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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学英语四级综合分类模拟题23大学英语考试复习资料大学英语四级综合分类模拟题23大学英语四级综合分类模拟题23Short Answer Questions Last years economy in the United States should have won the Oscar(奥斯卡奖) for best picture. Growth in gross domestic product was 4.1 percent; profits soared up; exports flourished; and inflation (通贷膨胀) stayed aroun

2、d 3 percent for the third year. So why did so many Americans give the picture only a B rating? The answer is jobs. The macroeconomic (宏观经济的) situation was good, but the microeconomie (微观经济的) numbers were not. Yes, 3 million new jobs were there, but not enough of them were permanent, good jobs paying

3、 enough to support a family. Job insecurity was not good. Even as they announced higher sales and profits, corporations acted as if they were in a loss, cutting 516,069 jobs in 1994 alone, almost as many as in the bad year of 1991. Yes, unemployment went down. But over 1 million workers were so disc

4、ouraged they left the labor force. More than 6 million who wanted full time work were only partially employed; and another large group was either sheltered behind self employment. We lost a million good manufacturing jobs between 1990 and 1995, continuing the trend that has reduced the blue collar w

5、ork force from about 30 percent in the 1950s to about half that today. White collar workers found out they were no longer secure. In 1995, for the first time, they were let go in numbers virtually equal to those for blue collar workers. Many turn to temporary work-with lower pay, fewer benefits and

6、less status. All this is a country where people meeting for the first time say, What do you do? 1. According to the author, what problem is the main economic problem the United States are facing?答案:Unemployrment解析 推断题。由第一段中的关键句The answer is jobs可知,文章主要是介绍美国的就业形式,且下文均是围绕失业这个问题,由此可知美国当前面对的最大问题是“失业”。2.

7、 Although gross domestic product_, profits soared up, exports _, many Americans are not quite satisfied with the economy.答案:increased/flourshed解析 细节题。从句子Growth in gross domesticexports flourished可知,当年美国的国内生产总值上升了,出口增加了。3. What will a newly employed be most likely to find with the job?答案:It is not pe

8、rmanent and well-paid解析 推断题。第一段最后一句提到new jobs were there,but not enough of them were permanent,good jobs paying enough to support family,由此可知,找到新工作的人可能会发现找到的工作不是特别稳定,待遇也不好。4. For the last four decades, who have been more vulnerable to unemployment?答案:The blue collar workers解析 细节题。文中只提到两种工人,即blue col

9、lar workers和white collar workers,结合第三段末句reduced the blue collar work force from about 30 percent in the 1950s to about half that today,可知近四十年来受失业影响最大的是蓝领工人。5. The word those in the last paragraph refers to答案:number解析 语义题。those出现在they were let go in numbers virtually equal to those for blue collar wo

10、rkers中,由语法并结合句意可知those指代numbers。 let sth/sbgo(let go of sb/sth)意为“放开,释放”,let的过去分词和过去式的形式仍let,例如:Let the rope go/Let go of the rope松开绳子。 Cloze From childhood to old age, we all use language as a 1 of broadening the knowledge of ourselves and the world about us. When humans first 2 , they were like ne

11、wborn children, 3 to use this valuable tool. Yet once language developed, the possibilities for human- kinds future attainments (成就,造指) and cultural growth increased. Many linguists believe that evolu- tion is 4 for our ability to produce and use language. They 5 that our highly evolved brain provid

12、es us 6 an innate (先天的) language ability not found in lower 7 . Proponents of this innateness theory say that our 8 for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually, 9 a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. 10 there are critical biological times for language devel

13、opment. Current 11 of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence 12 the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable. Indeed, more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in the 13 grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being 14 to them, w

14、hile adults have a much harder time learning another language once the 15 of their first language have become firmly fixed. Although some aspects of language are 16 innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been 17 from other human beings do not possess language.

15、 This demonstrates that 18 with other human beings is necessary for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language 19 than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior. In other words, children learn language from their parents by 20 them. Parents gradually shape their childs language skills by positively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforc- ing imprecise ones. 1.A.meanB.methods


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