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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学英语四级模拟1227大学英语考试复习资料大学英语四级模拟1227大学英语四级模拟1227Part Writing问题:1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students Preference in the Use of Computer based on the statistics provided in the chart below. Please give a brief description of t

2、he chart first and then make comments on it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 答案:范文 College Students Preference in the Use of Computer As is illustrated in the bar chart, the top 3 things that college students use computer for are spelling/writing, games and Internet,

3、accounting for 64%, 48% and 44% respectively. It is obviously that college students are becoming addicted to computers for entertainment. With the advent of PC and the increasing magic of cyber world, college students who lack self-discipline are likely to neglect schooling and indulge in computer g

4、ames and the Internet. It may be attributed to two factors. Firstly, with more free time and less academic pressure in university, students, especially male students are easily addicted to cyber games, losing themselves in the virtual gaming world. Secondly, the convenience offered by multifunctiona

5、l networks never fails to allure the students. Now they can go shopping, chat with friends or watch videos online any time they like. Therefore, measures should be taken to guide the young to find out their academic interests and goals in life. Whats more, college students should enrich their life b

6、y reading. Part Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best an

7、swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.A British social network will close down.B.A new broadcast will be founded.C.Two business partners will break up.D.Some friends reunit

8、ed in the UK.答案:A听力原文 Friends Reunitedone of the UKs first social networkshas announced it will soon close. One of its founders Steve Pankhurst explained in an email that the platform was still used by a handful of members but that it was no longer used for the purpose it was built for. Friends Reun

9、ited launched in the year 2000 and was bought by broadcaster ITV for 175m in 2005. However, it failed to keep pace with other social networks. It was sold to comic publisher DC Thomson for only 25m in 2009 and Mr Pankhurst wrote in a blog post that the company had offered it back to him a couple of

10、years ago. Pankhurst and business partner Jason Porter agreed to take on the site for a trial period to see if they could refresh it. It became clear that most of the actual users coming to the site were using it purely as a message board, wrote Mr. Pankhurst. What is the news report mainly about? 解

11、析 新闻开头提到,“朋友再相聚”这个社交网站将会关闭(Friends Reunited. has announced it will soon close),A“一家英国社交网站将会关闭”是原文的概括。新闻中提到广播公司ITV收购了这家社交网站,B“一家新的广播公司即将成立”错误。C“两个商业合伙人即将分开”没有在新闻中提到。D“一些朋友在英国重聚”利用网站名“朋友再相聚”制造干扰,并非真的有朋友相聚,排除D。 2.A.It is more like a message board now.B.It is used by millions of people.C.The founder has

12、 given it up for years.D.There is no user on the network.答案:A听力原文 What do we learn about Friends Reunited from the news report? 解析 关于“朋友再相聚”这个社交网站,新闻末尾提到它现在仅仅被当成留言板,并非真正的社交网站(using it purely as a message board),所以答案选A。B“有数百万人使用”,新闻中没有提到有这么多用户。C“创始人已经放弃了它多年”错误,新闻中提到创始人一直没有放弃,想让它重获活力(refresh it)。D“网站上

13、没有用户”错误,新闻中提到有一些用户仍然在使用这个网站(used by “a handful of members”)。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 3.A.A rocket has been successfully launched.B.There was a rocket hitting the moon.C.A deep dark hole appeared on the moons South Pole.D.There was an amazing finding made by LRO.答案:B听力原文 Last October, a NASA rocket, tra

14、veling at a speed of 9, 000 kilometers per hour, smashed into a deep, dark hole on the moons south pole. Upon impact, the Centaur rocket kicked up a cloud of dust and elements from the moons surface, creating a so-called ejecta-plume that was monitored by NASAs Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO.

15、Scientists analyzed the findings, and preliminary results from this mission suggested that there was some form of water on the moon. NASA lunar scientist Michael Wargo said those days that a wave of findings during the past year makes it certain. Weve confirmed that there was indeed water ice in the ejecta-plume, and at an abundance that was about 50 percent greater than our initial estimates. That means that the impact site has more water than some deserts on Earth. According to the news report, what has happened last October? 解


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