人教版英语高中必修三Unit 5 Canada -“The True North” warming up and reading 课件(共39张PPT)

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人教版英语高中必修三Unit 5 Canada -“The True North” warming up and reading 课件(共39张PPT)_第1页
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1、Unit 5 CanadaThe True North,Period 1 Warming-up most beautiful city; surrounded by mountains and ocean; ski in the mountains and sail in the harbour.,Canada,CN Tower,Niagara fall,The Rocky Mountains,Period 2 Reading,The Great Lakes are the largest fresh surface water system on Earth. It supplies abo

2、ut one-fifth of the worlds fresh surface water and nine-tenths of the U.S. water.,苏必利尔湖,休伦湖,密歇根湖,伊利湖,安大略湖,A Trip on The True North”,The True North” is the train that goes across Canada/the cross-Canada train”,What is The True North”?,I. Fast reading,Find out what these numbers refer to? second 5,500

3、 320 thirty one-third,It is 5,500 km from coast to coast.,Most Canadians live within 320 km of the USA border,The population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million,Canada has one-third of the worlds fresh water,second largest country in the world,Draw the route of the two girls traveling acr

4、oss Canada.,Vancouver,Rocky Mountains,Calgary,Thunder Bay,Toronto,refer to the map on page 33,II. Careful reading,Vancouver,Calgary,Thunder Bay,Toronto,The warmest part of Canada, the most beautiful city,Calgary Stampede,It is a very busy port,III. Detailed reading,The girls went to Canada to see th

5、eir relatives in Montreal. 2. Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.,in the East of Canada / on the Atlantic coast of Canada,the train station to catch the cross-Canada train,3. You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle. The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians a

6、nd cowboys. 5. Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto.,cant,a grizzly bear, mountain goats and wild scenery,at the top end of the Great Lakes, near the center of the country,Which of the following is described as the most beautiful city in Canada? Vancouver Calgary Toronto M

7、ontreal,Feedback quiz (2m),2. What does the word slightly” in the text mean? a bit a lot greatly lightly,3. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? Li Daiyu and Liu Qian went to Canada to see their cousins in Montreal. Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada near T

8、oronto. The girls looked out of the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys. Li Daiyu and Liu Qian went to Canada to see their relatives on the Atlantic coast.,Design a route for traveling. Which cities would you like to visit in China? What can you see in these cities?,Discussion (5m),Period 3 L

9、anguage Points,1. reason n. 理由,原因 ; v. 推理 for the reason of 由于的原因 the reason (why)is that 理由是 reason with sb. 与某人理论,His failure was _ his laziness. A. because B. because of C. as a result of D. the reason for,B,2 . expect vt. 期望,预料 expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事 expect that +句子 预期,认为 expect to do sth

10、 想要做某事 I expect so. 我想是这样。 I dont expect so. 我想不是这样。 I expect not.,He _to get some cards for his birthday, but none arrived. promised B. expected C. thought D. supposed,B,3. rather than 表示客观事实,意为是而不是;与其不如”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。,rather than 与其不如 would rather do than do 宁愿 而不 =wo

11、uld do rather than do prefer to do rather than do宁愿 而不,You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去要野营。,rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。,注意!,4. eastward adv. 向东 (=eastwards) -ward(s)加在前置词上,构成副词,表示方向backward(s)向后,upward(s)向上。,The river extends _( 向南).,southward(s

12、),5. surrounded by mountains v. 环绕,把包围起来,The soldiers _ (包围) the enemy.,surrounded,We could see the buildings _ by trees. A. being surrounded B. surrounded C. to be surrounded D. surround,B,6. On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world still remain. 在温

13、哥华北面的海岸上,仍然保存着世界上最古老,最美丽的森林。,1) remain用作不及物动词,意为剩下、留下、呆在”, 相当于stay。如: Only a few leaves remained (=were still) on the tree. 树上只剩下几片叶子了。 注意:呆在那里”可以说 remain /stay there,但呆在家里”只能说stay(at)homeremain。,2)作连系动词, 意为一直保持,仍然处于某种状态中”,后可接多种成分作表语。 a. 接名词作表语 Theirmarriageremainsasecret. 他们的婚姻仍然是个秘密。,b. 接形容词作表语 Th

14、eshopremainsopenuntil11 atnight. 这个商店一直营业到晚上十一点。,1) 坐下,躺下 He settled down in his chair to read the newspaper.,7. settle down 使(安坐),定居下来,2) 过安定的生活 After years of traveling, he decided to settle down here. 3) 安下心来,专心致志于 Then they settled themselves down _ work. A. to B. on C. with D. in,8. within 在 之内

15、(尤指时间,距离) within与in表达时间的区别: within与in 指在时间范围之内,不超过时,可替换;而in 还可指将来。 I finishes the exam within/in an hour. (一小时之内) Ill be there in an hour. (一小时之后),9. They went through a wheat-growing province and saw farms that were thousands of square kilometres in size. 火车穿过一个种植小麦的省份,他们看见了面积有数千平方公里的农场。,wheat-growing 是一个复合形容词。 peace-loving 爱好和平的 English-speaking 讲英语的,10. figure sth. out 想出,计算出 I cant figure out how to do it. 我弄不懂怎么做这件事。 It took me hours to figure those maths problems out. 我花了好几小时才做出那些数学题。,11. as as asas 常用作比较等级结构,+形容词/副词原级+as。 常用句式有: 1)倍数+as much/manyas 多达 2)表倍数的词(twice)+the+相应的名词形式+of,



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