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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟328大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)模拟328大学三级(B)模拟328Part Listening ComprehensionSection A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Expensive.B.25 miles.C.20.D.Cheap.答案:C解析How much does this shin cost?解析 本题询问的是价格。英语中用“How much.?”表示“多少钱?”一般受话者应给出确定的价格金额,所以选项C(20美元)为正确答案。避错指南 选项A(昂贵的)和D(便宜的)表达的是对物品价格的看法,且此两项互为反义,问

2、答听力缺少下文语境,故可在预读题目时首先大胆排除这两项(因为如选项A正确,那么D也正确,而一题不可能有两个答案);选项B(25英里)回答的是距离。2.A.Whos that?B.Well, you cant.C.Whom do you want to speak to?D.Wait for a moment.答案:D解析Hi,this is Henry JohnsonCan I speak to Jack?解析 本题考查的是对电话用语的回答。说话人询问“我是亨利约翰逊,请问杰克在吗?”如果接电话的人正是要找的人,他可以回答“This is Jack speaking.”(我就是。)如果不是可以

3、说“Wait for a moment./Hold on,please.”(请稍等。)如果要找的人不在,可以说“Hes out.”(他出去了。)或说明其他原因,由此判断正确答案为选项D(等一会。)避错指南 选项A(请问你是谁?)与问句相矛盾,因为说话人已经在问句中首先说出了自己的姓名;选项B(你不能。)这样回答很不礼貌;选项C(你要和谁通话?)也与问句相矛盾,故均可排除。3.A.Its wonderful.B.It doesnt matter.C.I once visited this city.D.Never mind.答案:A解析How do you like this city?解析 本

4、题考查的是如何应对征求意见的提问。征求意见的常用例句为“now do you like./What do you think of (about)./Whats your opinion on.?”意为“你觉得/认为怎么样?”在回答时应针对事物的某一特性做出明确回答,因此选项A(很不错。)为正确答案。避错指南 选项B(没关系。)和D(别介意,没什么。)是在别人表示歉意时的回答,表示安慰;选项C(我曾经去过这个城市。)表达的是去这个城市参观过这一事实,并没有表明对这个城市的看法。4.A.I like Mr. Zuo very much.B.I like English very much.C.M

5、r. Zuo came here last year.D.Mr. Zuo did.答案:D解析Hi,Mary,who taught you English last year?解析 根据疑问词who可知本题询问的是谁做了某事。问句的意思是“去年谁教你们英语?”因此答案是选项D(是左先生。)避错指南 选项A(我很喜欢左老师。)是个人对老师的看法;选项B(我很喜欢英语。)表示的是对英语的态度;选项C(左老师是去年来到这里的。)也是答非所问。5.A.Congratulations!B.Have a good time!C.You are unmarried.D.Good job!答案:A解析Im g

6、oing to marry Ellen next month解析 该题陈述的是一件值得恭喜的事,一般情况下受话者都会给以良好的祝愿,由此选项A(祝贺你!)为正确答案。避错指南 选项B(祝你玩得愉快!)是对聚会或旅游等活动的祝愿;选项C(你还没有结婚。)在此并不能作为回答的话语;选项D(真不错。)当对方做了一件比较出色的事情时,常用来表示赞扬的意思。Section B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.It was difficult.B.It was too short.C.It was easy.D.Within half an hour.答案:C解析M: What do y

7、ou think of the English examination last time?W: I think its very easy.Q: How does she feel about the English examination?本题测试考生对征询意见的句型“What did you think of.?”的理解和应答能力。对话中问“你觉得上次英语考试考得怎样?”“我认为是非常简单。”问题是“她觉得英语考试如何?”提供的四个选项中C“很简单”符合原对话,所以选C。2.A.Touring the city on a fine day.B.Visiting the city with

8、 a group.C.Spending more time on sightseeing.D.Taking the woman with him on the tour.答案:C解析M: I think I will take the half-day tour of the city.W: Why not the whole day?Q: What does the woman suggest?本题测试考生对细节的理解能力。对话中男生说:“我想我要用半天时间来游玩整个城市,”女士说;“为什么不花一整天呢?”问题:“女士建议什么?”提供的四个选项C“花更多的时间观光。”符合题意,故选C。3.A

9、.2:30.B.2:00.C.3:00.D.1:30.答案:B解析M: Can you hurry up? The party will start at half past two.W: We still have half an hour to get there.Q: What time is it now?本题测试考生对询问时间细节的应答能力。对话中男士说;“你能快点吗?宴会两点半开始。”女士说:“我们还剩半个小时赶到那里。”问题:“现在几点了?”提供的四个选项中B“两点钟。”符合要求,故选B。4.A.Skating.B.Boating and swimming.C.Swimming.

10、D.Boating and skating.答案:C解析M: Boating and skating are my favorite sports.W: I like swimming but not boating or skating.Q: Which sport does the woman like?本题测试考生对细节的理解能力。对话中男士说:“划船和溜冰是我最喜欢的体育项目。”女士说:“我喜欢游泳但不喜欢划船和溜冰”问题:“女士喜欢什么体育项目?”提供的四个选项中C“游泳”和原文一致,故选C。5.A.She doesnt like to go to the zoo,B.She lik

11、es to go to the zoo on weekdays.C.She doesnt like to go to the zoo on Sundays.D.She likes to go to some other places on Sundays.答案:C解析M: Do you like to go to the zoo on Sunday?W: No. I like to go to the zoo, but not on Saturday or Sunday, because there are always so many people in the zoo.Q: Does th

12、e woman like to go to the zoo on Sunday?本题测试考生理解对话中信息的能力。对话中男士说:“你喜欢周日的时候去动物园吗”女士说:“不喜欢,我喜欢去动物园但不是周六或周日,因为那时候动物园里总是太多人。”问题:“女士是否喜欢周日去动物园?”提供的四个选项中C“她不喜欢周日去动物园”和原文对话一致,故选C。Section C It may seem odd but ice itself sometimes 1 ! Some growers actually spray their crops with water on a freezing night. Wa

13、ter freezes quickly on the plant and then 2 . As long as ice stays wet, it cant 3 32 degrees, a temperature many plant can stand. If the ice ever became entirely frozen and dry, it might drop many degrees lower, ruining the plants. But by continually spraying water on the ice ,the growers keep it fr

14、om going below 32 degrees 4 . This may frustrate Jack Frost, but it saves the plants. This strange kind of ice blanket works only on plants that are 5 of frozen spray. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:can protect crops from frost解析 It may seem odd but ice itself sometimes can protect crops from frost! Some

15、 growers actually spray their crops with water on a freezing night. Water freezes quickly on the plant and then a strange thing happens. As long as ice stays wet,it cans get colder than 32 degrees, a temperature many plant can stand. If the ice ever became entirely frozen and dry, it might drop many degrees lower, ruining the plants. But by continually spraying water on the ice, the growers keep it from going be


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