the pencilcase?A. In theschoolshop.B. In theclassroom.C. In the school library.()9. Whose pencil case isthis?A.Amys.B.Daves.C. Anns.听第3段对话,回答第10、11小题。()10. What color is thecoat?A.Blue.B.B

3、lack.C. Brown. ()11. Who isnt at schooltoday?A.Jack.B.Tony.C. David.听第4段对话,回答第12、13、14小题。()12. What is Jean interestedin?A.Expensivethings.B. Travelingmagazines.C. Apple products.()13. Whose magazine isthat?A. Carlas. B. Cindys. C. Jeans.()14. Where will the owner of the magazinego?A.ToCanada.B.ToBr

4、itain.C. ToAustralia.听第5段对话,回答第15、16、17小题。()15. What will the speakers buy forJane?A. Atoymonkey.B. Atoydog.C. A toy rabbit. ()16. Who do the speakers buy the model planefor?A.Sam.B.Betty.C. Jane.()17. Where will the speakersgo?A. Tothesupermarket.B. To thelibrary.C. To the bookstore.听第6段对话,回答第18、19

5、、20小题。()18. Where did the girl see thekite?A. Onthestreet.B. Inthegarden.C. In the school. ()19. What did the kite looklike?A.Abird.B.Abag.C. A cloud. ()20. What was the kite madeof?A. Anoldbook.B.Anewspaper.C. A shoppingbag.三、听短文,完成表格。(每小题1分 ,共5分)The Great WallLengthIt is about 21 , 196 (21)long.Pe

6、ople started to build it more than 2,000 years ago, butno one knows the (22)exactly.In the Han dynasty the Great Wall of China was built tokeep out the enemies from the (23).HistoryIn the Ming dynasty, the wall was divided into(24)parts for better control.Today, the Great Wall has become a place of

7、interest forevery (25)to China.第二卷笔试部分(95分)四、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)()26. I found abluehatthepicnic. Oh, itmaybelongDavid. He likes wearing hats verymuch.A.for;inB.at;toC.at;forD. to; at ()27. What beautiful handwriting!Iwondernotebook thisis. It must beGinas.A.whichB.whoseC.whatD. whom()28. Dear,yoube hu

8、ngry after that longwalking. Yes, Mom. I cant wait topigout(大吃 ) on myfavoritehamburgers.A.mustB.couldC.canD. might()29. Paul, when do you plan to start for the meetingtomorrow?Alex,didnttell you that the meeting had been putoff?A.somebodyB.anybodyC.everybodyD. nobody()30. It could be a girlsroom. I

9、guessso.the room is verytidy.A.UnlessB.AlthoughC.WhenD.Because()31. Linda seems verysad. Of course. She lost her mobile phone anditisto her.A.enjoyableB. availableC.valuableD. comfortable()32. Why didRuthsmotherher going out to play? Because she hasnt finished herhomework.A.adviseB.preventC.promiseD

10、. keep ()33. You are alwaysfullof. Can you tell me thesecret? Taking plenty of exercise everyday.A.attentionB.forceC.energyD. support ()34. Would youliketothe concert with metonight? Sure, Id love to. You know, I lovemusic.A.attendB.honorC.avoidD. refuse()35. It was said that the moon had been eaten

11、 by theheavenlyhound(天狗 ).It is nothing butamade-up story.A. Oh, whatapity!B. Im reallyworried.C. Wow,thatsgreat!D. It cant betrue.五、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Itwas a hotdayinJuly,1954. Aman arrived atHanedaAirportinJapan. He looked the sameasothers.36when checking his passport, theofficials (官员 )saw that he

12、 came from a country called Taured. Thepassportlooked37,buttheproblem was that therewasnosuch country as Taured. So they asked the manto38where his country was on amap.He pointed his finger towards Andorra at once, but became angry and confused(迷惑的).Hehad39heardofAndorra,andcouldntunderstandwhyhisho

13、meland of Tauredwasntthere.40him it should have been there forover1,000 years! And the officials found his passport had been stamped by many airportsaround the world.The officials were confused and took him toalocal41. They placed him in a roomwithtwo42outside until they could solve themystery.Theco

14、mpany(公司)hesaidheworkedfordidntknowhim.Thecompanyofficials in Tokyo he was there to do business with? They justshooktheir43too.Later, when the door of his hotelroomwas44,the man haddisappeared.The police believedthathe45run away by jumping out of the window,becausethe room was several floors up, and there was nobalcony (阳台 ).()36.A.BecauseB.ButC.AlthoughD. Or ()37.A.strangeB.bigC.dirtyD.real()38. A.cutoutB.takedownC.pointoutD. look at


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