2020-2021学年下学期高一英语期末复习题型专项训练2完型填空(牛津译林 2020)

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2020-2021学年下学期高一英语期末复习题型专项训练2完型填空(牛津译林 2020)_第1页
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《2020-2021学年下学期高一英语期末复习题型专项训练2完型填空(牛津译林 2020)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020-2021学年下学期高一英语期末复习题型专项训练2完型填空(牛津译林 2020)(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020-2021学年下学期高一英语期末复习题型 专项训练(新牛津译林版)专练 02 完型填空(含解析)一、完型填空01For my birthday, I wanted to visit Yosemite National Park with my family. But since I didnt 1 a hotel or cabin many weeks in advance, we had to go and come back on the 2 day.Peter and I 3 to Yosemite National Park at least once a year, 4 my

2、 family hadnt been there in years. And it was my little sisters first visit. I wanted this to be a(n) 5 trip.We 6 our day at about 10:30 a.m. in the park and left the park at about 9:00 p.m. Tunnel View is the mandatory(必须的)first 7 in Yosemite. If its your first time in Yosemite National Park, youll

3、 want to stay there for hours and 8 the beauty and grandness of the park. Tunnel View will take your breath away.In this 9 viewpoint, youre able to see Half Dome, Yosemite Valley, El Capitan and Bridalveil Fall. Tunnel View is where everyone can get “the 10 ”. Youll take an excellent photo that look

4、s like a postcard.Bridalveil Fall is the waterfall you can see in the distance while standing at Tunnel View. It is also the first waterfall you can stop at to see up close. There is a 11 walkway from the parking lot to the 12 of the waterfall. We were there at the end of July, so there wasnt much w

5、ater but in the spring and early summer, the water is flowing in 13 amounts.As it gets 14 the end of your Yosemite day trip, start making your way out of Yosemite Valley towards Glacier Point. If you get there before sunset, enjoy the short 15 to get different views of the valley and Half Dome. Abou

6、t five minutes before sunset, a park ranger(管理员)comes and gives a talk about the sunset in Yosemite National Park.1AopenBgetCbookDaccess2AsameBnextCfollowingDother3AaimBtravelCchargeDremove4AbutBsoCasDor5AbeneficialBeconomicCsufficientDunforgettable6AspentBstartedCtrackedDcalled7AexitBfundCprocedure

7、Dstop8ArevealBnegateCadmireDprofit9AscenicBinstantCsharpDtechnical10AspotBbarCpatternDshot11AbombedBpermittedCpavedDunearthed12AaccessBbaseCentranceDhabitat13AlargeBsmallCproperDsuitable14AbeyondBbeneathCtowardsDwithin15AarrangementsBdestinationsCcolumnsDhikes【答案】CABAD BDCAD CBACD【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者在文中分

8、享了一家人去约塞米蒂国家公园的一日游。1考查动词词义辨析。句意:但由于我没有提前好几个星期预订酒店或房间,我们不得不在当天出发并返回。A. open打开; B. get 得到;C. book 预定;D. access接近。根据下文他们当天出发并返回可知,作者没有提前“预定”住宿。故选C项。2考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但由于我没有提前好几个星期预订酒店或房间,我们不得不在当天出发并返回。A. same 一样的;B. next 下一个的;C. following 接下来的;D. other其他,另外的。根据作者没有提前预定住宿可知,他们只能一日游,在“同一天”内往返,故选A项。3考查动词词义辨析。

9、句意:彼得和我每年至少去约塞米蒂国家公园一次,但我的家人已经很多年没去过那里了。A. aim 瞄准;B. travel 旅行,去;C. charge 要价;D. remove移动。到国家公园的目的是游玩,结合下文“ 4 my family hadnt been there in years.”提到作者的家人很久没去了可知,作者与老公Peter每年都“去”约塞米纳国家公园,故选B项。4考查连词词义辨析。句意:彼得和我每年至少去约塞米蒂国家公园一次,但我的家人已经很多年没去过那里了。A. but 但是;B. so 所以;C. as 由于;D. or或者。句意提到,作者与丈夫每年都去约塞米蒂国家公园

