陕旅版六年级上册英语 Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now 教案(6课时)

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1、Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now 学习目标:知识与技能:一、能正确认读、书写下列词汇:scarf,wallet,sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, heavy, lost, in front of, just now, yesterday .二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:1It was here just now. Oh, its behind the door.2It was in front of the house yesterday ,but now it isnt there.

2、3Last night , they were under your bed . Look , they are still there .4-Was/Were there ? -Yes, there was /were . / No, there wasnt / werent.5I have to now.方法与过程:1以轻松活泼的表现形式学习scarf,wallet,sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, heavy, lost, in front of, just now, yesterday 。2以听、说、读的形

3、式学习句型、对话和短文。情感、态度与价值观:1帮助学生体会到英语学习的乐趣。2培养学生敢于开口,不怕出错的勇气。 3培养学生遇到困难时主动求助,勇于克服的精神。学习重点:能正确认读、书写下列词汇:scarf,wallet,sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, heavy, lost, in front of, just now, yesterday .2.能听、说、读、写以下词汇:orange, pear, question, rabbit, sun, tiger。学习难点:一、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:1It

4、 was here just now. Oh, its behind the door.2It was in front of the house yesterday ,but now it isnt there.3Last night , they were under your bed . Look , they are still there .4-Was/Were there ? -Yes, there was /were . / No, there wasnt / werent.5I have to now.二、培养学生敢于开口,不怕出错的勇气。课时安排:6课时第一课时学习内容:学习

5、单词: scarf,wallet,sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, heavy, lost, in front of, just now, yesterday .学习目标:1.学习单词: scarf,wallet,sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, heavy, lost, in front of, just now, yesterday .2.能在实际生活中灵活运用以上词汇。学习重点:学习单词: scarf,wallet,sunglas

6、ses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, heavy, lost, in front of, just now, yesterday .学习难点: 能在实际生活中灵活运用以上词汇。学习准备:教师准备:(1)Lets learn 部分的教学卡片、雨衣图片及一些表示天气的图片。(2)一个书包,书包里装有Lets learn 部分所学词汇对应的实物。(3)Ask and answer 部分的词汇卡片。学习流程:一、导入新课1.课前热身Part A Warming up : Look and choose .T:Hello, boys and

7、girls. Nice to see you again . How is the weather today ? S: Its sunny / cloudy / rainy . T: Great . Now please open your books and look at exercise on Page 37.教师让学生观察每幅图片,通过问答引导学生说出图中所示的天气,并要求学生给图片选出相匹配的单词。二、呈现目标1.学习单词: scarf,wallet,sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, heavy, lo

8、st, in front of, just now, yesterday .2.能在实际生活中灵活运用以上词汇。三、提出问题1. I can read.(我会读)我会大声地读课后目标的新单词了。2. I can make some sentences.(我会造句)用所学单词及表天气的单词编对话。3. I can practice.(我会操练)我能和同伴们一起操练问答练习。四、解决问题1.教师播放Lets learn部分的录音,要求学生边听边用手指指着单词。2.教师逐个播放录音,要求学生指图跟读,教师要鼓励学生多模仿磁带中地道的语音语调,比比看谁模仿得最像。3.在逐个播放录音的同时,教师可借助于

9、简笔画、教学挂图、实物等教学辅助手段,让学生在模拟的环境中进行语言的运用输出。五、当堂检测1. 教师播放此部分的录音,让学生听录音跟读词汇,教师可在每个词汇后停顿,要求全班同学或随机抽取某个同学拼读出相应的词汇。 2. 完成配套练习P 38 第二课时学习内容:能听懂和理解Lets talk 部分的对话内容,学习和掌握过去式中的be 动词was, were 的用法。学习目标:1.能运用以下句型谈论物体过去和现在的位置:It was here just now . Oh, its behind the door .It was in front of the house yesterday , b

10、ut now it isnt there .2.能正确理解、运用 have to do something结构表示“不得不做某事”学习重点:能运用以下句型谈论物体过去和现在的位置:It was here just now . Oh, its behind the door .It was in front of the house yesterday , but now it isnt there .学习难点:一般过去式。学习流程:一、复习导入教师创编歌谣,带领学生复习上节课所学的词汇。I wear my sunglasses on a sunny day.二、呈现目标1.能运用以下句型谈论物

11、体过去和现在的位置:It was here just now . Oh, its behind the door .It was in front of the house yesterday , but now it isnt there .2.能正确理解、运用 have to do something结构表示“不得不做某事”三、提出问题1. I can listen.(我会听)我会跟着磁带边听边读,学习单词和句子。 2. I can finish .(我会完成)我能按照老师讲解和对话练习理解一般过去时。 四、解决问题小组讨论:1.英语中的一般过去时应注意哪些?2. 教师讲解:was ,we

12、re 的用法。3.教师讲解:have to do sth 是用来表达“不得不做某事,可在日常生活中表示人因环境和条件所限,不得已而做出的选择”。如:Its late. We have to go fast .五、当堂检测完成配套练习P 39 课后反思: -第三课时学习目标:1.能听懂和理解Lets learn more 部分的两个对话。2.学习和掌握be动词过去时的否定形式(wasnt, werent)、疑问形式及一般过去时在there be结构中的应用。3. 通过对对话的学习,能对事物的今昔进行对比表达。学习重点:掌握be动词过去时的否定形式(wasnt, werent)、疑问形式及一般过去

13、时在there be结构中的应用。学习难点:通过对对话的学习,能对事物的今昔进行对比表达。学习过程: 一、导入新课T: Hello, everyone. Do you love our school?Ss: Yes. T: Can you say something about our school ?Ss: Our school is beautiful. There are many students here.二、呈现学习目标1.能听懂和理解Lets learn more 部分的两个对话。2.学习和掌握be动词过去时的否定形式(wasnt, werent)、疑问形式及一般过去时在ther

14、e be结构中的应用。3. 通过对对话的学习,能对事物的今昔进行对比表达。三、提出问题Part B Lets learn more 教师可先让学生通过听录音了解对话大意,引出功能。教师就本段对话提出问题。Question 1: When was lius dad at this school ?Question 2: Was there a library ?Question 3: How many students were there at that time ?教师播放录音,学生在对话中找答案。四、解决问题1.小组合作解决难点,师进行指导。2.教师板书上述问题的完整答案:Lius dad

15、 was at this school thirty years ago.Yes. There was a library. But there werent so many books . There were about six hundred students at that time. 3.采用问答、讨论的方式进一步讲解以上功能句。五、拓展延伸要求学生说出更多类似的时间状语, 如:two years ago , a week ago , five hours ago.六、课堂作业完成配套练习第40页第。教导处审阅: 第四课时学习目标:1.巩固本单元的词汇,学以致用。2.掌握本单元的there be 句型中be的过去式,并灵活运用。 3.完成相应的练习题。学习重



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