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1、大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟69大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟69专升本英语模拟69 PhoneticsDirections: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark you

2、r answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.问题:1.A.supplyB.simplyC.tryD.style答案:B解析 本题属辅音字母辨别的考查题,可利用排除法。A、C、D三项当中的发音均为ai,只有B项中发音为i。故选B。问题:2.A.terribleB.DecemberC.yellowD.silent答案:D解题指要 该题测试元音字母e的读音。元音字母e在选项A、B、c中,均处在重读音节的位置,而且还是处在闭音节中,故发e音;在选项D中则发音。问题:3.A.hallB.callC.shallD.

3、fall答案:C解析 本题属字母组合的考查题,可利用排除法。A、B、D三项当中的发音均为,只有C项中发音为。故选C。问题:4.A.exhibitionB.honorC.horrorD.honest答案:C画线部分读h,其他选项的画线部分不发音。问题:5.A.glareB.parentC.stareD.care答案:B Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B,

4、 C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.问题:1. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people _ skiing.A.enjoy.B.that wantC.who enjoyD.want答案:C这是there be句型,不能再有第二个谓语,排除选项A和D。Enjoy doing sth,enjoy后跟动词的-ing形式,want

5、 to do sth,want后跟动词不定式。定语从句在说明人时用who。选项C是正确的。问题:2. The boys spent the whole morning possible answers to the question.A.discussB.to discussC.discussingD.discussed答案:C问题:3. John _ be could improve his exam results, but he did not have enough time to study.A.knows howB.knows thatC.knew howD.knew that答案

6、:C考时态和连词。根据从句可判断为过去时,排除选项A和B。how表示如何,符合题意。选项c是正确的。问题:4. One of the professors greatest attributes is _.A.when he gives lecturesB.how in the manner that he lecturesC.the way to give lecturesD.his ability to lecture答案:D问题:5. The car crashed into the train, and the driver was killed _ the spot.A.onB.at

7、C.toD.by答案:Aon the spot表示“当场”。问题:6. More students than one _ there.A.has beenB.have beenC.had beenD.would have been答案:B谓语动词的单复数根据than前面的主语名词决定。选项C和D的时态不对。选项B是正确的。问题:7. Of the two toys, the child chose _A.the less expensive oneB.one most expensiveC.a least .expensiveD.the most expensive of them答案:A问题

8、:8. Dont let that old rascal take you _ with his clever talknone of it is true.A.alongB.inC.aboutD.down答案:BTake in欺骗,take down记下。选项B是正确的。问题:9. Its natural that she _ do so.A.shouldB.willC.couldD.must答案:A这是一个使用虚拟语气的主语从句。问题:10. He said the pain had grown worse on their _ to the hospital.A.roadB.street

9、C.directionD.way答案:D问题:11. Their experiment _ Tom and Mary set out to write the report on the results.A.doneB.to be doneC.being doneD.will be done答案:A问题:12. He was a good swimmer, so he _ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.A.couldB.mightC.succeeded toD.was able to答案:D问题:13. He likes his coffe

10、e with sugar; I like mine_.A.notB.of noC.noneD.without答案:D解题指要 D选项without意思是:I like mine without sugar.本句省略了sugar。“(不)加糖的咖啡/茶”的表达法为coffee/tea with(or without)sugar。问题:14. She had changed so much that I could hardly _ her.A.differB.find outC.explainD.recognize答案:D本句句意是:她变化如此大,我几乎认不出她了。问题:15. Everyone

11、 here will thank the fire-workers for the things they have done to prevent fires_ the environment safer.A.makingB.from makingC.to makeD.made答案:C解题指要 该题测试动词不定式表目的的用法。C选项to make为动词不定式表目的。该题不可硬性套用句式“prevent A from doing B”,逻辑不对。该题题意是:在这儿的每个人都会感谢消防队员为了使环境更安全所做的事情。 ClozeDirections: For each blank in the

12、following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. One of the political issues we hear a lot about lately is campaign finance reform. The people who are calling for 1 us

13、ually want the government to pay for campaigns and/or limit the amount of money that candidates and their supporters can spend. One reason that reform is 2 for is that it costs so much to run for political office. Candidates have to spend a great deal of time and effort 3 money. The incumbents (thos

14、e already in office) have 4 time to do their jobs since they must attend so many fund raising events. Another 5 is the fear that candidates will be owned or controlled by the special interest groups that contribute to their campaigns. Sometimes this certainly seems to be the 6 . On the 7 side are those who caution that just because you call something reform, doesnt mean its really 8 . They 9 that our fight to freedom of speech is meaningless if the government can limit anyones ability to get his or her message out to the people. If one person or a group of people want to tell the 10


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