2021届高三精准培优专练6七选五 教师版

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1、优培6 七选五真题在线【2020山东卷】 Some individuals are born with a gift for public speaking.1 Do you want to be a good public speaker? Here are some principles you must master.People want to listen to someone who is interesting, relaxed and comfortable. Too often when you stand up to give a speech, you focus on

2、the “public” at the expense of the “speaking.” 2 Focus on the speaking. Talk directly to your audience, be yourself and make a connection.Even the most successful public speaker will make mistakes. Yet, the only one who cares about any mistake is the one who is speaking. Peoples attention wanders co

3、nstantly. In fact, most people only absorb about 20 percent of a speakers message. So, dont stop speaking when you make a mistake unless its a truly serious one.3 Your goal is not to be a perfect public speaker.4 And like everything else in life, that takes practice. Remember, even world champion at

4、hletes practice their skills on a consistent basis.5 Its rare to hear someone say, “I wish that speaker had spoken longer. “On the other hand, you probably cant count the times that youve thought, “Im glad that talk is over. It seemed to go on forever! “So surprise your audience. Always make your pr

5、esentation just a bit shorter than anticipated. Its better to leave your listeners wishing for more than shifting restlessly in their seats waiting for your speech finally to end.A. Do the opposite.B. You want to be an effective public speaker.C. You don t need to apologize for a minor slip.D. When

6、it comes to public speaking, less is usually more.E. The objective of most speeches is to benefit the audienceF. Take the fear out of public speaking by focusing on your listenersG. However, the majority of people are effective speakers because they train to be.【答案】1.G2.A3.C4.B5.D【解析】本文是说明文。文章介绍了成为好

7、的演讲者需要掌握的一些原则。1本文主题是介绍成为好的演讲者要掌握的一些原则。上句提到有些人生来就有演讲的天赋。G项:然而,大多数人之所以能成为有影响的演讲者,是因为他们受过训练。与上句转折,引出本文主题演讲者要训练。故选G。2下句Focus on the speaking.是本段主题,建议演讲者把注意力集中在演讲上。上句提到一种常见现象,当站起来发表演讲时,演讲者往往会把注意力放在“公众”上,而不是“演讲”上。这是错误的做法,A项Do the opposite.承上启下,说明了上句做法的错误,引出了下句正确的做法。故选A。3本段提到即使成功的演讲者也会犯错误,观众不会太在意你的错误。上句建议当

8、出错时不要停止演讲,除非是非常严重的错误。C项:你不需要为一个小失误道歉。与上句承接,是对待演讲出错的方法。故选C。4本段是说明练习的重要性。上句提到你的目标不是成为一个完美的演说家,下句应该说明目标是什么。B. You want to be an effective public speaker.与上句衔接,是我们演讲的真正目的。故选B。5下文提到观众并不是认为演讲越长越好,根据 Always make your presentation just a bit shorter than anticipated.可知,作者建议让演讲比预期的短一点,给观众更多的期待胜过让他们坐立不安地等待演讲结

9、束。D项:公开演讲时,通常少就是多。说明了演讲时,多和少的辩证关系。故选D。【2020浙江卷】 I experienced years of loneliness as a child. 6 His friends teased him about babysitting his sister and his interests were far different from mine. With no other kids of my age in the neighborhood, I had to spend hours by myself.A bright spot for me tu

10、rned out to be reading. My love of the written word began early as my mother read to me every evening. 7 I started reading books on my own before age 5 and my mother took me to the public library once a week to borrow several books. I quickly graduated from typical childrens books to ones with fewer

11、 pictures and longer chapters. Reading opened new worlds to me. 8 My mother also encouraged me to make what I wanted. I tried making toy cars with cardboard boxes and constructing buildings from leftover cardboard and bits of wood my father gave me. When my mother saw my creations, she told me how c

12、reative my designs were. 9 I learned a lot about how to extend the life of objects and transform them into something new and useful. It was a trait(特点) others found helpful, and I soon had friends who wanted to make things with me.10 My parents made it a point for their two kids to spend time outsid

13、e, no matter the weather or season. My brother, of course, raced off to be with his friends, while I had plenty to do myself. There was making leaf houses in autumn, ice skating in winter, and so much more. Theyre all memories I treasure today.A. I wasnt alone any longer.B. I enjoyed reading stories

14、 aloud.C. I was invited to play with another kid.D. I loved the colorful photographs in the books.E. Another habit I formed early was being outdoors.F. Thus, I began my lifelong interest in making things.G. My older brother couldnt be bothered to play with me.【答案】6.G7.D8.A9.F10.E【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者养

15、成几个生活习惯的原因。6设空在段中,应是承前启后句。根据后文“His friends teased him about babysitting his sister and his interests were far different from mine”可知,设空句应提及“his”的身份,即G项中的“My elder brother”,且G项“我哥哥懒得和我一起玩”在此起到了承上启下的作用。故选G项。故选G项。7根据前句提到“我对文字的爱始于母亲每天晚上给我读故事的时候”可知,D项“我喜欢书中的彩色照片”和上句构成进一步说明。同时D项中的“书”指代上句提到的母亲每天给我读故事的书。D项切

16、题。故选D项。8根据前句提到“阅读为我打开了新世界”可知,A项“我不在孤独”和上句构成了因果关系。A项切题。故选A项。9根据前句“当我的母亲看到我的创作时,她说我的设计很有创意”可知,F项“于是,我开始对制造东西产生了长久的兴趣”和上句构成因果关系,我正是在听了母亲那句话后才开始了对制造东西产生兴趣。F项切题。故选F项。10根据后句“无论天气或季节,我的父母都要让他们的两个孩子花时间在户外”可知,E项“我很早养成的另一个习惯是去户外”和前句表示因果逻辑。作者有去户外的习惯是因为后句提到的父母的影响。E项切题。故选E项。提分训练【广西桂林十八中2021届高三英语上学期第一次月考试题】The COVI


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