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1、四年级英语期末测试1 2020-20212020-2021 学年下学期期末测试学年下学期期末测试 四年级英语四年级英语 听力部分(听力部分(5050 分)分) 一、一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 (1010 分)分) ()1.A.prettyB.playgroundC.pants ()2.A.gloveB.gardenC.green ()3.A.cheapB.ChinaC.shorts ()4.A.sockB.sunnyC.snowy ()5.A.coldB.coolC.cloudy ()6.A.artB.eatC.hat ()7.A.niceB.nowC.mine

2、 ()8.A.wayB.warmC.windy ()9.A.carrotB.cowC.come ()10.A.musicB.muchC.more 二、二、听录音,选出相应的图片听录音,选出相应的图片。 (1010 分)分) ()11.A.B.C. ()12.A.B.C. ()13.A.B.C. ()14.A.B.C. ()15.A.B.C. ()16.A.B.C. 四年级英语期末测试2 ()17.A.B.C. ()18.A.B.C. ()19.A.B.C. ()20.A.B.C. 三、三、听录音,补全单词,每空一个字母听录音,补全单词,每空一个字母。 (1010 分)分) 21.app_ _2

3、2.f_ _k23.b_ _l24.g_ _l25.n_ _se 26.wat_ _27.c_ _28.homew_ _k29.pan_ _30.f_ _st 四、四、听录音,判断正(听录音,判断正(T)误()误(F) 。 (1010 分)分) ()31.Its my scarf.()32.Its 45 yuan. ()33.Lets try size 8.()34.I like the blue shorts. ()35.My shoes are green.()36.I have seventeen horses. ()37.Its 26 degrees.()38.Its cold out

4、side. ()39.Its 5:30.()40.The sunglasses are cheap. 五、五、听录音,根据所听问句,选择合适的答语听录音,根据所听问句,选择合适的答语。 (1010 分)分) ()41.A.Its 36 yuan.B.Its nice. ()42.A.Its pretty.B.I like it. ()43.A.Sure.B.Good! ()44.A.They are mine.B.They are cheap. ()45.A.They are hers.B.They are tomatoes. 笔试部分笔试部分(5050 分)分) 六、六、选出不同类的单词选出

5、不同类的单词。 (1010 分)分) ()46.A.warmB.coolC.what ()47.A.windyB.windC.snowy ()48.A.shortsB.shortC.shirt 四年级英语期末测试3 ()49.A.fortyB.forkC.fourteen ()50.A.horseB.cowC.hat 七、判断下列每组单词中画线部分发音是(七、判断下列每组单词中画线部分发音是(T)否()否(F)相同)相同。 (10 分)分) ()51.umbrellauscute ()52.nowcowhow ()53.gloveclotheshot ()54.hatjacketsale ()

6、55.nicesizekid 八、八、选词填空选词填空。 (1010 分)分) 56.What are _ (that/those)?They are cows. 57.How _ (many/much) are the bananas?They are 15 yuan. 58.Whats the weather like today?Its _ (cloudy/cloud). 59.Li Ping _ (have/has) a green apple. 60.Its on the _ (first/one) floor. 九、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。 (

7、5 5 分)分) Mike:What time is it? Peter:61._ Mike:Its time to go home.Lets go! Peter:62._ Mike:Is that your hat? Peter:63._ My hat is red.Its Amys. Mike:And those?64._ Peter:Theyre mine. Mike:Here you are. Peter:65._ 十、十、阅读短文,判断正(阅读短文,判断正(T)误()误(F) 。 (10 分)分) Hi!Im Amy.My mother and I will go to Beijin

8、g.Its time to pack(整理)my clothes.This is my red skirt.These are my black pants.And those are my white shoes.They are my brown coat and pink dress.But whose yellow hat is this?Oh!Its my baby brothers. A.Whose shoes are those? B.Thank you. C.Its 4:00. D.No,it isnt. E.OK! 四年级英语期末测试4 ()66.Its time to pa

9、ck Amys clothes. ()67.Amy has blue pants. ()68.She has a red shirt. ()69.The yellow hat is her baby brothers. ()70.Those white shoes areAmys. 十一、十一、在四线三格中抄写下列句子。注意书写规范在四线三格中抄写下列句子。注意书写规范。 (5 分)分) 71.They are very expensive. 72.They are too small. 四年级英语期末测试5 四年级英语四年级英语 听力材料听力材料 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1.pre

10、tty2.green3.cheap4.snowy5.cool 6.eat7.nice8.warm9.cow10.music 二、听录音,选出相应的图片。 11.umbrella 12.shoes13.sunglasses14.sweater15.dress 16.goat17.horse18.tomatoes19.carrots20.cloudy 三、听录音,补全单词,每空一个字母。 21.apple22.fork23.ball24.girl25.nurse 26.water27.car28.homework29.pants30.first 四、听录音,判断正(T)误(F) 。 31.Its

11、my scarf.32.Its 44 yuan.33.Lets try size 8. 34.I like the blue shorts.35.My shoes are blue. 36.Ihavesevenhorses.37.Its26degrees. 38.Its cold outside.39.Its 5:00. 40.The sunglasses are cheap. 五、听录音,根据所听问句,选择合适的答语。 41.How much is it? 42.How do you like it? 43.Can I try this coat on? 44.Whose gloves are these? 45.What are those? 四年级英语期末测试6 参考答案参考答案 一、15ACACB610 BABBA 二、1115ACAAA1620ABAAB 三、21.le22.or23.al24.ir25.ur26.er27.ar28.or29.ts30.ir 四、3135 TFTTF3640 FTTFT 五、4145AAAAB 六、4650 CBBBC 七、5155 FTFFF 八、56.those57.much58.cloudy59.has60.first 九、6165 CEDAB 十、6670 TFFTT 十一、7172 略。


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