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1、第五章 真理的追寻,在此输入您的封面副标题,关于真理的三种主要理论: 符合论(The Correspondence Theory of Truth) 融贯论(The Coherency Theory of Truth) 实用主义(The Pragmatic Theory of Truth),1. 符合论 truth is correspondence to, or with, a fact. * 真理在于与实在的关系 * 预设了实在论(realism)的立场,“To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is

2、false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”(Metaphysics 1011b25) * “say”与“what is”之间的“对应” * 通过何种能力实现此种对应? * 对应的是实在的哪个部分? * thoughts are “likenessess” (homoiomata) of things (De Interpretatione),“A judgment is said to be true when it conforms to the external

3、 reality” (托马斯阿奎那,Thomas Aquinas) x is true iff x corresponds to some fact; x is false iff x does not correspond to any fact. (iff = if and only if),* 对符合论的反驳: 首先,太狭隘(narrow) 其次,太明显(obvious) 第三,太模糊(obscure),“反哲学家是觉醒者”: * “其时代所行真理之当代人” “应当是一个政治斗士,受到权力及其爪牙的憎恨; 一个唯美主义者,行进在所有最不切实际的创造前沿; 一个情人,为其爱人,他/她甘愿颠

4、覆整个生活; 一个有识之士,时常无情地揭露科学发展中的严重悖谬”,* “将其生活变成思想的剧场,将其身体作为容纳绝对的场所” “他之所言具有权威,既循循善诱又激烈粗暴,他之所言鼓动、扰乱、改变着他人。” “个人生命的痛苦与痴狂见证了思想始终纠缠着短暂的现在,出没于身体的极度苦痛之中。”,“圣保罗,帕斯卡,卢梭,克尔凯郭尔,尼采,维特根斯坦,拉康” “尼采与维特根斯坦共享的这部分东西,我们用反哲学这个词来指代”,2. 融贯论 the truth of any (true) proposition consists in its coherence with some specified set

5、of propositions 融贯论: 决定一个命题为真的条件在于,它与其它命题之间的关系 符合论: 决定一个命题为真的条件在于,它与外部实在之间的关系,“ it is within science itself, and not in some prior philosophy, that reality is to be identified and described” (Theories and Things),* 融贯论的缺陷: 真理是相对的 真理是建构的,约定的,甚至是“虚构的” 真理还有“力量”吗?,3. 实用主义: * 实用主义(pragmatism) 皮尔士(C.S. Pe

6、irce, 1839-1914) 詹姆士(William James,1842-1910) 杜威 (John Dewey, 1859-1952),* 反对二元论 * 经验主义的脉络 * 主体的创造性 * 受非理性主义的影响 * pragma的哲学,新实用主义:“复兴” or “振兴”? * “美国文化的哲学”? * 实用主义衰落的原因: 二战后美国哲学的专业化 避难的欧洲哲学家:重燃“理论”热情,Peirce, “How to Make Our Ideas Clear” (1878) “Consider what effects, which might conceivably have pr

7、actical bearings, we conceive the object of our conception to have.” 但是,“效果”是各种各样的,“真”又是怎样一种效果呢?,“The opinion which is fated to be ultimately agreed to by all who investigate, is what we mean by the truth.” “Truth is that concordance of an abstract statement with the ideal limit towards which endles

8、s investigation would tend to bring scientific belief.”,to understand a proposition means to know what is the case if it is true (TLP). The sense of a proposition is its method of verification (WVC). The use of a proposition that is its sense (BT),truth-condition(真值条件) evidence(证据) consequences(效用),* “Animals feel pain.”,


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