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1、 课题:Lesson40 Body language 学科 英语 年级 八 学习目标:1、熟练掌握本课的单词和短语并能背下来2、能用英语描述不同地区肢体语言的意思学习过程:课前回顾:1. He s_ this word again and again until he remembered it.2. Whose p _is the best? Let him read the text for us.3. He _(翻译) the English book into Chinese when he was in China.4. Bob was born in_(Australia), bu

2、t his parents are_(America).5. Please ring me _as soon as you get home.A. on B. with C. up D. down6. Well have an exam in English _ January.A. in the end B. by the end of C. at the end D. at the end of达成目标1:一词汇训练:1. In some _(Europe) countries, people like to kiss each other to show friendship and l

3、ove.2. When I was a child, many aunts and uncles always k_ me. 3. People n_ their heads and agreed to follow the rules.4. It is p _of you to say “thanks” to the person who helps you.5. He g_ me with a friendly wave of the hand at the party yesterday.二在课文中找出下列词组1.不用说话交流_2.肢体语言_3.握手_4.相互打招呼_5.在一些欧洲的国家

4、_6.用嘴唇来指东西_7.微笑是全世界通用的语言_达成目标2:一. 听力写1. In China and _, people sometimes communicate without speaking.2. But body _ is not the same in all cultures.3.In China and some other countries, friends _ to greet each other.4. They _ new friends or old.5. People_ each other on both cheeks. It is another way

5、to show friendship and love.二.读课文回答问题:1) How many body languages does the passage mention?_2) How do people communicate without speaking in China and abroad?_3) Either _ or _ friends shake hands to greet each other in China.4) How do people show their friendship in different countries? _.5)When Amer

6、icans wave goodbye, it looks like “no” in some European countries. (T or F )_.6) One body language is the same all around the world: a smile. Try it, and youll see! 译汉_.7)找出本文的主题句_.三Language points.1.In China and some other countries, friends shake hands to greet each other._ shake hands with sb. 和握

7、手=shake sb.s hand=shake sb. by the handThe two men _.那两个人互相握手。2. But in most other countries, these things mean the opposite._the opposite, “相反的”The woman turned and walked off _ direction.那妇女转身朝着相反的方向走了。The grocery store is _ of the street. 杂货店在街对面。巩固练习:1.Are there _, boys and girls? -No. A. the ot

8、her questions B. any questions C. any of the other questions D. any other question2. _ hard and youll succeed sooner or later. A. Study B. To study C. Studying D. Studied3. Its polite _ you to give your books to the poor children with two hands. A. for B. of C. to D. with4. In fact _ is a hard job f

9、or the police to keep order in and important football match. A. this B. that C. there D. it连词成句1.is, to, it, the, seats, elderly, polite, offer _.2. help, the, the, finish, please, boy, to, work _!3. point, things, people, to, fingers, their, with _.4. always, they, hands, each, show, other, friendship, shake, or, kiss, to _.5. the, English, way, speaking, to, learn, is, English, more _.


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