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1、1英汉语主被动对比与翻译一、概念主动与被动体现主语和谓语动词之间的语法关系。所谓主动,是指行为的发出者在句子里是主语,即施事;而被动是指充当句子主语的是某一行为作用的对象,即受事。二、汉语的被动式与翻译汉语中表达被动概念有三种形式:带有被动标记的被动式、不带有被动标记的意念被动式和无主句。一)带有被动标记的被动式带有被动标记的被动式,是指借助词汇手段实现的。主要有“被、由、给、把、让、受、挨、为、使、于、蒙、经、叫、遭受、加以、予以、为所、是的、在中”等。此类被动句一般表示较强的被动意义,侧重于行为的表达,翻译时一般译成英语的被动句。如:1. 救济品很快被送到火灾的灾民手中。Relief wa

2、s quickly sent to the sufferers from the fire.2. 这些发动机由蒸汽驱动。The engines are driven by steam.二)不带有被动标记的被动式此类句子中的主语或话题实际上是动作的承受者。句子形式主动,而意义被动。一般情况下,译成英语,可使用被动式。1. 这座桥将于今年年底建成。The construction of the bridge will be completed by the end of this year.2. 地图挂在墙上。A map was hung on the wall.三)无主句无主句通常可以用主动形式

3、表达被动意义。一般情况下,可以用英语被动式表达该类无主句。必须保证 8 小时睡眠。Eight hours sleep must ne guaranteed.但如果选择的英语动词的意义和英语的行文习惯,也可以用主动式。洋车夫疑心他醉了,回头叫他别动,车不好拉。Suspecting he was drunk, the rickshaw puller turned his head and asked him to keep still, for it was hard to pull the rickshaw.三、英语的被动式与翻译、鉴于以上汉语被动句的三种表达方式,我们在翻译英语被动句的时候,要

4、找出适当的被动形式,因为汉语表达被动式的词存在语体等方面的差异,如积极意义(被、受/到)和消极意义(挨、糟)的差异,抽象和具体的差异,口语体(给、叫、让 + 施事)和书面语体差异等。一般来说,英语被动语态翻译成汉语时,有两种情况:2一是必须翻译成“被字句” ,或相似的结构,如以上表达被动式的词汇手段(“被、由、给、把、让、受、挨、为、使、于、蒙、经、叫、遭受、加以、予以、为所、是的、在中”等。 )这种翻译方法在总的比例中所占的份量较小。二是翻译成主动结构或其它结构,这种情况是大量的。具体操作方法:一)译成被动结构1. Any minute we would surely be spotted

5、by enemy planes flying and out of the airfield.我们随时都会被出入机场的敌机发现。2. They were caught in the rain yesterday.他们昨天叫/让给淋着了。3. Though Hamlet has been disappointed of the throne, every one respects him.虽然哈姆雷特被剥夺了王位,大家依然尊敬他。二)译成汉语的主动式(当然被动句)Happy reunion was much felt among the family members at the Spring

6、Festival.春节合家团圆,充满着欢乐的气氛。三)保留原主语,被动译为主动His life was cut short by cholera.他因患霍乱病儿过早地去世了。四)把原文中的主语译为宾语By the end of the war 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of over 200 Belgian and French lives.战争结束时,这个组织拯救了八百人,但那是以两百多比利时人和法国人的生命为代价的。五)译为无主句Children should be taught to spea

7、k the truth.应该教导儿童讲实话。更多英汉语主被动句翻译对比:1. 这些产品是我国制造的。These products are made in our country.2. 一条新的铁路正在建设中。A new railway is being constructed.3. 我们的计划由于天气的突然变化给打乱了。Our plans were upset by the sudden change in the weather.4. 1964 年 10 月,中国爆炸了第一课原子弹,这把基辛格吓了一跳。Kissinger was alarmed by Chinas first atomic

8、blast in Oct, in 1964.5. 我知道,我不听话是要挨打的。I knew that I would be punished if I did not obey.6. 我们不该受错误观念的影响。We should not be infected by erroneous ideas.37. 他们遭受压迫与榨取的痛苦。They were aggrieved by oppression and extortion.8. 窗上的玻璃叫那个孩子打破了。The window pane was broken by the child.9. 该计划将由一个特别委员会加以审查。The plan

9、 will be examined by a special committee.10. 社会主义思想体系已为全国人民所接受。Socialist ideology has been accepted by the people of the whole country.11. He was offered some assistance by them.他得到了他们的一些帮助。12. Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered.发现错误一定要改正。13. Account should be taken of the low melting p

10、oint of this substance.应该考虑到这种物质的熔点低。14. He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience.他在台上一亮相,观众就热烈鼓起了掌。15. Much of the most important environmental litigation is brought by public interest groups.大部分重要的环境诉讼都是由公共利益集团提出的。16. The question will be discussed in the next chapter.这个问题

11、将在下一章讨论。17. It is generally believed that Hong Kong will continue to keep its prosperity and stability after its return to China.人们普遍认为香港回归后会继续保持繁荣和稳定。18. According to current rules, the country is deemed the place of origin because within it the imported goods have undergone substantial changes.根据现

12、行的规则,货物在该国发生了实质性改变,便将该国列为原产国。19. This method is better, but can still be improved.这个方法好一些,但可以改进。20. He was elected governor of the state of California.他当选为加利福尼亚州长。21. It is now understood that atoms can be further divided into smaller particles.现在人们懂得,原子还可以进一步分成更小的粒子。22. Though Hamlet has been disap

13、pointed of the throne, every one respects him.虽然哈姆雷特被剥夺了王位,大家依然尊敬他。翻译下列英语句子,注意语态的转换。1. 现代工业耗用大量燃料。2. It is generally accepted that Native Americans crossed over into the Americas from Asia many tens of thousands of years ago.3. The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been to

14、tally eradiated.44. The whole country was armed in a few days.5. But that question was wrung from those men again the next nightand got the same retort.6. We are encouraged by the initiative taken by developing countries to launch a round of global negotiation on international economic co-operation

15、for development.developing countries have taken the initiative to launch a round of global negotiation on international economic co-operation for development.7. Smokers must be warned that doctors have reached the conclusion that smoking increases the possibility of lung cancer.8. The difficulties h

16、ave been overcome, the work has been finished and the problem solved.9. The snowfall was so heavy that the ground was shrouded in white.10. He was thrown into confusion by the return of his wife.11. Most letters from his wife are read to him by the nurse in the hospital.12. Not too much can or should be read into the percentages.练习答案:1. 现代工业耗用大量燃料。2. 人们普遍认为,数万年前,美洲土著人(是)从亚洲,越过海峡,进入美洲(的) 。3. 他在小/年轻时候形成/留下的自卑感,直到现在/至今还没有完全消除(掉) 。4. 几天之内,整个国家就武装了起来。5. 可是,第二天夜晚,他们又把这个问



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