Unit 8Section B 2a-2c 学案2020-2021学年人教版英语七年级下册

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《Unit 8Section B 2a-2c 学案2020-2021学年人教版英语七年级下册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8Section B 2a-2c 学案2020-2021学年人教版英语七年级下册(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课题Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section B 2a-2c学案学习目标1. 通过观察教师的社区地图,能准确推断、书写并理解语境中呈现的生词。2. 通过在2b中观察三张地图及略读三篇短文,积累查看地图的技巧并运用快速查找关键信息的阅读策略来正确匹配语篇和地图。3. 通过细读三篇短文,准确找出My favorite place in my neighborhood的“what” “why” “how”相关信息,能正确回答文章主题和意义的问题,并能考虑到表格题解题特点,正确完成表格内容。4. 通过观看地图,口头上能准确指路,并能仿写文中指路的

2、优美表达并使用副词。5. 通过赏析、体会三篇短文中的词汇、感叹句及副词等的语用,能体会归纳语篇框架(3wh-),并结合自己的社区地图,使用动词(like/love/enjoy)和副词(easily/just/then)等在口头上真实流畅地表达“My favorite place in my neighborhood”。6. 通过阅读三篇短文,感悟每个人喜好的不同和生活中的多样性,能尊重、欣赏及接纳自己和他人,感悟生活的美好。学习重点1. 理解课文的语言和意义。并能正确完成表格内容,读懂文中句子之间的逻辑关系,分析出短文的三个要素(What,Why, How)。2. 能结合自己的社区地图,运用语

3、篇结构框架(3wh-),使用动词(like/love/enjoy)和副词(usually/just/then)在口头上真实准确地表达“My favorite place in my neighborhood”。学习难点1. 能正确完成表格内容并分析出短文的三个要素(What,Why, How)。2. 能结合自己的社区地图,运用语篇结构框架(3wh-),使用动词(like/love/enjoy)和副词(usually/just/then)在口头上真实流畅地表达“My favorite place in my neighborhood”。学习过程1.课前:学生自主探究学习u 自主预习一、预习并熟记

4、P47页生词【关书,完成检测】1. 词汇n. 街坊/区_ 猴子_ 路_ 空气 _ 阳光_ 钱_v. 花(时间、钱) _ 爬 _ 享受_adj. 免费的_ adv. 常常_容易地_ 2. 短语(人)花时间_ 喜欢阅读_ 二、探究学习(单词,短语和句子)可两人或四人小组一起完成。1、花(时间、钱): sb.花时间做某事_我花了一个小时做数学作业_sth花某人多少时间_做地铁花了Alice 30分钟_做某事花了某人多少时间_乘飞机去北京花了Bruce 2个小时35分钟。_三、课前准备:自己手绘的社区英文地图,课后将结合自己的英文介绍张贴在班级文化展示墙上。(要求:清晰,简洁,需有街道名、附近商店和自

5、己最喜欢的地点标识)What is your favorite place in your neighborhood? Why? How to get there from your home?_2.课中:学习过程Step I GreetingStep II Presentation1. Read the map of the teachers neighborhood and answer the questions.(评价:通过观察教师的社区地图,能准确推断、书写并理解语境中呈现的生词含义来检测学习目标1的完成情况。)Step III Pre-reading1. Read the 3 ma

6、ps and find out, “Whats the obvious(明显的)difference among them?” Step VI While-reading1. Read quickly and finish 2b(match them). (评价: 通过积累查看地图的技巧并快速完成2b连线的活动来检测学习目标2的完成情况。)2. Read and fill in the blanks.Favorite placeWhyHow to get thereThe_(Annas)Likes_there.Loves_the monkeys _.They_my friends and me

7、 _ we fight!To get there, she_and turns_on_.Then she_it. Its_.The_(Johns)Often_there.Loves_and_._ in life are_!To get to the park, he_has to _Center Street.The_ (Lisas)Its very _. _reading there._she reads books, time goes _!She can get there _. Just_North Roadand turn_. Its_the park.(评价: 通过细读三篇短文,准

8、确在表格中填入语篇框架“what” “why” “how”的内容,并能将地图及短文中的指路表达结合起来检测学习目标3和4的完成情况。)Step V Post-reading1. Thinking(思考):Q1: Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why?Q2: John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so, too?Q3: Why does the writer use the verbs(like,love,enjoy) to talk about the plac

9、es?Q4: Why does the writer use the adverbs( just, easily) to tell the way?(评价: 通过深度思考,能理解文章的主题和意义,正确回答思考问题来检测学习目标3的完成情况。)2. Give a report(作一份口头报告)Use your map of your neighborhood to introduce(介绍) your favorite place .(使用框架,至少6句)Hello, everyone. My name is This is a map of my neighborhood My favorit

10、e place in my neighborhoodfacts(like, love, enjoy)facts(like, love, enjoy) My neighborhood (I live inThere is/are)opinions(When)Favorite place Why (To get there)(just ,only, easily)How to get there (评价:通过根据自己的社区地图,运用语篇结构框架(3wh-),关注动词(like/love/enjoy)、副词(usually/just/then)使用,口头上能真实流畅地表达“My favorite place in my neighborhood”,积极分享并认真倾听来检测目标5、6的完成情况。)Step VI. Summary and homework Our Class is having a show about your neighborhood on the board(班级文化展示墙). Please write down your passage and we will put the great maps and passages here. (评价:总结并巩固本课所学,在班级文化墙轮流展示学生作品。)4


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