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1、大学英语B9一、交际英语1.- Your garden is very beautiful.- _.A.Thank youB.CongratulationsC.Yes, it isD.No, it isnt答案:A2.- Hows your family?- _ A.Thanks all the same.B.Thanks for calling.C.Not too bad.D.Dont mention it.答案:C3.- How can I get to the cinema?- _ A.Its very far.B.Yes, there is a cinema near here.C.I

2、ts well known.D.Go down this street and turn left.答案:D4.- Paul, _? - Oh, thats my father!And beside him, my mother.A.what is the person over thereB.whos talking over thereC.what are they doingD.which is that答案:B5.- How are you getting on today?- _ A.Very well.B.How do you do?C.Im a doctor.D.Nice to

3、have known you.答案:A二、阅读理解Nancy and Peter like sports. In the summer they swim and in the winter they ski. They are planning a ski trip for this weekend, but they dont know about the weather. Its 7:30 now, and they are listening to the weather report on the radio. The weatherman is giving the weather

4、 for the weekend.Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but its not going to rain. The temperature is going to be in the thirties. Its going to snow Friday night and maybe Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon and Sunday are going to be clear, cold and sunny. Now Nancy and Peter are excited. The weat

5、her is going to be perfect for a ski trip. They are going to have a wonderful weekend in the mountains.6.Nancy and Peter listen to the weather forecast Thursday morning.A.TB.F答案:A7.Nancy and Peter are planning a ski trip in the mountains for the weekend.A.TB.F答案:A8.It is going to snow Friday night a

6、ccording to the weather forecast.A.TB.F答案:A9.The weather will be clear and cloudy on Sunday.A.TB.F答案:B10.Nancy and Peter must live quite near the mountains.A.TB.F答案:AOnce James Thornhill, a famous English painter, was asked to paint some pictures on the walls of the kings palace in England.Then work

7、ers were sent for and a big platform台子was made.With the help of a worker, Thornhill started painting on the platform. They worked for a whole year and at last the pictures were ready.Thornhill was happy when he looked at the pictures, for they were really beautiful. He looked at them for a long time

8、, and then took one step back and looked again. Now the pictures were even more beautiful. He took another step, then another. Finally he was at the very edge of the platform, but he didnt know it because he was thinking of his pictures.The worker saw everything. What should I do? he thought. Thornh

9、ill was at the very edge of the platform. If I cry out, he will take another step, fall off it and surely be killed. So the worker quickly took some paint漆and threw it at the pictures.What are you doing? cried the painter, running quickly forward to his pictures.11.James Thornhill was an English _.A

10、.workerB.artistC.kingD.writer答案:B12.He was ordered to _.A.paint the wall of the kings palace in EnglandB.paint some pictures on the wall of the palaceC.build a big platform in front of the palaceD.put up some new pictures on the old wall答案:B13.It took them _ to finish the pictures.A.a monthB.a weekC

11、.twelve monthsD.half a month答案:C14.James Thornhill felt that the _ he was from the pictures, the _ they were.A.nearermore beautifulB.farthermore uglyC.farthermore beautifulD.higher abovemore good-looking答案:C15.The worker threw some paint at the pictures in order to _.A.save James lifeB.destroy the p

12、ictureC.make the picture more beautifulD.make the king angry答案:A三、词汇与语法16.We were _ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late.A.put backB.broke downC.held upD.kept off答案:C17.I fell and hurt myself while I _ basketball yesterday.A.was playingB.am playingC.playD.played答案:A18.He _ lives in

13、 the house where he was born.A.alreadyB.yetC.stillD.ever答案:C19.You had better _ a doctor as soon as possible.A.seeingB.sawC.seeD.seen答案:C20.The manager will not _ us to use his car.A.haveB.letC.agreeD.allow答案:D四、完型填空Mr Simpson liked to be exact确切的. One day when he was walking in the street, a man ca

14、me over and asked him:Excuse me, _21_ wheres the nearest bookshop?The nearest bookshop? You must _22_ a bridge and then turn to the right.And is the bridge long?_23_ short. Thirty meters.The man thanked him and went towards the bridge. Suddenly he heard someone running after him.Stop! Mr Simpson was

15、 shouting. Im sorry. I just _24_ that the bridge is forty meters long. If you go thirty meters and then turn to the right, _25_ I told you to do, youll fall into the river. 21.A.VeryB.butC.rememberedD.asE.cross答案:B22.A.VeryB.butC.rememberedD.asE.cross答案:E23.A.VeryB.butC.rememberedD.asE.cross答案:A24.A.VeryB.


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