1、STM,More info: ,Science Cognitive development Balance of design L/R Brain Computer programming Best move for both,Mathematics Relationships,Pattern recognition Binary mathematics Calendar Movie - Pi,* Arts Relationships,History Ex: WWII Japanese strategy & US camps SS Ex: Mutual Respect vs. Annihila
2、tion Literature ex: Graphic & Novels 1st Poetry,Fine Arts Relationships,Recap of Go Lesson,Go History STEAM relationships,C/TM 2014,Deliverable,Tie-in to your educational focus how can you see using this game?,C/TM 2014,STM,More info: ,Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts,
3、 all understood with elements of Mathematics.,Playing Go,Go Rules Resources,C/TM 2014,Holding Stones Musical Boards,The Art of Playing,http:/www.nihonkiin.or.jp/lesson/knowledge/img/mochikata.jpg,Board Sizes,Star Points = Handicap,Black goes first Komi Points Players take turns - stones on the inter
4、sections,Komi,Create territory by surrounding open space,Begin Game - Goal,http:/www.reiss.demon.co.uk/webgo/rules.htm,Corners Sides,Each intersection is a point of territory Once a stone is put down it does not move unless its captured Atari = Check Captured stone prisoner save til end of game,Play
5、ing Stones,One may not play a move which repeats a previous board position.,Ko- Repetition Rule,Fenceposts & Walls,Claiming Territory,A safe group of stones must have two eyes two or more, internal but separate empty points,Living Groups,Center,http:/,Game End: no plays left to make. Captured Stones
6、: Are filled in Counting: Pieces are moved,Game Over,Baduk Daily Notes Sheet,C. 2009,American Go Association - www.usgo.org American Go Foundation - http:/www.usgo.org/agf/index.html,Resources:,Most major US cities have Baduk/Go clubs.,Recap of Lesson,Rules of Go,Deliverables,Play Go Order equipment & books,演讲完毕,谢谢观看!,