10、,家人很久没去,前后是转折关系,故选A项。5考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我希望这是一次难忘的旅行。A. beneficial有益的; B. economic 经济上的;C. sufficient 足够的;D. unforgettable难忘的。前文提到家人很久没去约塞米蒂国家公园,且是妹妹的第一次去,所以作者希望这次旅行是“难忘的”,故选D项。6考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们早上十点半在公园开始了一天,晚上九点左右离开公园。A. spent 花费;B. started开始; C. tracked 跟踪;D. called 叫,打电话。根据“left the park at about 9:00 p

11、.m.”可知他们一天的旅行在早上十点“开始”,故选B项。7考查名词词义辨析。句意:Tunnel View是约塞米蒂必须到达的第一站。A. exit 出口;B. fund 基金;C. procedure 程序; D. stop 站点。Tunnel View 是一个景点,所以此处表达这是必须要到的“第一站”,故选D项。8考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果这是你第一次去约塞米蒂国家公园,你会想在那里呆上几个小时,欣赏公园的美丽和宏伟。A. reveal 透露;B. negate 否定;C. admire 欣赏;D. profit利润。根据宾语“the beauty and grandness of the

12、 park.”是“公园的美丽和宏伟”可知应选动词“欣赏”,故选C项。9考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在这个风景优美的景点,你可以看到Half Dome, Yosemite Valley, El Capitan 和 Bridalveil Fall。A. scenic 风景优美的;B. instant 立即的,紧迫的;C. sharp 锋利的,急剧的;D. technical科技的。由后半句“Half Dome, Yosemite Valley, El Capitan and Bridalveil Fall”列举的各种美丽的景点可知,这个景点风景优美,故选A项。10考查名词词义辨析。句意:Tunnel

13、 View是每个人都可以“拍摄”的地方。A. spot地点; B. bar 酒吧;C. pattern 模型;D. shot拍摄,炮弹。根据下一句“Youll take an excellent photo that looks like a postcard.(你要拍一张看起来像明信片的好照片。)”可知这个地方非常适合“拍摄照片”,故选D项。11考查过去分词词义辨析。句意:从停车场到瀑布底部有一条铺好的人行道。A. bombed 爆炸;B. permitted允许; C. paved 铺砌;D. unearthed挖掘。根据上一句“It is also the first waterfall

14、 you can stop at to see up close. (它也是第一个你可以驻足近距离观赏的瀑布。)”可知这个瀑布可以近距离观赏,所以应有“铺砌”好的道路,通往瀑布的底部。故选C项。12考查名词词义辨析。句意:从停车场到瀑布底部有一条铺好的人行道。A. access 通道;B. base 基地,底部;C. entrance 入口;D. habitat栖息地。根据上一句“It is also the first waterfall you can stop at to see up close. (它也是第一个你可以驻足近距离观赏的瀑布。)”可知这个瀑布可以近距离观赏,所以应有铺砌好

15、的道路,通往瀑布的“底部”。故选B项。13考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们是7月底去那里的,所以水不多,但在春天和初夏,水会大量流动。A. large 大的;B. small 小的;C. proper 适当的;D. suitable合适的。此处提到7月瀑布的水不多,春夏为雨季,瀑布应该很多水,所以此处in large amounts表示瀑布的水很多,故选A项。14考查介词词义辨析。句意:当您接近约塞米蒂一日游的尾声时,你就要开始从约塞米蒂山谷前往冰川点了。A. beyond 超过;B. beneath 低于;C. towards 朝向.;D. within 在.之内。根据“the end of your Yosemite day trip”可知一日游接近尾声,短语get towards the end of表示“接近.的尾声”,故选C项。15考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你在日落之前到达那里,可以享受短暂的徒步旅行,在那里,你可以饱览峡谷和 Half Dome的景色。A. arrangements安排; B. destinations目的地; C. columns专栏; D. hik


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