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1、,写作层级训练,综合演练八,用There be结构补全句子 1(2018江苏高考书面表达)毫无疑问,完全依赖消费排名是不明智的。 _ the ratings in consumption. 2(全国卷书面表达)此外,还有一些著名的艺术家将在现场表演如何剪纸。 In addition,_ how to cut paper on the spot.,There is no doubt that it is unwise to depend completely on,there are famous artists performing,3(天津高考书面表达)如果还有什么其他我可以为你做的事情,请

2、尽快与我联系。 _,please contact me as soon as possible. 4(广东高考写作)不可否认,它能增强人们的健康意识,但更有可能引起过度焦虑。 _,but it is more likely to result in over-anxiety.,If there is anything else I can do for you,There is no denying that it can enhance peoples consciousness of health,增分句式(八)彰显水平的强调句、倒装句 特殊句式是英语中的高级表达,其中,强调和倒装句型是最

3、为常见的特殊句式,它们的准确使用能够彰显考生的英语水平,提高写作档次。,一、重点突出的强调句型 在信息传递中,有一些信息是与众不同的,不要“重要的话说三遍”,那太“LOW”了。在写作中,我们可以通过使用强调句型将句子提高到一个新的档次。 强调句型可强调除谓语动词和表语外的其他任何成分,如主语、宾语、状语等。强调句型的灵活运用不仅有助于增强表达效果,突出要强调的重点,更能彰显考生对英语表达的把握能力。其基本结构为:It is/wasthat/who句子其他部分。,It is not only your enthusiasm but also your teamwork and good spir

4、its that impress us. (2018天津高考书面表达) 不仅是你的热情,你的团队合作和良好的精神状态也给我们留下了深刻的印象。,1It is/was被强调部分that/who句子其他部分。 It is because its a good chance for you to learn the natural knowledge of China and make new friends that we really wish you can join us. (浙江高考写作) 正是因为它是你学习中国的自然知识和结交新朋友的好机会,所以我们真的希望你能加入我们。,2Is/Was

5、 it被强调部分that/who句子其他部分? Was it in that park that the children saw the strange green objects? 孩子们是在那个公园里看见了那些奇怪的绿色物体吗? 3特殊疑问词is/was itthat/who句子其他部分? When was it that you made up your mind to work as a volunteer teacher? 你是什么时候下定决心要当一名志愿者老师的?,4It is/was not until that “直到才” It was not until he got ho

6、me 30 minutes later that he found he had left his bag in the taxi. 直到三十分钟后到家时他才发现他的包落在出租车里了。,5强调谓语动词时,用助动词do/does/did,且只能对肯定句的一般现在时和一般过去时进行强调。 If you have any other questions,do let me know. (2019全国卷书面表达) 如果你还有其他问题,一定要告诉我。 We did hope there would be more meaningful activities in the coming future. (

7、2018北京高考书面表达) 我们确实希望今后有更多有意义的活动。,用强调句型补全句子 1(2019全国卷书面表达)我们的排球队确实日程紧。 Our table volleyball team _. 2(2018北京高考书面表达)虽然在中国喝茶的传统能追溯到公元前3,000年,但是在17世纪中期英国才出现下午茶的概念。 Although the tradition of drinking tea dates back to 3,000 BC in China,_ appeared the concept of“afternoon tea”.,即时训练,does have a tight sche

8、dule,it was not until the mid-17th century in the UK that,3(浙江高考写作)正是由于他们的帮助,才避免了一场灾难。 _ a disaster was avoided. 4(北京高考书面表达)正是他的不懈努力使得中国逐渐发生变化。 _ caused China to change gradually. 5你是在哪儿捡到这个钱包的? _ you picked up the wallet? 6是因为被困在交通堵塞中你才来晚的吗? _ you came late?,It was because of their help that,It was

9、 his continuous efforts that,Where was it that,Was it because you were stuck in the traffic jam that,7正是用真诚和诚信我们创造了一种和谐的气氛。 _ we created a harmonious atmosphere. 8我的经历告诉我不是你被给予了什么而是你如何利用它决定着你是谁。 My experience tells me that _ _ determines who you are.,It was with sincerity and faithfulness that,it is

10、 not what you are given but how you make use of it that,9据我所知,可能赢这次竞赛的人是你。 As far as I am concerned, _ _. 10直到进入高中我才意识到英语的重要性。 _ I realized the importance of English.,it is you who/that are likely to win the,contest,It was not until I entered senior high school that,二、平衡句子的倒装结构 在英语写作中,倒装句型应用比较广泛,我们可

11、以通过倒装让句子更高级,强调我们要传达的信息,给文章增色。涉及的句型主要包括部分倒装和全部倒装。 1“only状语”置于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。 Only when you come to China can you experience Chinese food cultures. (2018全国卷书面表达) 只有来到中国,你才能体验中国的饮食文化。,2none,neither,nor,not,never,hardly,little,seldom等否定词,以及表示否定意义的介词短语如at no time,by no means等置于句首时,句子用部分倒装。 Hardly/No sooner

12、 had we arrived at the activity center when/than we signed up to participate in the Walking Contest. 我们一到达活动中心就报名参加了健步走比赛。,3在so/such that 结构中,当so/such连同它所修饰的成分共同位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。 So interested in the competition are some of my classmates and I that we have formed a group to take part in it. (2018天津高考书

13、面表达) 我和我的一些同学对比赛非常感兴趣,以至于我们组织了一个小组来参加比赛。,4as/though引导的让步状语从句中通常使用倒装语序。 Tired as I was, I felt more than delighted and relaxed. (2020全国卷书面表达) 虽然我很累,但我感到非常高兴和放松。,5在含有had,should,were等的虚拟条件状语从句中,若省略连词if,则可将它们移到主语前构成部分倒装。 Should you consider my application,I would be more than grateful. (2019全国卷书面表达) 如果你

14、考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。 Looking back,I feel I wouldnt be able to ride a bike had I lost heart. 回顾以往,我感觉如果我失去了信心就学不会骑自行车了。,6here,there,now,then,out,in,around,up,down,on the wall,in the room等表示地点、时间或方位的副词或介词短语置于句首,且主语是名词而不是代词时,句子用全部倒装。 Here comes some good news. (2020浙江高考书面表达) 好消息来了。,In that picture,around the

15、 table with three books on it sit three students. 在那幅画中,三个学生围坐在桌子周围,桌子上有三本书。 For a moment nothing happened. Then came voices all shouting together. 有一段时间什么也没发生,然后传来了大家一起喊叫的声音。,用倒装句型补全句子 1(2019全国卷书面表达)如果我被选中,我会致力于成为一名合格的志愿者。 _,即时训练,Were I chosen,I would devote myself to being a qualified volunteer.,2

16、(全国卷书面表达)剪纸是如此迷人和生动,我想你可能会对它感兴趣。 _ I think you could be interested in it. 3(浙江高考书面表达)事实上,只有通过不断地行动,不断地调整计划,我们才能达到我们的最终目标。 Actually, only by getting moving and constantly adjusting the plan _.,So attractive and alive is paper-cutting that,can we achieve our final goal,4面对这样的困难你绝不能失去信心。 _ in the face of such difficulty. 5虽然有些问题我似乎不熟悉,但很容易回答。 _,they are easy to answer. 6我们学校前面有一棵1 000年树龄的大树。 _ with a history of 1,000 years.,By no means should you lose heart Unfamiliar though/as some of the question



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