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1、班 级_姓 名_学 号_密封线内请勿书写答案密封线班 级_姓 名_学 号_密封线内请勿书写答案密封线20192020学年度第二学期六年级英语调研试卷(答题时间:60分钟 命题: 审核: ) 成绩:_ 书写卷面整洁,书写美观。卷面较整洁,书写规范。卷面基本整洁,书写正确。. 听力一.听句子,选出听到的单词。(听一遍)5( )1. A. clown B. clean C. close( )2. A. art B. artist C. artists ( )3. A. bring B. sing C. ring( )4.A. weak B. wake C. welcome ( )5. A. mont

2、h B. mouth C. much 二.听问句,选出合适的答句。(听两遍)5( )1. A. We can cross the road now. B. We cant stop. C. We cant cross the road.( )2. A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, it is.( )3. A.I flew a kite. B. My friend Sandy did. C. In the park.( )4.A. Yesterday. B. No, I didnt. C. This evening.( )5.A Thats

3、 right. B. Thank you. C. You are welcome.三.听对话,选出合适的答句。(听两遍)5( )1. Where will the party hold?A. In the park. B. At Marys house C. At Toms house( )2. Does the girls mother go to bed late? A.Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. She gets up early.( )3. What does Lily want to be?A. A dancer B. A writer

4、C. A doctor( )4. Does Mike jump high?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. He doesnt jump high.( )5. Where are they?A. In the kitchen. B. In the playground. C. In the library.四.听录音,填入所缺单词。10Iwanttobeascientistinthe_. Thisismy dream. I must_ hard forit.We have TV,_,train,planeandmany_ _ becauseoftheh

5、ardworkof scientists. SoIwanttobea _ person _they are. My brother wants to_ an astronaut, because he isinterestedintheouterspace very_. Theouterspace is_. Itmustbeexcellent if he can go to the space. 笔试部分一、根据句子的意思和首字母提示,写出英文单词。81. Are they l for their football? Yes, they are. But they cant find it.2

6、.I _some bread and drank some milk.3.Eating too much is bad for your h_.4.From then on, they b_ good friends.5.Smoking is a bad h_.总分_I.II.III.一、二、三、四6. We use wood to m _beds.7. She is a p_. She plays the piano very well.8. The girl is dancing h_.密封线二、单项选择。10( )1. ._ will you go for the summer holi

7、day? A. What B. Where C. Whats ( )2 You will find_in the US.A. Stonehenge B. Yellowstone National Park C. the Great Barrier Reef( )3. She will learn _ the United Kingdom next month.A. about B. form C. of( )4. -Sam, its a good habit to eat only a little sweet food _. - Youre right. A. on time B. at a

8、 time C. in time ( )5. -Did you go to bed last night?-Yes, but why Im so sleepy.A. late B. later C. early ( )6. Donthurtthelittleanimals.Theyarevery . A.strong B.weak C.large( )7. -You should finish your homework _. -Oh! Mum, why not let me have a break(休息)? A. first B. the first C. at first ( )8. W

9、hich word has different pronunciation in the sentence Look, he is showing us how to close the window. A. showing B. how C. window.( )9. There _a basketball game in the playground tomorrow. Because he flies kites in the park with his friends.A. will have B. is going to C. is going to be( )10. interes

10、ting the party is! A. What an B. What C. How三、用词的适当形式填空。101. Please keep _. The dog is sleeping there _.(quiet)2.Mike was excited and _the ball hard. (hit) 3.They stopped the thief and _ (take) him to the police station.4.There _(be not) any meat on my plate just now.5. Too much cola is bad for your_(tooth).6. _the road safely, we must first look for a zebra



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