Unit 3课文重难点过关人教版高二英语选择性必修第三册

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《Unit 3课文重难点过关人教版高二英语选择性必修第三册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3课文重难点过关人教版高二英语选择性必修第三册(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版选择性必修第三册Unit 3课文重难点过关.单词拼写1The young man was asked to help plan Labours election_(活动).2The applicants have to _(经历) a 48hour wait for the results of tests.3The Danes have environmental issues high on their_(议事日程)4Youd better keep the room warm,for the old man is _ (敏感的)to the cold.5The team enjoy

2、ed only _(中等的) success last season. 6The cost per household for the collection and _(处理) of household rubbish is 50 a year.7The union has proposed new _(规章制度) to control the hours worked by its employees.8The government promised to_(使生效)a new system to control financial institutions.1. campaign 2. u

3、ndergo 3. agenda 4. sensitive 5.moderate 6. disposal7. regulations 8.implement.选词填空 下面的短文是P3233的课文改写,请从下表中选择合适的词汇并用其适当的形式完成此文。The beautiful Li River and its 13._ surrounding scenery is one of the most wellknown tourist destinations in Chinas Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.However,its reputation as

4、 a top destination has had negative 14._ on the rivers water quality.15._,water quality in the Li River had suffered 16._ from an increasing volume of tourists,many of whom frequently threw garbage into the river.In order to feed more people,more chemicals were used 17._ crop production.These chemic

5、als led to severe water quality issues,18._a decrease in the number of fish species.The local authorities took some measures 19._pollution in Li River.With these measures,it is believed that the beauty of the Li River will be preserved for generations 20._.In addition,the 21._ “Water Ten Plan” is al

6、so now tackling water pollution across the country.With such campaigns in effect,Chinas waterways are heading towards a clean and 22._ future.13.amazing 14.effects 15.Previously 16. greatly 17.to increase 18. causing 19.to reduce 20.to come 21. sustainable 22.ambitious .经典句式1“介词关系代词”引导非限制性定语从句以往,漓江的

7、水质因为游客量的增长遭到了严重破坏,许多游客经常将垃圾扔入水中。_2with复合结构随着越来越多的家庭垃圾和商业垃圾流入江中,水污染水平不断上升。_3现在分词作结果状语这些化学物质导致严重的水质问题,导致鱼类数量的减少。_4It is/was过去分词that.人们相信,漓江的美会为后代保存下来。_1.Previously,water quality in the Li River had suffered greatly from an increasing volume of tourists,many of whom frequently threw garbage into the ri

8、ver.2.Water pollution levels increased,with more household and commercial waste ending up in the river.3.These chemicals led to severe water quality issues,causing a decrease in the number of fish species.4.It is believed that the beauty of the Li River will be preserved for generations to come.完形填空

9、In 2008,teachers and students from Johnson County Community College(JCCC) traveled to Las Pintas,Mexico,to help build a clinic in the poor community.This work was the beginning of JCCCs students to 1 their classroom knowledge to help the developing world.It has 2 me.In 2007,upon graduating from high

10、 school,I was 3 what career I wanted to go in for.I began my education at Johnson County Community College and attended general education classes.In my second term,I was 4 to be a member of the JCCC International Service that traveled to Las Pintas to offer health care.In Las Pintas we taught the lo

11、cal people how to 5 common health problems and social issues that many of their neighbors were experiencing.In return,we got the chance to learn their Spanish 6 and their daily life.This model of service between JCCC and Las Pintas is a rich crosscultural 7 that not only helped the Las Pintas people

12、 but also broadened our view greatly.I 8 to use my experience in Las Pintas in my daily life.I now work as a nurse at a hospital with a large Spanish 9 .I truly enjoy caring for Spanish patients 10 they remind me of my time in Las Pintas.As a result of my 11 with the JCCC service learning program ov

13、er the past years,I am able to 12 with patients from different cultures.I love 13 my own community and have continued my involvement with the JCCC program.Gandhi wrote that “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” In Las Pintas,I 14 myself a career that will be w

14、ith me throughout my 15 .1A.expand BevaluateCexplain Demploy2A.fled BtrappedCchanged Ddisturbed3A.amazed BchangeableCunhappy Duncertain4A.relieved BashamedChonored Dsurprised5A.think about Bdeal withCfind out Dresult in6A.culture BcoursesChobbies Dservice7A.result BchallengeCreason Dexperience8A.continue BrollCremember Dstop9A.language BpowerCpopulation Dsupport10A.if BasCuntil Dthough11A.relationship BworkCvisit Dagreement12A.compare BconstructCcommunicate Dcompete13A.serving BintroducingCconsidering Dconduct



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