人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 6 Work quietly!Part A Let’s learn

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《人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 6 Work quietly!Part A Let’s learn》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 6 Work quietly!Part A Let’s learn(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Work quietly!Part A Lets learn;Look and say第1课时一、教学目标1. 能够灵活运用句型What is / are +代词+doing?2. 能正确听、说、认读短语:doing morning exercises,having class,eating lunch,reading a book,listening to music。二、教学重点及难点1. 重点短语:doing morning exercises,having class,eating lunch,reading a book,listening to music。2. 难点

2、:准确询问和回答自己或他人正在进行的活动。三、教学过程Step 1 Warm-upLook, complete and review Before we start our new lesson, lets look at five pictures and complete the sentences one by one so as to review what we learned last time.逐一呈现五张图片,让学生结合图片,说出相应的单词,并完成句子补充,从而复习上一单元有关现在进行时的词句。设计意图:通过游戏的方式,用图片和句子激活上一单元的知识储备。Step 2 Pres

3、entation1. Look, listen and learn(1) Well done! Now lets start to learn some new phrases. The first one is doing morning exercises. Look! Im doing morning exercises.逐一呈现正在做早操等五张图片资源中的短语卡片,让学生结合图片,听音并感知短语的意义。教师可结合自身动作配以进行时的句子进行教学。(2)呈现正在上课的短语卡片,让学生看图,听音,学习having class。This picture is about having cla

4、ss.Now we are having English class.(3)呈现正在吃午饭的短语卡片,让学生看图,听音,学习eating lunch。How about this one? Yes, its about eating lunch. Look! Im eating lunch.(4)呈现正在看书的短语卡片,让学生看图,听音,学习reading a book。Look! Someone is reading a book.(5)呈现正在听音乐的短语卡片,让学生看图,听音,学习listening to music。Whats he doing? Yes, hes listening

5、to music.设计意图:利用图文及音频相结合的方式,讲授本课重点单词,帮助学生牢记,并扩展知识储备。2. Listen and follow播放短语录音,让学生听音跟读。Now youve got to listen and follow. Pay much attention to the pronunciation.设计意图:引导学生通过看、听、说等途径来学习巩固本课时的重点词汇。3. Lets read呈现五个短语,全班一起读、分组读、个人读。Now lets read the phrases together and then in groups, at last individu

6、ally.设计意图:通过不同方式的朗读,帮助学生再次练习巩固单词的发音。4. Look and say呈现早晨6点的时间以及做早操的图片,让学生看图说句子。教师也可以拿一个钟表,自行调节时间进行练习。OK! Now we see a clock. What time is it? Yes, its 6 a.m. What are they doing? Yes, they are 依次呈现其余五张图片。设计意图:通过师生游戏,巩固本课时的重点词汇。同时引导学生学会倾听,听取更多的有效信息。5. Look and learnPlease look at the grammar picture a

7、nd learn the new grammar.When we want to know what someones doing, we always use special question about present progressive. For example, what are you doing?设计意图:通过图片,直观地帮助学生牢记重点句型。Step 3 Practice1. Listen and choose呈现Lets learn的图片,让学生听音,选择听到的图片。Look! Here are five pictures. Now you should listen an

8、d choose the picture you hear.设计意图:通过听音选图片,巩固本课时所学短语。2. Act and guess 学生两人一组,一人看老师手中的重点短语卡片,之后表演相应的动作,另一人根据动作猜出短语。Now lets do “You act, I guess”. Youll do this in pairs. 设计意图:通过小组游戏,巩固本课时的重点词汇,并在欢快的气氛中结束本课时。3. Look, ask and answer教师出示一组图片,让学生看图片,仿照范例进行对话练习。4. Test Now its time for to take a test to

9、check how youve learned.完成随堂检测。Step 4 SummaryAt last, lets summarize the key points of this lesson. First weve learned these phrases. And then weve learned the grammarspecial question about present progressive.doing morning exercises, having class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to musicWhat is/are + pron. + doing?pron. + is/are + v-ing.Step 5Homework1.听课文,跟读录音。2.使用句式What is/are + pron. + doing? pron. + is/are + v-ing.与同桌交流。板书设计:Unit 6 Work quietly!doing morning exerciseshaving classeating lunchreading a booklistening to musicWhat is/are + pron. + doing?pron. + is/are + v-ing.4 / 4



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