Module 5 ShoppingUnit 2教学设计(外研版七年级下册)

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1、Module 5 ShoppingUnit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet.教学设计一、教学目标1. 词汇:anyone, pay, post, safe, shopping, way, one of, almost, open, later, out, go out, over, one day, one2. 句子:(1) You can buy almost everything on the Internet, and its very easy. (2) Then you receive it a few days later by p

2、ost.(3) Online shopping has several advantages. (4) You can also compare the prices of the same product(5) They cant see the product or try the clothes on. (6) Also paying over the Internet isnt always safe.(7) Online shopping is changing our way of life. (8) Youll be able to buy anything on the Int

3、ernet.3. 能阅读关于介绍不同购物方式的文章。4. 能写出关于介绍超市购物利与弊的短文。5. 使学生形成对网上购物的正确认识,养成正确的购物习惯。二、教学重难点重点:1. 能够掌握本单元的重点单词和短语。2. 能够读懂关于网上购物的文章,掌握文章的写作特点,掌握一定的阅读策略。难点:掌握文章的写作特点,学习用first, second, but描述超市购物利与弊的文章。三、教学准备教学课件、多媒体等。四、教学过程Step I Warming-up1. Ask Ss to think about the question “How many ways of shopping do you

4、know?” 2. Then show the pictures of shopping ways.3. Ask Ss to talk about the following questions.Do you like going shopping in the shops or online? Why?设计意图:通过自由讨论带动学生学习的积极性,使他们快速进入到学习状态并引入今天学习的主题。Step II Pre-readingShow the new words and expressions and ask Ss to read after the recording.设计意图:教授学生

5、本单元的新单词和短语,为接下来的阅读活动做铺垫。Activity 11. Ask Ss to look at the title of the passage and work in pairs to talk about the questions about online shopping.(1) What can you buy?(2) How do you pay for it? (3) How is it changing our lives?(4) Is it good or bad?2. Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partn

6、ers.3. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers.设计意图:在此环节设计了小组讨论的活动,通过探讨问题的答案进一步接触网购这一购物方式,为接下来课文的学习做好语言支撑。Step III While-reading1. Fast reading. Have Ss read the passage quickly and match the paragraphs with main ideas. Then check the answers together.2. Ask Ss to read the s

7、entences in Activity 2 and then scan the passage and check the true sentences. Check the answers in pairs and then with the whole class.3. Careful reading. Ask Ss to read Paragraph 1 carefully and answer the questions:(1) What can we buy on the Internet? (2) How do we buy things on the Internet? 4.

8、Ask Ss to read Paragraph 2 carefully and answer the question: What advantages does online shopping have? 5. Ask Ss to read Paragraph 3 carefully and answer the question: Why do many people dislike shopping online? 6. Ask Ss to read Paragraph 4 carefully and answer the question: How is the online sho

9、pping changing our lives?设计意图:让学生在快读、精读的不同阅读过程中、不同的题型中解决不同的问题,从而培养学生从整体到细节全面理解文章的能力。Step IV Post-readingShows the structure of the passage and ask Ss to retell the passage.设计意图:通过文章构架,培养学生复述文章的能力。Activity 31. Ask Ss to do Activity 3 and then check the answers with their partners. At the end, check t

10、he answers together.2. Asks Ss to read the passage and find out what they cant understand. Then explain them in the class.Language points1. First, you can shop at any time.anything 意为“任何事;无论何事”,主要用于否定句及疑问句中,肯定句中常用something;在句子中做主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式;当被形容词或不定式修饰时,其修饰语要置于其后,作后置定语。表示全部否定用nothing,not anything

11、= nothing。例如:I cant see anything in the sky. 在天空里我什么也没有看到。 Is there anything in that box? 那个盒子里有什么东西吗? 2. Then you receive it a few days later by post. receive作动词,意为“收到、接到(信件、礼物、电话等)”,后面可直接跟名词。常用句型:receive sth. (from sb.) 从某人处收到某物如:You will receive a letter from Jenny. 你将会收到珍妮的来信。辨析:receive和accept3.

12、 Second, shopping usually takes a lot of time. take意为“花费”,例如:It took them three days to come back home. 他们花了三天时间才回到家。辨析:take, cost, spend和pay:spend, cost, take和pay都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同。4. Online shopping is changing our way of life.way在这里表示“方式,方法”,它还可以表示“道路,路线”。例如:I dont know the way to the post office

13、.我不认识去邮局的路。设计意图:在对文章有一个全面细致的了解后,讲解一些重要知识点并进行练习巩固。Activity 4Ask Ss to work in pairs to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online. Then, ask them to complete the table in Activity 4.Activity 51. Ask Ss to write sentences describing the advantages with first and second.First, you c

14、an shop at any time Second, 2. Then ask Ss to write sentences describing the disadvantages. Introduce the first disadvantage with but.But many people like going out3. Ask Ss to correct their sentences in pairs paying attention to grammatical mistake and spelling errors.Activity 61. Ask Ss to discuss

15、 shopping at a supermarket in pairs. 2. List the advantages and disadvantages. 3. Ask Ss to try to write a paragraph about shopping at a supermarket. Before writing, tell Ss the writing ideas.设计意图:分步骤一步步引导学生进行写作,降低了写作的难度并增加了趣味性。通过写作思路讲解,帮助学生掌握相关话题的写作技巧。ExerciseAsk Ss to do some exercises.一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. You can see many different _ (产品) in the supermarket.2. Its not s_ to play football on the road.3. I often r_ emails from American friends.4. Can you help me _ (邮寄) the letter?5. C_ your ideas with their ideas and youll


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