Unit6 Earth first 一轮复习巩固练习外研版高中英语必修第二册 (1)

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1、外研版高中英语一轮复习巩固练习必修二Unit6 Earth firstI.单词拼写1. T much drinking will do_(伤害) to your health; you should take the doctor s advice.2. In communication, a smile is usually a strong sign of friendly and open_ (态度).3. The number of people suffering from heart disease will be greatly _ (减少) if they are persua

2、ded to eat more fruit and vegetables.4. Id prefer to_(保留) my judgment until I find all the evidence.5. People develop a preference for a particular style of learning at an early age and these preferences_(影响) learning.6. Soil scientists help us understand how soil particles help to_(移走) the things t

3、hat pollute our water.7. It wasnt a serious heart attack, but it gave him a terrible_ (害怕).8. The company has_(以为目标)adults as its primary customers.9. Your resume should _ (突出强调) your skills and achievements.10. You can even help to keep our water_(供应) cleanby recycling batteries instead of throwing

4、 them away. Keys:1 damage2 attitude3 reduced4 reserve5 affect6 remove7 scare8 targeted9 highlight10 supply2.单句语法填空1. The Chinese Education Ministry has urged all the students_ (participate) in the winter long distance running activity.2. It was your bad attitude_ your work that youre your parents up

5、set.3. Professor Smith is due_ ( give) us a lecture at eighttomorrow morning.4. She moved quietly to avoid scaring the birds _.5. With the governments aid, those_ ( affect) by theearthquake have moved to the new settlements.6. Nowadays people are more concerned_ environment where they live.7. Only a

6、fter he finished his homework was he permitted _(play) football with his friends.8.I always prefer to start early, rather than_ ( leave )everything to the last minute.9.I think it should probably be_ other way round,with Danils team taking the lead and our team providing support.10. Im sorry to have

7、 bothered you - I mistook you _ a friend of mine.Keys:1 to participate2 towards/ to3 to give4 away/ off5 affected6 about7 to play8 leave9 the 10 for3语段填词1. Last year Tom went to Shanghai to try his_. _, he met his girlfriend and got married there. ( fortune)2. Bethune, a_ friend of Chinese, _ his li

8、fe to helping Chinese. I really respect his _ to medical work. ( devote)3. Mr White is the_ son of Mrs Green, who_ him when his parents died 20 years ago. Thanks to her_ , Mr White could receive a good education and become an engineer. ( adopt)4. Even if you have a_ I wont_ you to enter the hall wit

9、hout my_ .( permit )5. One of the_ problems is that a _ of the graduates who _ in English find it difficult to find a good job. ( majority )6.It is _ that we should finish the work in such a shortand_ time. ( urge )7. Our parents are more _ about our health and future.As far as Im_, we should talk w

10、ith our parents and tell them our_. ( concern )8. The writer personally_ 5,000 to the earthquakefund last week and all his_ were gratefully received.( contribute )Keys:1 fortune; Fortunately2 devoted; devoted; devotion3 adopted; adopted; adoption4 permit; permit; permission5 major; majority; major6

11、urged; urgent7 concerned; concerned; concerns8 contributed; contributions4 完成句子1. It is thanks to his research that farmers are_.正是由于他的研究,农民的收成才比以前增加了两倍。2. When he was diving along Catford Street, he_and running towards a waiting car.当他正沿着Catford街开车时,他看见两个小偷正从一家商店里冲出来,朝一辆等候的汽车跑去。3 _difficult to unde

12、rstand.这两本书并不都难理解。4 _how much time you have spent but how manyefforts you have made_ contributes to success.成功不在于你花了多少时间,而在于你付出了多少努力。 5. Garbage classification may seem inconvenient, but it_ as a habit, for the good it does to the environment.垃圾分类可能看起来不方便,但这种做法值得作为一种习惯来保持,因为它对环境有益。Keys:1 producing h

13、arvests twice as large as before2 saw two thieves rushing out of a shop3 Both of the books are not4 It is not; that5 is worth keeping5.微写作假设你是李华,你打算向校报投稿介绍生活中如何减少 浪费和污染,请根据以下要点写一篇短文,介绍环保知识。1.在我们的日常生活中,我们都看到了环境污染的危害。2.大多数人意识到环境保护的重要性。3.我们必须采取行动减少浪费和污染。4.例如,当我们离开的时候关掉灯和水龙头,尽可能多乘坐公共交通 工具,尽量使用可重复使用的餐具,等

14、等。5.简而言之,我们每个人都应该为环境保护做出贡献。注意:1.词数80左右;2.尽量使用本单元知识点;3.可适当增加细节。Key: In our daily life, we have seen the damage environmental pollution causes. A majority of people realize the importance of environmental protection. We have to take action to reduce waste and pollution. For example, turn off the light

15、 and tap when we leave, take public transportation as much as possible, and try to use reusable tableware, etc. In brief, each of us should make a contribution to environmental protection.6.课文语法填空Jaws,1 _( attract ) huge audiences and winning many awards,tells the story of a great white shark that attacks and kills sw


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