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1、英语版的国际商务英语简历模版根据英语简历,国际商务英语应聘者能够 向招骋方叙述以往,展现如今,表述意向,充分说明信心。下边我给大伙儿共享一些英语版的国际商务英语简历模版,期待能帮上你!英语版的国际商务英语简历模版Personal DetailsName: Miss. Lisa LiNationality: China (Mainland)Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight: 160 cm?53 kgMarital Status: married Age: 26 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type: Jobseek

2、erPreferred job title: Foreign language: english translate 、 Trade/Import-Export: 、 Administrative / Personnel:Working life: 5 Title:Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a dayExpected salary: ¥2,000-¥3,500 Preferred working place: Guangzhou GuangzhouWork ExperienceCompanys name: Jingqi techno

3、logy Ltd.Begin and end date: 20xx-11-20xx-04Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Business serviceJob Title:Job description: Engaged in the agent import business responsible for confirmed contracts. than opening L/C(such as: Back To Back L/C, Transferable L/C, Clean L/C, Confirmed L/C, Aft

4、er confirmed and noticed the saler to shipment ASAP.and i also should be do a set of documents: Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of insurance /quantity / quality / origin and for the buyer. Other bussiness skill learnedReasons for leaving:Companys name: Guangzhou Mingjing international

5、trade Ltd.Begin and end date: 20xx-09-20xx-11Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Business serviceJob Title:Job description: Firstly 1. As a Foreign Trade Assistant i was responsible for purchase all kinds of materials; and help customers to make orders, inspection, receiving, payment, eq

6、uipment cabinets, and do a set of trade documents (INVOICE, PACKING LIST, CERTIFICATE, BILL OF LADING, etc.)Secondly2. dealing with day-by-day e-mail from the client. Documents, Familiar with the whole operation and process of foreign trade including: COMMERCIAL INVOICE, PACKING LIST, CO, BILL OF LA

7、DING, PACKING DECLARATION, FUMIGATION / DISINFECTION CERTIFICATEReasons for leaving:Companys name: Hangzhou HengFeng CompanyBegin and end date: 20xx-09-20xx-08Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Business serviceJob Title:Job description: To help managers deal with day-to-day corresponden

8、ce, and and confirmation of orders scheduled for delivery and inspection. Classified samples, the statistics system; and reply at any time from the question of sales to help the leadership to convey the spirit of the document issued.Reasons for leaving:Educational BackgroundName of School: Guangdong

9、 University of Foreign Studies EnglishHighest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 20xx-09-01Name of Major 1: English Name of Major 2:Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No20xx-09 20xx-09 Guangdong University of Foreign Studies English Engl

10、ishLanguage AbilityForeign Language: English Level: perfectChinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: averageRelevant skills and abilitiesI am very thanks for looking my resume.engaged in foreign trade over than five years, I have been familiar with the foreign trade, able to work independently. I beli

11、eve that after years of working life can be better performance.I have been a drivers license and can drive since from 20xx.Self-recommendation letterYears of work experience, I formed the habit of doing things carefully and responsible, Strong team spirit, patient, self-confidence, coordination abil

12、ity, good communication skills.Address: guangzhoudadaobei (Zip: 510001)Tel:Email:Web/Blog:汉化版的国际商务英语简历模版(一)自己概述名字:性別:男中华民族:汉政治面目:共青团员文凭(学士学位):专科技术专业:国际商务英语联系方式:手机上:Email Address:通讯地址:本人刻育情况大学毕业学校:江西制造岗位技术学校学过课程内容:国际商务英语、口语英语、网络营销、西方经济学、进出口贸易、国际投资、英文翻译、说英语的国家概述外贸函电网络技术英文写作另(别的学习培训):自学社会心理学.出口报关操作实务工作

13、经验20xx年6月-20xx年7月在一家包装印刷社从业过包装印刷员的工作中20xx年7月-20xx年9月在酒店餐厅做了迎宾礼仪,获得非常好的点评20xx年7月-20xx年8月在美容店做了导购员,拥有 好的销售业绩个人简介英文的听、说、读、写工作能力做到四级水准(较善于开展休闲活动,更有机构各种各样文艺演出的工作经验;)的各种各样作用开展高效率的公司办公室日常工作中。自己工作认真、承担一丝不苟、且具备较强的责任感和上进心。喜好普遍,性情踏实肯干,工作认真,责任感极强。自己性情柔和、谦逊、自我约束、自信心况另:最重要的是工作能力,坚信贵司会感觉我是此岗位的适合候选人!盼望与您的谈话!汉化版的国际商

14、务英语简历模版(二)苏拉拉五年之上工作经历 女 二十七岁(1983年5月1日)居所:上海市电话:139*(手机上)E-mail:近期工作中 2 年9个月公司:XX国际采购上海办行业:服饰/纺织品/皮革制品职位:购置负责人 文化程度学历: 大学本科专业: 国际商务英语学校:上海对外贸易学院个人评价四年的本科大学日常生活锻练了我坚强的意志和延展性,丰富多彩了我的知识层面。自己个人形象还行,具备极强的沟通协调工作能力,有感染力,工作责任心积极,有优良的团队协作精神实质。求职意愿到岗時间: 未确定工作内容: 全职的期待领域: 服饰/纺织品/皮革,批發/零售,家俱/家用电器/艺术品/小玩具/珠宝首饰,貿

15、易/进出口贸易总体目标地址: 上海市期待月薪: 面议/月总体目标职责: 服饰/纺织品/皮革制品跟单员工作经历20xx /12-迄今:XX国际采购上海办 2 年9个月行业类别: 服饰/纺织品/皮革制品服装部 购置负责人帮助海外顾客全世界范畴内开展服装购置及其接单子与跟单员。20xx /11-20xx /12:XX服饰有限责任公司 3 年一个月行业类别: 貿易/进出口贸易服装部 助手购置负责人关键承担全世界范畴内服装购置、接单子与跟单员;票据审批及信息资源管理工作中。刻育历经20xx /10-20xx /6 上海对外贸易学院 国际商务英语 大学本科国际商务英语、外语专业选读、外经外贸应用文写作、英文修辞方法与创作、汉语



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