高考英语基础检测复习训练 3

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《高考英语基础检测复习训练 3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语基础检测复习训练 3(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.单词拼写1What do you think of the new _ (制度)? 2“What happened?” Johns mother asked him in a _ (温和的) voice.3Before the Earths protective _ (大气层) was formed, there was no life except in the sea.4With the _ (引力) of the moon and the sun each day, tides (潮汐) roll in and roll away.5He managed to finish the r

2、ace, _ (不像) more than half of the competitors.6His face wore a _ (困惑的,迷惑的) expression.7Eating too many desserts can be _ (有害的) to ones teeth.8The plane _ (坠毁,碰撞) into the mountain.9According to the _ (理论) of relativity (相对论), nothing can travel faster than light.10Most of the evidence had been destr

3、oyed. _ (因此,于是), it was almost impossible to prove him guilty.答案:1.system2.gentle3.atmosphere4.pull5.unlike6.puzzled7.harmful8.crashed9. theory10.Thus.完成句子1既然已做完了作业,你可以去玩会足球休息一下。_ _youve finished your homework, you can go and play football to have a rest.2没有什么可以阻止我爱她。Nothing on earth can_me_loving h

4、er.3努力干好你的工作,你一定会成功的。Do your best in your career, and youll succeed_ _.4甲型流感今年在全球多个国家爆发。H1N1 flu_ _in many countries all over the world this year. 5给玛丽打个电话,她需要鼓励。Give Mary a call; she needs_ _.答案:1.Now that2.prevent; from3.in time4.broke out5.cheering up.单项填空1Noticing some broken toys_on the floor,

5、I picked them up and_them on the chair, so I wasnt_.Alay; lay; lying Blying; lay; lyingClaid; laid; laying Dlying; laid; lying答案:D本题考查易混词lie, lay的用法辨析。句意:看到地上有一些弄坏的玩具,我把它们捡起来,放在椅子上,因此我一直没有躺着(睡觉)。第一空用lie(躺)的现在分词作补语;第二空为lay(放下)的过去式laid,与picked并列作谓语;第三空用lie的现在分词,与be一起构成过去进行时。2The girl looked at me with

6、 a_expression. Maybe the problem was quite_.Apuzzled; puzzling Bpuzzling; puzzledCpuzzled; puzzled Dpuzzling; puzzling答案:A本题考查puzzle的用法。句意:这个女孩满脸迷惑地看着我。也许那个问题很让人迷惑。puzzled“迷惑的”,可修饰人,也可修饰expression, look等;puzzling“令人迷惑的,让人费解的”,常用来说明事物。3They managed to_the old buildings to widen the street and beautif

7、y the city.Abreak down Bpull downCput down Dburn down答案:B本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:为了加宽街道、美化城市,他们已设法拆除了那些旧楼。pull down“拆毁,推翻”,符合语境。break down“分解,中止”;put down“放下,镇压”;burn down“烧光,烧成平地”,均不符合句意。4Im thinking of tomorrows maths test. Im afraid I cant pass it._. Im sure youll make it.ANo problem BGood luckCGive up DCh

8、eer up答案:D本题考查交际用语。从上句可知,说话人“担心明天数学考试不及格”;而从答语人的“Im sure youll make it.(我相信你会成功的)”可推测,是在鼓励对方,故用cheer up“振作起来,高兴起来”。no problem“没问题”;good luck“祝你好运”;give up“放弃”,都不符合语境。5I cant help_the cleaning_Im busy making some dumplings now.Adoing; because Bto do; now thatCdoing; since Dto do; therefore答案:B本题考查非谓语

9、动词及连词的用法。本题很容易误选A,误认为是cant help后就跟动名词。句意:我不能帮助大扫除,因为我现在正忙着包饺子。从Im busy making some dumplings now来看,此处help应为“帮助”,cant help(to)do sth. 表示“不能帮助做某事”;now that意为“既然”,表示原因。6The study shows that the_scenes in movies and TV are harmful_children.Acheerful; for Bviolent; toCdisappointing; for Dtouching; for答案:

10、B本题考查形容词辨析及介词用法。violent“暴力的”,violent scenes“暴力场景”;be harmful to.意为“对有害”。7Some policemen were sent there to_the villagers_the trees.Akeep; cutting down Bprevent; cutting downCprevent; to cut up Dstop; to cut up答案:Bprevent/stop.(from)doing sth.表示“阻止做某事”,不能说prevent/stop.to do sth.。keep.from doing sth.

11、也有“阻止做某事”的意思,但from不能省略。8Fortunately, I was just_to catch the last bus to the hotel.Aat times BaboutCin time Dtoo late答案:C句意:很幸运,我及时赶上了去宾馆的最后一班车。in time“及时”,作表语。at times“有时”; be about to do表示“就要做”;too late“太晚了”,均与题意不符。9What did she want to know, Tom?She wondered_we could complete the experiment.Awhen

12、 was it Bit was when thatCwhen was it Dwhen it was that答案:D本题考查从句的语序及强调句。wonder后跟连接副词when引导的宾语从句,用陈述句语序;该从句使用了强调句式。10_! Dont get too close to the building of which walls are being painted.AGet along BCome onCWatch out DSet off来源:Zxxk.Com答案:C考查短语辨析。句意:当心!不要太靠近那座建筑物,它的墙正在被刷漆。watch out在这里用来提醒别人注意。get a

13、long “进展,相处”;come on“加油”;set off“动身,出发”。11The doctor had almost lost hope at one point but the patient finally_.Apulled through Bpulled overCpulled up Dpulled out答案:Apull through“康复,痊愈”,符合语境。pull over“把车开到路边,靠岸”;pull up“停车;停止”;pull out“驶出,退出”。12Early in April, this year some experts indicated that H

14、1N1 would_this winter.Abreak down Bbreak out Cbreak up Dbreak off 答案:B句意:今年四月,一些专家预测甲流会在今冬爆发。break out“发生”;break down“(机器等)坏了,(谈判等)失败,分解”;break up“解散,分裂,解体,打碎”;break off“折断”。来源:Zxxk.Com13The young dancers look so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took_pictures of them.Amany of Bmasses ofCthe number of Da large amount of答案:B句中的them指上文的young dancers;若用many of指“照片中的许多”,不合题意,应该用many;masses of“大量的”,可接可数名词复数或不可数名词;the number of指“的数目”;a large amount


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