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1、新视野听力 unit1-unit5 Unit 1 Conversation 1 W: Hi, John, I.am.back. Did any of my friends call me? We were suppo sed to meet at the bar for.drinks, and then go to the cinema. But th ey never showed up. M: Sorry, Ive been home since I came back from the office and the p hone never rang once. Q: Where doe

2、s the conversation probably take place? A:at home Conversation2 M: Not all great people are famous; take Jack Kilby.as an example. W: Right, Jack Kilby invented the microchip, and received the Nobe l Prize, But only a small part.of the public knows of him. Its very surprising. Q: What does the woman

3、 think is very surprising?A:jack kilby is not very well-know Conversation .M:I dont quite understand what made Charlie Chaplin such a popul ar movie star .M: Are you serious? Look at Charlie Chaplins works and compare th em to other films of the time.He was so original that people were re ally surpr

4、ised by his films. .Q: What does the man say about Charlie Chaplins films?A:Charlie Chaplins film are very creative Conversation 4 .W: Whats the greatest invention of the last few hundred years?M: Lets see, The computer, the car, the phone? No, I think its the li ght bulb. This invention has.changed

5、 the world more than anything el se. .Q: Which invention does the man think changed the world most?A:the light bulb Conversation 5 .W: Our play last night was a great success. Were all proud of Bob. .M: Yes. But if Bob had remembered all his lines, his performance wo uld have been more natural .Q: W

6、hat does the man mean?A:bob should preformed better Long conversation W: Hey, Bob, Im taking care of my cousin this weekend. Can you thin k of any fun things for us.to do? .M: You guys should go see the new Harry Potter movie! .W: Thats a great idea! J. K. Rowling is such an inspiration. I jus t wat

7、ched an interview with heron BBC news. Did you know her first b ook was rejected by 12 different publishers? Everyone.told her to ge t a different job, and that she wouldnt be able to make any money b y writing.childrens books, .M: Yeah, its hard to believe that once she was really poor but now shes

8、 so wealthy. She came up.with the idea for Harry Potter at a c afe in London . no, wait, I think it was a bookstore in.Mancheste r . right? .W: Ha.ha, almost! It was actually on a train between London and Man chester. But she did write in.cafes a lot. She could only write when her baby daughter was

9、sleeping, so she took her on long.walks aroun d the neighborhood to get her to fall asleep. She would usually end up in a cafe.and write as much as possible before her baby woke up a gain.M: Did.J. K. Rowling say what shes going to write next in her interview? I cant wait to see what.she will write

10、after her Harry P otter books!.W: No. She keeps her future plans a secret. Personally, I hope she writes more magic stories, with.flying horses and lots o f animals! M: Not me. 1 hope she works on more serious material. Id love to re ad stories with historical.settings and big battle scenes! Q1: Wha

11、t does the man suggest that the woman do this weekend A:take her cousin to see a new harry potter movie Q2: Where did J. K. Rowling come up with the idea for Harry Potter?A:o n a train Q3: What are J. K. Rowlings future plans?A:she hasnt said anything about her future plans Q4: What are the two spea

12、kers mainly talking about?A:an interview with jk rowing Passage 1 Stephen Glenn is a famous research scientist, When he was interviewe d by a newspaper.reporter who asked him why he was so much more crea tive than the average person, he responded.that it all came from an experience with his mother t

13、hat occurred when he was about two year. sold. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his hold on.the bottle and it fell, spilling milk all o ver the kitchen floor. When his mother came into.the.kitchen, instea d of shouting at him, giving him a lecture or p

14、unishing him, she sai d, What a.wonderful mess you have made! Well, the damage has alread y been done. You know, Stephen,whenever you make a mess like this, e ventually you have to clean it up and bring everything to its.proper order. So together they cleaned up the spilled milk. His mother th en sa

15、id, What we have.here is a failed experiment in how to effecti vely carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Lets.go out in th e backyard and fill the bottle with water, and see if you can discov er a way to carry it.without dropping it. The little boy learned th at if he grasped the bottle at t

16、he top with both hands,he could carr y it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson! This famous scientist then remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didnt need to.be afraid to make mistakes, Instead, mista kes were just opportunities for learning something new,which is, aft er all, what scientific experiments are all about. Q1: What happened when Stephen tried lo remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator?A:he spilled the milk over the kitchen floor Q2: What did Stephens mot



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