四年级下册英语教案-Unit4 There are seven days in a week.(Lesson 20)-人教精通版

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四年级下册英语教案-Unit4 There are seven days in a week.(Lesson 20)-人教精通版_第1页
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1、英语 教研组电子教案 年(班)级Class 2,Grade 4日 期星 期累计课时课 型对话课电教课远教课第 课 时授课课题 Unit 4 there are seven days in a week. Lesson 20教学目标知识目标1、在问答情景中复习巩固:When do you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on .在所学基础上,进一步学习有关星期的单词,对活动的时间进行问答。 2、在情景操练中认读单词Monday,Tuesday,并能够对这两个但系进行正确的听、说、认读,掌握在四线格中的正确书写。能力目标在问答情景中复习巩固:When do

2、you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on .在所学基础上,进一步学习有关星期的单词,对活动的时间进行问答。情感价值培养学生热爱生活,喜欢学习的良好心理状态,让每个学生都感悟到应使生活过得天天有意义。教学重点1认读单词Monday, Tuesday2、运用句子When do you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday教学难点运用句子When do you have PE lessons? We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday。教学

3、方法情景交际法,活动教学法,师生互动教学法。教学用具 Ppt课件、课文录音音频文件。Teaching steps (教学步骤(设计))优化栏1、热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)1)借助PPT课件复习上一课的chant.2)做游戏Quick Answer,教师提出问题,让学生根据实际情况回答: T:How many days are there in a week ? S: There are seven days in a week . T:Whats the first day of the week ? S:Sunday. T:Do you have Chinese

4、lessons today? S:Yes,We do /No,We dont.3) Free talk : Do you like sports? 教师问,学生答。可多问几个学生,引导协商进一步扩展回答集体的运动词汇,为导入新课做铺垫。2新课呈现(Presentation) 1)教师提问:The first day is Sunday .What is the next day of the week? 用手指PPT课件在周历上指出,帮助学生理解,引出Monday和Tuesday。 2)利用PPT图片教学词汇Monday和Tuesday,简要的向学生介绍一下这两个星期的由来,渗透情感教育,引入

5、西方文化。 3)教师出示之前做的课程表,句型呈现:T:Do you like PE lessons?S: Yes, I do .T: How many lessons are there in a week?S:Two.T:When do you have PE lessons?帮助学生理解问题意思,引导学生回答问题。 4)利用PPT图片练习问答,采用师生问答、生生问答的多种形式,练习所学内容,再此过程中,如果出现学生回答其他星期的单词,应鼓励但要把握好本课的尺度。 5)教师出示PPT,本课人物图片,指着图片说: Who is this?(指着Gao Wei ) Do you know ? Y

6、es , this is Gao Wei. And who is this ? He is Mr .He likes sports. He is a basketball player. 6) Listen and answer利用PPT图片2个问题播放录音,让学生仔细听,然后教师让学生回答问题;What are they talking about? 根据学生回答问题的情况可适当调节播放次数,让学生感知回话的基本内容。3.趣味操练(Practice) 1)学生两人一组,分角色表演对话。 2)教师提出系列问题,各组抢答:Do you like sports? Do you have PE ev

7、ery day? When do you have PE lessons ? 3)小组之间完成Lets do a survey 部分。4. Homework:1、Read and remember the new words /sentences of lesson 20.2、Introduce your lessons on Monday and Tuesday to your friends in English .3、本课练习册板书设计Unit 4 There are seven days in a week Lesson 20Monday, Tuesday,When do you have PE lessons ?We have PE lessons on Monday and Tuesday.教后反思


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