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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟385大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟385大学三级(A)模拟385Part Listening ComprehensionSection A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Mail an invitation to the Johnsons.B.Doesnt mention the thing to the Johnsons.C.Have a call to the Johnsons.D.Ask the Johnsons to come.答案:B解析W: I want to invite the Johnsons to the

2、party. Do you know their address?M: No, but Id not like them to come. I think their coming will bother you.Q: What is the woman going to do?若听懂第二个人所说的“No, but Id not like them to come. I think their coming will bother you.”中的任何句即可。由于man不愿意他们一家人来,因此woman就不会向他们提及此事。2.A.She lost her face during the mee

3、ting.B.She agreed that it was an excellent meeting.C.The plan should be put forward.D.He would have supported the plan this morning.答案:D解析M: I agreed with your plan at the meeting this morning. It was an excellent one.W: You should have supported it thenwhen I needed it.Q: What does the woman mean?关

4、键要听懂woman所说的“You should have supported it then.”这一句中的虚拟语气,即“你应该支持这个计划”。而实际上没有做,因此D项正确。3.A.That she will not be able to get her car into garage.B.Thai her car will be in the way of the bus.C.That the bus is blocking the view of her parkingD.That her car will be damaged it she parks on the street.答案:A

5、解析W: If that bus parks here. it will block the garage, I can not get my car in it.M: Ill ask the driver to park away.Q: What is the woman concerned about?此题只要能听懂“I can not get my car in it. (我不能将车停进去。)”或“It will block the garage. (它将挡了车库。)”中的任何一句即可尤其是对“block”一词。4.A.He hopes Jack will get a better jo

6、b after school.B.He thinks Jack can be a writer.C.He thinks that Jack should get more exercise.D.He is not satisfied with Jacks earning.答案:B解析M: You know, even I could do a better job of writing than selling.W: Oh you could, could you, Jack?Q: What does the man think about Jack?一是要听懂第二个人的语气,是肯定的。二是要

7、抓住第一个人所说的“even I could do a better job of writing than selling.”即他倾向于writing(写作)而不是selling(卖物品)。由此类推,B项(他认为杰克能成为一名作家)是正确的。5.A.No, because there was no blue.B.No, because Henry likes the red.C.Yes, Henry painted it.D.Yes, someone else painted it.答案:D解析M: Did Henry paint the whole bookshelf himself?W:

8、 He had it painted red. He doesnt like blue.Q: Was the bookshelf painted?听懂问题“Was the bookshelf painted?”是在问“书架漆了没有?”而不是漆成什么颜色,所以A、B项皆不对,然后抓住“He had it painted red.”中的“have sth. done(请某人做某事)”句型得出正确答案为D。Section B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.At Kathys school.B.In the police station.C.At Mrs. Strongs home

9、.D.On the phone.答案:D解析M: Hamilton Police Station. Can I help you?W: Yes. Its about my daughter, Kathy. She went to school this morning but hasnt been bask yet and its 5:30 now.M: Just a moment, Mrs. ?W: Mrs. Strong, Kate Strong, 203 ChurchStreet.M: Thank you. Now Mrs. Strong, what exactly is the mat

10、ter?W: Well, Kathy left home at 8:30 this morning, but just now her teacher phoned me and asked why Kathy didnt go to school.M: Perhaps she went to a friends home. Have you asked your neighbors?W: Yes, Ive called all the neighbors and their children were all back home.M: I see. Now, lets have some d

11、etails. How old is Kathy?W: Shes 7 years old.M: And whats she wearing?W: A brown coat, black shoes, and a yellow skirt. Yes, thats right.M: Well do our best to find her, Mrs. Strong. Please try not to worry.Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?解析 根据原文(8)处可知,该对话应是女士在电话中向警察局报警的对话,故

12、选D。2.A.A whole day.B.The whole afternoon.C.The whole morning.D.A whole night.答案:A解析Q: How long had Kathy been away from home?解析 根据原文(9)处可知,女士说到她女儿今天早上去上学,但一直到现在还没回来,而现在已经是5:30了,可判断女儿离家一整天的时间了,故选A。3.A.Red.B.Blue.C.Brown.D.Yellow.答案:C解析Q: Whats the color of Kathys coat?解析 根据原文(10)处可知,对话中女士描述女儿衣着时明确交代了

13、身穿a brown coat,故选C。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4.A.In a newspaper.B.From a friend.C.On TV.D.In a magazine.答案:A听力原文M: Nice to see you. Ive come for a job interview.W: Oh, yes. How did you find out about the job?M: I read your advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. So here I am.W: Good. Do you know about

14、 computers?M: Yes, I studied computer science in the university and later I worked in a computer company for a few years.W: Then what makes you think to come to this place?M: Well, I hope to find a better place for further development.W: Good. Please fill in this form. Well inform you very soon.M: T

15、hanks for your consideration.W: Thats OK.How did the man find out about the job? 解析 题目询问男士如何发现这份工作的。对话中男士说“I read your advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. ”(我看了昨天报纸上的广告),说明男士是通过报纸发现这份工作的,所以答案为选项A。 文中未出现“friend”,“TV”和“magazine”等字眼,所以选项B(通过朋友),选项C(通过电视)和选项D(通过杂志)都不是男士发现这份工作的途径。 5.A.Knowledge of English.B.Communication skill.C.Creativity.D.Knowledge about computer.答案:D听力原文 What qualification is probably required by the company?


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