重庆市2021年中考英语试题(B卷)(word版 含答案)

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1、重庆市2021年中考英语试题(B卷)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Im going to be _ great scientist like Yuan Longping when I grow up.AaBanCtheD/2The old man often tells them interesting stories, so they like _ very much.AheBhimCherDshe3June 1st is _ Day.AChildrenBChildrensCChildDChilds4We usually have a flag-raising ceremony

2、 _ Monday.AinBatConDfor5 Excuse me, can I borrow this book?Sure, but you _ return it by the end of this term.AcanBcantCmustDmustnt6High-speed trains are much _ than traditional ones.AfastBfasterCslowDslower7Last Sunday my brother and I _ our grandparents.Awill visitBvisitsCvisitDvisited8Peters mothe

3、r gets up early _ breakfast for him every morning.Ato makeBmakingCmakeDmakes9We were lucky yesterday. The bus left _ we got on it.AbeforeBalthoughCuntilDas soon as10Im excited about Huaweis new smartphones. Do you know _?Next month.Ahow can I get oneBwhen will they come outChow I can get oneDwhen th

4、ey will come out二、完型填空 Ma Li is a dessert shop owner in Yinchuan, Ningxia. On a cool morning, she received an online 11 but it took an hour for her to wait for the deliveryman(外卖送餐员). When the deliveryman came, Ma was a little 12 . “It is too cold outside and my motorbike didnt work,” explained the

5、deliveryman. After she heard his words, her anger was 13 . She invited him to sit for a while and offered him a cup of hot water. At that moment, Ma noticed the deliverymans face and hands were dark purple 14 he was working outside for too long. She felt sorry for him. While they were talking, Ma kn

6、ew that the deliveryman wanted to buy her daughter a 15 , but he thought it was a little expensive. After the deliveryman left, Ma 16 what happened just now on her WeChat Moments(微信朋友圈)with two photos of the deliveryman. Heartwarming comments(评论)poured in, such as “life is not easy but 17 of us give

7、 up!”, “Thumbs up(点赞)for hard-working people” and “Showing understanding to deliverymen.” Some 18 offered money for a cake. The next day, Ma got in touch with the deliveryman and invited him to her shop. When they met, Ma expressed peoples kindness to him and gave him a cake for his daughters birthd

8、ay. The deliveryman was 19 .Ma received more than 600 yuan in donations(捐献) 20 her friends and customers. She said she would use the money to offer some help to people in need.11AgiftBorderCticketDinvitation12AexcitedBsadChappyDangry13AgoneBstoppedClostDbroken14AbecauseBsoCwhenDthough15AschoolbagBbi

9、rthday cakeCnew coatDcomputer16AfoundBrememberedCsharedDheard17AallBeachCmostDnone18AevenBneverChardlyDever19AhelpfulBcarefulCthankfulDwonderful20AtoBfromCwithDfor三、阅读单选 We have made a survey about the food we have in a day in our class. Here are the results.milk & grains fruit & meat & snackseggs (

10、谷物) vegetables fishAccording to the results, the doctor give us the following suggestions. We should have more fruit and vegetables, and fewer snacks. A healthy diet(饮食)is important.21The favorite food in our class is _.Ameat and fishBfruit and vegetablesCgrainsDsnacks22The number of students who ha

11、ve milk and eggs is _.A20B10C35D3823The doctor thought we should have more _.AvegetablesBmeatCfishDsnacks Five people were waiting for an interview in a room of a company(公司). Inside the room, they could do whatever they liked, except using the phone or the Internet. On the first day, all of the fiv

12、e people were excited. They were imagining their bright future, but there was no interview. On the second day, they came again for the interview. But to their surprise, there was no news about the interview. Two of them got upset. On the third morning, they arrived earlier. Still no news came. By mi

13、d-day, most of them were irritated. Some thought the company did not care for them. Some regretted coming here. Only one man was different. He was happy all those days. He kept smiling while the others complained(抱怨).At the end of that day, the boss appeared. To their disappointment, the boss said t

14、hat their interview had ended and only one of them was chosen. It was the man who kept happy. Then the boss added, “We want someone who can keep happy in whatever situations. Keeping happy is an ability.”24The five people were waiting for _.Aan interviewBa meetingCa phone callDa meal25The underlined word “irritated” in Paragraph 4 probably means “_”.A快活的B愤怒的C放松的D胆怯的26The man was chosen because _.Ahe listened to the othersBhe kept happyChis answers were betterDhe cared for others27The



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