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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学英语六级分类模拟题143大学英语考试复习资料大学英语六级分类模拟题143大学英语六级分类模拟题143Translation问题:1. 牌坊 牌坊(memorial archway)不同于民居,民居是住人的,也不同于祠庙,祠庙是供神的。它是一种纪念性的独特的建筑物。牌坊就其建造意图来说,可分为三类:第一类为标志坊;第二类为功德坊;第三类为功名坊。在中国封建社会,牌坊是崇高荣誉的象征。树牌坊是彰德行、留芳名之举,是人们一生的最高追求。安徽省南部有悠久的修建牌坊的历史,许多牌坊至今仍保存完好,与古民居、古祠堂鼎足齐名。 答案:The memorial archway, dif

2、ferent from either folk houses which are to be dwelled by people or temples where gods are worshiped, is a kind of unique memorial architecture. The memorial archway can be classified into three types according to the purpose of construction, the symbolic archway, the archway of merits and virtues,

3、and the archway of achievement. The memorial archway was a symbol of lofty honor in Chinese feudal society. As constructing the memorial archway was an act of promoting virtues and gaining immortal fame, it became the highest pursuit in peoples lives. With a time-honored custom of building up memori

4、al archways, southern Anhui Province has many well-preserved memorial archways, which are equivalent to ancient folk houses and shrines in reputation.问题:2. 京韵大鼓 京韵大鼓(北京大鼓)是包含着北京方言的大鼓表演。这种大众娱乐的风格主要是说唱,用北京方言讲故事并且用大鼓伴奏。这种艺术形式的前身是“怯大鼓”,它由民间艺术家于德魁加上北京方言和声调,变成今天为人所熟知的京韵大鼓。20世纪20年代以后,京韵大鼓艺术逐渐成熟,并且成为最重要的艺术形

5、式之一。早年,京韵大鼓三大流派的代表人物分别是刘宝全、白云鹏和张小轩。 答案:Jing Yun Da Gu (Beijing Drum) is a performance involving Beijing dialect and big drum. As a genre of popular entertainment consisting mainly of talking and singing, it tells stories in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment. The predecessor of this art form wa

6、s Qie Da Gu (feared drum). It was later reformed by folk artist Yu Dekui who added Beijing dialect and tunes to it and made it into what is known today as Jing Yun Da Gu. After the 1920s, Jing Yun Da Gu gradually became mature, and this made it one of the most important art forms. In the early years

7、, Jing Yun Da Gu mainly featured three major schools of style represented respectively by Liu Baoquan, Bai Yunpeng and Zhang Xiaoxuan.问题:3. 唐诗 唐代是中国古典诗歌发展的全盛时期。唐诗是中国优秀的文学遗产,也是全世界文学宝库中一颗灿烂的明珠。尽管离现在已有1000多年,许多诗篇还是广为流传。唐代的诗人特别多,李白、杜甫、白居易都是世界闻名的伟大诗人。唐诗的形式多种多样。一般来说,唐诗的基本形式有六种:五言古体诗、七言古体诗、五言绝句、七言绝句、五言律诗和七

8、言律诗。唐诗的形式和风格丰富多彩,推陈出新,把中国古典诗歌文字精练、音节和谐的艺术特色推到前所未有的高度。 答案:The Tang Dynasty is the most prosperous period for the development of Chinas classical poetry. Tang poetry is not only the great literary heritage of China, but also a glittering pearl in the world treasure-house. Though more than one thousand

9、 years has passed, many of the poems are still very popular. The number of poets in Tang Dynasty is great, such as the world well-known poets Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi. The forms of Tang poetry are various. Generally speaking, Tang poetry has six basic forms; penta-syllabic and septa-syllabic ancie

10、nt poetry; penta-syllabic and septa-syllabic quatrain and penta-syllabic and septa-syllabic regulated verse. The forms and styles are various and changing. Tang poetry makes the use of artistical features of succinct language and the syllabic harmony of Chinas classical poetry reach the highest leve

11、l.问题:4. 周庄 周庄是极少数可供人们体验典型的中国水乡(water town)生活的地方之一。这座毗邻苏州的江苏小镇有“东方威尼斯”之美誉,古建筑保存良好,河网密布(crisscross),风景如画,常年游客不断。这美丽的风景中最引人注目的当属桥,有的是石桥,有的是木桥,形状各异,大小不一。建于明朝的双桥被视为该镇的标志,是游客不可错过的风景。它的一个桥拱(arch)呈圆形,而另一个呈长方形,样子很像古代的钥匙。所以当地人也将它称为“钥匙桥”。 答案:Zhouzhuang is one of the few places where people can experience the l

12、ife of a typical Chinese water town. Acclaimed as Venice of the East, the town near Suzhou in Jiangsu Province attracts a constant flow of visitors throughout the year with its well-preserved old houses and picturesque landscape of crisscrossing waterways. Among the most eye-catching features in thi

13、s picture-perfect landscape are the bridges, in different shapes and sizesbuilt with stone or wood. Twin Bridge, built during the Ming Dynasty and considered as the symbol of the town, is a must-see in Zhouzhuang. One of its arches is round and the other is rectangular, which makes the bridge look l

14、ike an ancient Chinese key. Thus locals also call it the Key Bridge.问题:5. 火锅 在一个寒冷的冬天里,如果和朋友或者家人在一起吃令人喜欢的火锅是多么惬意的事情。火锅是由中间是一个烟囱和有四周环绕热水组成的木炭火炉。火锅在中国北方已经有1000多年的历史。火锅在唐朝的时候已经相当普及,而且清朝的皇帝乾隆和嘉庆这样至高无上的统治者也喜欢火锅的美味。据史料记载,嘉庆皇帝在1795年登基的时候,在宴会上用火锅招待了到场的各国客人。在不同的区域流行不同的火锅,有不同的风味。特别值得一提的是两种火锅:羊肉火锅和热汤火锅。 答案:On

15、a cold winters day, nothing can be more desirable and pleasant than sitting down with friends or family members to eat a hot-pot. A hot-pot is a charcoal stove with a central chimney and an outer ring filled with hot water. The hot-pot, which originated in North China, boasts a history of more than

16、one thousand years. It became popular during the Tang Dynasty and was greatly enjoyed by supreme rulers like Emperor Qianlong and Emperor Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty. According to historical records, when Emperor Jiaqing came to the throne in 1795, he gave a celebration banquet to entertain foreign guests with hot-pots. Various types of the hot-pot with various flavors are popular in different regions. Two o


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