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1、高中英语关于海报的写作WritingWrite a poster题型解读谋篇思路海报是常见的一种宣传形式,它属于应用文文体的范畴。海报的内容可涉及演讲、报告、演出、电影、比赛等,也可是公益性的宣传,如环保、动物保护等。海报的特点是简明扼要,语言精炼而具有感染力首段:现象或活动的背景主体段落:针对现象可以采取的措施尾段:发出呼吁以及活动的意义满分佳句夺人眼球开头句1正如我们所知,动物正因各种原因而濒临灭绝。As we know, animals are dying out for a variety of reasons.2据我们所知,多种濒临灭绝的动物正以惊人的速度。As we know, k

2、inds of endangered animals are dying out at an alarming rate.3毫无疑问,动物是我们忠实的朋友。There is no doubt that animals are our loyal friends.亮点出彩篇中句1我们应该禁止人们随意捕杀动物。We should forbid people to kill animals at random.2我们应该尽我们所能保护动物的生存环境。We should do what we can to protect animals living environment.3我们应该唤起人们的动物保

3、护意识。We should raise/arouse peoples awareness of animal protection.4迫切需要提高/唤起人们保护动物的意识。It is urgent to raise/arouse peoples awareness of animal protection.韵味无穷结尾句1保护野生动物就是保护我们自己。Protecting animals is protecting ourselves.2保护野生动物是保护自然平衡的一种很好的方式,这关系到人类的生存和发展。Protecting wild animals is a good way to kee

4、p the balance of nature, which affects the survival and development of mankind.3.是时候我们该行动起来了。Its high time that we took action/we should take action.4应该出台严格的法律以确保濒危动物的安全。Strict laws should be made to ensure the safety of endangered animals5我呼吁每个人尽我们的一份力量来保护动物I appeal to/call on everyone to do our bi

5、t to protect the animals.写作规范假定你是班长李华,你看到华南虎的有关报道,感觉华南虎状况令人担忧。现在请你以学生会的名义用英语写一篇有关华南虎的海报,号召全班同学保护动物。内容包括:1华南虎的现状(野外没有;现存3080只);2.华南虎受危害的原因:获取皮毛;3.正在采取措施帮忙恢复野生虎数量;4.我们该做些什么(禁止买卖)。注意:写作词数应为80左右。第一步:认真审题谋篇布局体裁人称时态要 点 结 构 图开头点题提出华南虎现状应用文(海报)第三人称一般现在时主体段落陈述受危害原因及采取措施尾段发出呼吁,说明我们应该怎么做第二步:核心词汇1处于危险境地_2据报道 _3

6、被猎杀为了获取 _4导致;促成 _5实施;贯彻 _6保护免受第三步:由词及句雏形现1众所周知,华南虎现在处于危险境地,野生状态下一只也没有。_.2据报道,动物园里存活着的华南虎也只有3080只,情况令人担忧。_.3人们猎杀野生虎为了获取它的皮毛,这导致了这种。_.4保护它免遭灭绝迫在眉睫。_.5为了增加野生虎的数量,一项计划正在被实施,包括训练它们的野外生存能力。_.6正如姚明在公益广告中所说的“没有买卖,就没有杀害。”_7该是我们采取行动的时候了。_.第四步:句式升级用so.that合并4,5句_.第五步:合理过渡_答案:1in danger2.itisreportedthat3.behun

7、tedfor4.contributeto5.carryout 6.protect.from/againstSee it die?As we know, the South China Tiger is in danger now with none left in the wild. It is reported that there are only 3080 living in the zoo, which is worrying.The wild tiger is hunted for its skin and fur, which contributes to the situation. It is so urgent to protect it from dying out that a plan is being carried out to increase the number of wild tigers, including training them to live in the wild.As Yao Ming says in his public service advertisement,“No business, no killing.”Its high time that we took action.


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