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1、2021天津21中八年级英语下册期末复习外研版初中英语八年级下册期末复习知识总结Module 1一、重点短语1. look sb. in the eye 正视某人2. look+形容词 看上去3. be afraid that +从句 恐怕be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth 害怕4. thank (sb ) for doing sth 因某人做某事而感谢thank(sb) for sth 因感谢某人5. cant wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事6. spend 时间/金钱+(in)doing sth. 某人花时间/金钱做

2、spend 时间/金钱+on sth. 某人在某方面花时间/金钱7. be proud of 以为自豪8. be proud to do sth. 为做某事而感到自豪9. be proud that 为感到自豪10. hear from/ receive a letter from. 收到.的来信11. each other 互相,彼此12. arrive in/at 到达13. be good at 擅长,善于14. have a try 尝试15. on top 在上面,处于优势16. in the middle 在中间17. as well 也;还18. in the right way

3、 以正确的方式19. be excited about 对.兴奋20. shake hands 握手21. close to 离.近二、重点句型1. 它闻起来不新鲜。It doesnt smell fresh.2. 每种东西都(尝起来)甜滋滋的。Everything tastes so sweet.3. 多好闻的味道啊!What a delicious smell.4. 你想来点尝尝吗?好的,谢谢。-Would you like to try some? -Yes, please.5. 我喜欢甜食。I have a sweet tooth.6. 顶部是什么?Whats that on top?

4、7. 我恐怕不喜欢奶酪。它闻上去不新鲜了。Im afraid I dont like cheese. It doesnt smell fresh.8. My chocolate cookies are done. Have a try! 我的巧克力曲奇做好了。尝一尝!9. 我幸运的一天。Its my lucky day!三、语法感官系动词英语动词中,有的后面要接名词或代词等作宾语,有的单独作谓语,而有的后面要接形容词或名词等做主语的补充成分。我们把后面接主语补充成分的动词称为系动词。1. 最常用的系动词是be,另外还有5个感官系动词,如:look(看上去),taste(尝上去),feel(摸起

5、来),smell(闻起来),sound(听起来)等。例如:The film is interesting. 这部电影很有趣。The cookies smell delicious. 这些曲奇闻起来很香。The soup tastes too salty. 汤尝起来太咸了。The bed feels hard. 这床摸上去很硬。The idea sounds quite good. 这个想法听起来非常好。All the children look happy. 所有的孩子看起来都很开心。上面用到的系动词smell,taste,feel,sound,look相当于汉语中的闻起来,尝起来,摸上去,听

6、上去,看起来的概念。2. 要注意这类系动词和系动词be不同,其否定形式和疑问形式的构成要借助动词do。例如:The dishes do not smell very nice. 这些菜闻起来不太好。Does he look worried? 他看上去担心吗?The cake does not taste very good. 这蛋糕尝起来不太好。Module 2一、重点短语1. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事2. think about 考虑3. make up 编造4. stop doing sth 停止做某事5. come with 和.一起去6. the firs

7、t prize 一等奖7. at the moment 此时,现在8. so far 到目前为止9. ask sb to do sth 要去某人做某事10. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事11. a fifteen-year-old boy 一个十五岁的男孩12. one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数 最.之一13. be different from 与.不同14. count down 倒数15. send sb to do sth 把某人送去做某事16. enter a competition 参加竞赛17. write about 编写;写作19. travel a

8、round the world 环游世界20. work for 效力于21. for example 例如22. look forward to doing/sth 期盼;期待23. have a wonderful time 玩得开心24. a pair of 一双25. the rest of 剩余的二、重点句型1. I cant afford it. 我负担不起。2. What do you mean? 你什么意思?3. Ive entered lots of competitions, but havent won any prize. Ive stopped trying now.

9、 我参加过许多比赛,但从未获过奖。我已经不再尝试了。4. They have been to many interesting places. 他们去过许多有趣的地方。5.They are counting down the days. 他们在进行倒计时。2. Itll help you improve your speaking. Maybe you will win a prize. 我会帮助你提高口语能力。可能你会得奖。5. Have you ever thought about other kinds of competitions? 你考虑过其他种类的比赛吗?关注公众号:新标准英语(

10、NSEnglish),获取更多教学资源!7. I will invite you to come with me. 我将邀请你来跟我一起。三、语法现在完成时(一)1. 现在完成时定义:强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。例如:Betty went to the park yesterday. (强调去公园的动作发生在昨天)Betty has been to the park before. (强调不仅去过公园,而且了解公园的状况)2. 现在完成时的谓语结构:have/has + 动词的过去分词例如:Ive always wanted to go on a dream holiday.句中

11、的谓语结构为:have wantedLingling has visited the US.句中的谓语结构为:has visited3. 句式结构(1)肯定句式:主语+have / has+动词过去分词+其他。(2)否定句式:主语+have / has+not+动词过去分词+ 其他。have not 和has not 分别缩写为havent和hasnt。(3)一般疑问句式:Have / Has+主语+动词过去分词+其他? 肯定答语为Yes, 主语+have / has.;否定答语为No, 主语+havent / hasnt.4. 过去分词的构成规则动词过去分词的构成规则与规则动词过去式的构成规

12、则相同。(1)动词一般在词尾加“-ed”。如:workworkedworked(2)以“e”结尾的动词,词尾直接加“-d”。如:livelivedlived(3)以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的动词,将“y”变为 “i”,再加“-ed”。如:crycriedcried(4)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“-ed”。如:stopstoppedstoppedModule 3一、重点短语1. What are you up to? 你在干什么?2. the latest news 最新消息3. get information 获得信息4. search for 寻找,搜索5

13、. in order to 为了6. much+比较级 .得多7. on earth 在世界上,在人间,究竟,到底8. communicate with sb 与某人交流9. hundreds of 数以百计的10. go around 绕着.走11. billions of 数十亿的12. take photos 拍照13. send.to. 把.送到.14. no problem 没问题15. be far away(from) 离.远16. go online 上网17. search for 搜索18. more than 超过;多余19. look for 寻找20. look li

14、ke 看起来像21. finish doing sth 做完某事二、重点句型1. 还没有人过去火星。No one has been to Mars yet.2. 对于.感觉如何? How does sb. feel about?3. 无法想像. Its impossible to imagine.4. 我刚刚做了一个飞船模型。Ive just made a model spaceship.5. 它已经到达了吗?Has it arrived yet?6. 宇航员已经过去了月球。Astronauts have already been to the moon.7. 我们尚未在任何其他的星球上发现生

15、命。We have not found life on any other planets yet.三、语法现在完成时(二)1. 当表示动作已经完成,并对现在有一定影响时,我们一般用现在完成时。同时,可用just, already或yet加以强调或说明。例如:I have just heard the news. 我刚听到消息。Astronauts have already been to the moon. 宇航员已经去过月球了。He has just started to explore other planets. 我们才刚刚开始探索其他行星。可以看出,just 用来表示“刚刚”, already 用来表示“已经”,两者都用于肯定句中,一般是置于have / has 之后。在否定句中则可用yet,


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